Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 100 Devil Training

Chapter 100 Devil Training

In the middle of the night, Chen Hu woke up from his lethargy, and the strong smell of herbs came.

Chen Hu stood up from the bathtub, looked at the wooden barrels in the room that were one person tall, jumped out of the sycamore tree with a light leap, and after steaming the clothes on his body with soul power, he felt refreshed all over his body Cool.

These herbs are all carefully prepared by Chen Hu, which can not only relieve everyone's physical fatigue, but also have a surprisingly good effect on mental recovery.

The potion in the bathtub is still not cold, which means that Chen Hu has not been in a coma for a long time, but his body and soul power have returned to the best state, the soul power in his body is even more active than ever, and the effect of cultivation is better than usual out a lot.

But now Chen Hu doesn't have the mind to meditate and practice. Images of Zhu Ming's use of skills to knock down the medicinal wine gourd to pass them are constantly appearing in his mind. The shortcomings of food-type soul masters in battle will not be alleviated as the level of soul power increases. On the contrary, it got worse.

Food-type soul masters are also a member of the auxiliary type of soul masters, but food-type soul masters are listed as a separate attribute of soul masters, which also shows the particularity of food-type soul masters.

Generally speaking, before the start of the battle, the food made by the food-type soul master will be in the hands of teammates who need assistance, waiting to be eaten when the battle starts.

Chen Hu's medicinal wine is quite special, and its status attribute determines that Chen Hu can't put the food he made into the hands of his teammates like other food-type soul masters.

Although, Chen Hu's Wuhun Medicinal Wine can be drunk by his teammates in advance, and it can also last for a certain period of time when he is not in a combat state.

However, as Chen Hu's level and strength increase, the medicinal wine gourd will provide more attribute enhancement skills, and the need to precisely control different attribute soul skills and attach them to suitable teammates will become more urgent.

It has been determined that it is not advisable to rely on throwing medicinal wine gourds to add attribute status to teammates in the battle with Zhu Ming.

Although he is an auxiliary soul master, Chen Hu has no way to apply auxiliary state skills to his teammates. This is an extremely failed thing for Chen Hu, and it is also intolerable for Chen Hu.

That's right, Chen Hu wants to become a battle soul master, but this doesn't mean that he has to give up the auxiliary ability to provide attribute blessings for his teammates!

After all, this is the most essential ability of his martial soul.

A person walked out of the house silently, came to the roof, looked at the fluorescent hunting forest in the distance, the cold wind blew the tips of his hair, Chen Hu's thoughts flew away, and he called out the Wuhun medicinal wine gourd.

The medicinal wine gourd is jumping on the fingertips, and the three spirit rings are shining non-stop, switching between three medicinal wine abilities with different attributes...

In the watchtower in the distance, Ye Liyuan looked at the missing figure on the roof, and couldn't help but sighed slightly. Zhu Ming's first sneak attack on Chen Hu was signaled by him. As Chen Hu's first teacher, Ye Liyuan Yuan Yuan knew Chen Hu better than anyone else, and Ye Liyuan understood that if Chen Hu wanted to set out on his own path, he had to find a way to solve the flaws in his Wuhun ability.

Over the years, Ye Liyuan also thought of many ways to try to help Chen Hu make up for this shortcoming, but there was still no result.

Ye Liyuan didn't know that Chen Huyi didn't realize the flaws in his martial arts ability. As a teacher, Ye Liyuan had to make Chen Hu aware of his problems before he could find a way to solve them.

Before dawn, seven members of the Jiwu team woke up one after another, silently experiencing their own shortcomings in the ten battles of the previous day.

Failure is not terrible for geniuses, but it can make them realize their problems more clearly.

In the early morning of the next day, the seven Jiwu people stood in a row at the square in the center of the camp.

A ranger brought delicious food. Because of the fainting last night, everyone didn't eat. Seeing the delicious food, their stomachs started to growl.

Although today's food is not the broth of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, it is also the meat, poultry and eggs of some low-level soul beasts, combined with some tonic medicine, which is rich in nutrition.

After a while of wolfing down, the next day's training began.

Today's training content is the same as yesterday, nothing new, but the order of the rangers' appearance is reversed.

The first one to appear was Wu Qi, who had been at the peak of the soul king for many years and had reached level 59 soul power.

With the improvement of the level of soul masters, the strength of Qi Wu soul masters will be fully displayed, and the so-called beast martial soul masters are stronger than Qi Wu soul soul masters will also be self-defeating!

As the pinnacle soul king of the weapon soul, and the sword martial soul known for its attack power, Wu Qi's attack power is not inferior to some soul masters at the soul emperor level.

If it is said that they can fight back and forth with Zhu Ming at level 51, facing Wu Qi at level 59, the seven members of the Jiwu team have no resistance at all. The timing of using it is also more ingenious, and under the huge gap in the level of soul power, the result is already doomed.

The Fountain of Youth endowed the seven members of the Jiwu Squad with a vitality that surpassed that of ordinary people, allowing them to persevere in one difficult battle after another. Their soul power was exhausted time and time again in the battle. During the battle, controlling the soul power has also become something that the seven members of the Jiwu team must consider.

