Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 202 Final victory over Tang 3

Chapter 202 Final victory over Tang San
At the very moment, eight thick and ferocious long legs grew from behind Tang San, each of which was four meters long, shining with purple-black light, the barbs on the spider legs were slightly curved, and the front part looked like Like sharp spears, eight spears stood in front of Tang San, blocking the light of Chen Hu's sword.

A dull voice sounded, and a cold light bloomed at the place where the Broken Jade Skate Blade and the Eight Spider Lances came into contact. The terrifying power bestowed on Chen Hu by Prajna and Vajra Soul Bone exploded, and the Eight Spider Lances could hardly resist this extreme power. Tang San's body was crushed. Knocked out, the Eight Spider Lances pierced into the ground, cushioning and unloading.

Chen Hu with the knife and Chen Hu without the knife seemed to be different people. The sharp light of the knife continued, bringing Tang San tremendous oppression.

However, the moment the Eight Spider Lances appeared, Tang San felt his body relax for a while. The eight Spider Lances attached to the spirit bone amplified his body and resisted the weakening effect of the Life and Death Talisman. He couldn't do everything with one mind, but he could still block Chen Hu's continuous sword light that hit him like a violent storm.

And the occasional counterattacks launched by the Eight Spider Lances also made Chen Hu fearful, many times he gave up opportunities at his fingertips, relying on the cohesion and explosion of the whirlwind in his body to avoid the attacks of the Eight Spider Lances.

Chen Hu clearly remembered that Tang San's Eight Spider Lances were highly poisonous, and after absorbing the evolution of the second Man Faced Demon Spider's soul bone, the poison on Tang San's Eight Spider Lances attached to the soul bone was already terrifyingly strong.

What's more, the two celestial products that Tang San took were also extremely poisonous in a certain way.

The tempering of the eight spider lances by the two immortal products made the toxicity of the eight spider lances reach an unprecedented level.

Chen Hu is also not sure whether the transformation function of Wuhun Yinyang Wine Gourd can transform the poison in the Eight Spider Lances, so he is especially careful about the Eight Spider Lances' attacks to avoid the Eight Spider Lances hitting his body.

But in this way, the power of Fengquan in Chen Hu's body is also rapidly consumed.

The two are still evenly matched. Chen Hu's performance was obvious to all when he fought Yan before, but the little-known Tang San actually has such a strong strength. The brothers and sisters Xie Yue and Hu Liena of the Wuhundian Academy team are somewhat fortunate Fortunately, these two people met in advance, revealing their own strength, otherwise they would not be sure of winning if they met these two people.

Both of them have spirit bones, but what Chen Hu possesses is the orthodox right arm spirit bone, while Tang San possesses the eight spider lances attached to the outer spirit bone.

After the eight spider lance spirit bone evolved once, Tang San's strength and agility were greatly improved, and the agility was offset by the life and death talisman, while the strength improvement made Tang San's strength still comparable to that of the Vajra spirit bone and the vajra spirit bone. Chen Hu, who was blessed with Prajna soul skills, had a certain gap, but he was not powerless to fight back.

And Tang San also has another spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer. Although there is no additional spirit ring, the quality of the Clear Sky Hammer itself is enough to bring huge pressure to Chen Hu.

The two fought close to each other. Although Tang San's Eight Spider Lances attached to the spirit bone had eight spear-like spider legs, when facing Chen Hu who only had a long knife, he did not take the initiative in any aspect. , the coldness and knife intent condensed in the broken jade ice knife penetrated soundlessly when it came into contact with the Eight Spider Lances, Tang San could also feel the coldness and knife-like stinging pain on the Eight Spider Lances.

The characteristics of spirit bones and martial spirits are very similar, especially the external spirit bones, which are like an extension of Tang San's body, if the spirit bones are damaged, Tang San himself will also be severely injured.

After the knife intent and the broken jade skate were combined, the explosive power was beyond Tang San's imagination. Even on the surface of the indestructible Eight Spider Lances, many fine knife marks appeared under the chopping of the broken jade skate. , the meaning of the knife is like a maggot attached to the bone, preventing the Eight Spider Lances from healing themselves.

Only those who have really fought against Chen Hu can understand how difficult the sword intent is. Not only does it greatly enhance the sharpness of the broken jade ice knife condensed by Chen Hu, but it also greatly restrains the soul master's soul power defense and skill defense. The characteristic of the sword intent like maggots attached to the bone also makes it impossible for the opponent's wounds to heal when confronting a soul master with the sword intent. With the accumulation of the sword intent, the opponent will only become weaker and weaker.