It can be clearly seen that the seven members of Jiwu have become more and more cautious in using their soul power, and they are unwilling to waste their soul power on meaningless consumption.

Because once the soul power is exhausted, they will have no power to resist in the face of the ravages of the forest guards!

The forest rangers don't care if you still have soul power or not. They are very measured in their shots, and they won't hurt your muscles and bones, leaving injuries that are difficult to recover in a short time. However, the forest rangers got inspiration from Chen Hu, and the soul power is like silver The needles stimulated the sensitive nerves of the Jiwu Seven people's body. With a punch, the Jiwu Seven people would not be injured, but that kind of extreme pain was simply not something humans could bear.

Every time he saw the resentful eyes of Ye Mei who was most afraid of pain, Chen Hu could only smile helplessly.

Even he didn't expect that the special boxing technique he created by combining medical skills to target soul masters to release soul skills would one day become the source of pain in his team!

However, in this process, being able to personally experience the stimulation of soul power and fist power on the body, Chen Hu's experience in boxing has also improved to a higher level, and he has continued to improve.

Looking at the eight figures constantly moving back and forth in the small square, the light of various soul powers is flowing, the frequency of the dazzling light that belongs to soul skills is getting lower and lower, and it is more and more about the confrontation of physical skills, Ye Liyuan also Can't help nodding slightly.

Soul skills are the abilities bestowed on soul masters by heaven, but the essence of soul masters is not soul skills, but martial souls.

Whether it is beast spirit or weapon spirit, physical skills are compulsory courses for soul masters.

Although soul skills have the power to reverse the situation, body skills can also maximize the potential of martial souls.

Both are indispensable.

Most soul masters only pay attention to the development of soul skills, but ignore the use of their own body skills. In battle, once the soul skills enter the cooling state, the combat effectiveness will drop significantly.

The rangers have to face battles with spirit beasts every day, and they also understand that when fighting powerful spirit beasts, soul skills are just a means, not all rely on, and the strength of the body and the martial spirit are the foundation of themselves.

The seven members of the Jiwu Team all have one or more specialized skills, and their physical skills are far superior to soul masters of the same level, but after all, they have not experienced many battles, and their skills are still immature. During the battle, the fighting skills of the seven became more and more proficient, and their progress was obvious.

Fighting day after day, it can be clearly seen that the seven members of Jiwu are undergoing a transformation.

For the five people including Lin Xiaoxiao besides Chen Hu and Xiao Qi, this uninterrupted battle was a process of consolidation and improvement for them.

The Fountain of Youth can enhance their soul power and vitality, but it cannot improve their control over soul power and body.

Leaving Xiaoqi aside, after Chen Hu took the Fountain of Youth, it took a long time for him to integrate the power of the Fountain of Youth into a part of his own strength.

The battle with the rangers is not only a way to improve the tacit understanding of the Jiwu team, but also a process for the seven members of the Jiwu to sharpen themselves and build a solid foundation for their vanity.

For Chen Hu and Xiao Qi, they don't need to rely on external force to enhance their control over their body and soul power. Fighting opponents whose strength is far superior to their own is also more demanding on skills, which makes their Fighting skills have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Perhaps because of race reasons, Xiao Qi's talent in the stick technique is still higher than Chen Hu's talent in the sword technique. After learning the stick for more than a year, Xiao Qi's stick technique has completely broken out of the shackles of Chen Hu's sword technique. There is vaguely a self-contained atmosphere.

Of course, Chen Hu's improvement will not be smaller than that of Xiao Qi. Ever since he realized the meaning of the sword, Chen Hu feels that every time he holds the Wuxiao knife, more thoughts will emerge in his mind, and the realm of the sword technique has been advancing all the way. , there is a faint trend of great success.

The first stage of the three-month training was to fight against forest ranger masters, but the masters they faced were gradually promoted from soul kings to soul emperors, and even Ye Liyuan would sometimes end in person. Seven years later, Ye Liyuan's soul power also improved When level 68 is close to level 69, it is estimated that in one or two years, Ye Liyuan will launch an impact on the realm of soul sage.

As the first batch of students of Shrek Academy, Ye Liyuan is less than 30 years old now, and is already close to the realm of the peak soul emperor.

However, for the cultivation of soul masters, level 29 to 69 is a threshold, and level [-] to [-] is another threshold, and this threshold will be more difficult to cross than the first threshold.

If there is no chance against the heavens, it will take at least seven or eight years or even longer for Ye Liyuan to cross this threshold.

Ye Liyuan's martial soul is Ye Xiao, a shadow-type flying martial soul. It not only has the ability to appear and disappear like the shadow of the leader of the Yan Luo team that Chen Hu and the others met before, but also has the ability to fly.

In the face of Ye Liyuan's strange methods, the huge gap in strength was fully displayed. Even if the cooperation of the seven people became more and more tacit, and their combat experience and combat skills became more proficient, even in the prime of life, it was not Ye Liyuan. Yuan's one-sided enemy...

(End of this chapter)

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