Since ancient times, only sword martial soul masters with amazing talent can comprehend the sword intent, and once they comprehend the sword intent, it means that they are invincible at the same level.

Even Luo Chenxin, the sword fighter, only comprehended the sword intent with the help of the top-level sword Wuhun Qishajian after he had mastered his swordsmanship.

The sharpness in his eyes became more and more sharp, and the saber intent on Chen Hu's body became more and more solid, and the pressure on Tang San became greater. The slender and sharp Eight Spider Lances stabbed out continuously, but it became more and more difficult to resist.

Chen Hu watched Xiaoqi transform into form and suddenly realized the sword intent, and his sword intent also has the characteristic of fighting the holy ape, getting stronger as he fights.

It's just that the opponents he encountered before were rarely evenly matched with him, and the trace of fighting against heaven and earth hidden in the sword intent has never been brought into play.

But Tang San was such an opponent.

Facing Chen Hu, who was so full of fighting spirit and fanatical eyes, Tang San suddenly had a feeling of traveling through time and space, returning to the time when he was duel with Dou Zhan Lingming Monkey Xiaoqi, under the attack of his Haotian Hammer Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique, the opponent It is also like this that the more you fight, the stronger you become, and the fighting spirit will break through the sky.

"It's not a good habit to be distracted during battle."

Chen Hu seized the flaw exposed by Tang San's distraction, a radiant blade light bloomed on the Broken Jade Skate, and a dazzling blade light emerged, and the Smashed Jade Skate was already moving towards Tang San under the blessing of the exuberant blade intent. fall.

An ice-cold killing intent had locked onto Tang San, Tang San couldn't avoid it, the two spider legs of the Eight Spider Lances drew back and blocked in front of him.

The light of the knife fell, accompanied by a fierce collision, and the flames were overwhelming. One of Tang San's Eight Spider Lances actually broke directly under Chen Hu's attack. Intense pain came, Tang San's face was pale, but He also swung the Clear Sky Hammer to send Chen Hu flying.

"Little San." In the audience, Grandmaster and Xiao Wu couldn't help showing worry.

The Eight Spider Lances were like Tang San's arm, how painful was it to witness the arm being cut off?

Tang San's face was pale, and Chen Hu who was blown away by Chen Hu didn't attack again, but half knelt on the ground, his clothes soaked in sweat, panting heavily.

Before facing Tang San, Chen Hu had already fought a fierce battle with the 52nd level soul king Yan, which consumed a lot of soul power and physical strength.

After another fierce battle with Tang San, Chen Hu's body was already close to the limit, and the light of the blessings of several great soul skills was also dimmed to the extreme.

Similarly, Tang San's state is not better than Chen Hu's. Whether it is soul power or strength, Tang San has a slight gap with Chen Hu. When fighting Chen Hu, he also bears greater pressure than Chen Hu, more What's more, every time he fights with Chen Hu, the saber intent like maggots attached to the bones can always invade Tang San's body, speeding up Tang San's consumption.

Tang San held the broken Eight Spider Lance, showing a ferocious face.

And Chen Hu also regained his breath, stood up from the ground, the broken jade ice knife slightly bloomed with icy green light, held the handle of the broken jade ice knife with both hands, lifted the blade slightly, and the little soul power left in the Yin Yang Xuan Gong Driven by the driving force, all of them converged into the broken jade skates.

Although his body was at its limit, the blade intent on Chen Hu's body was stronger than ever. At this moment, even Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes did not dare to look directly at the Broken Jade Skate in Chen Hu's hand.

Tang San withdrew the Clear Sky Hammer, his whole body was bare except for the Eight Spider Lances, his right hand tightly held the broken Eight Spider Lances.

Ziji's magic pupils also moved to the extreme, enduring the stinging pain in their eyes, and looked directly at Chen Hu.

The Xuantian Kungfu was running slowly, and the right hand was slowly raised. The speed was very slow, but there was a strange feeling that attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, and their eyes fixed on the two people on the stage. They knew that it was time for a decisive victory.

Almost instantly, the calm two people on the stage moved almost at the same moment.

Chen Hu's figure turned into a blue light and shadow, and the remaining power of Fengquan erupted at the same time. The number of wind whirls in Chen Hu's body had reached an unprecedented five. Martial arts wind whirls were like five engines. Crazyly propelling Chen Hu's body forward, under the characteristics of Fengquan, Chen Hu's body ignored the resistance of the air, and the speed had reached an unimaginable level.

Almost in an instant, Chen Hu had already appeared in front of Tang San, under the extreme speed increase, with a muffled snort, the broken jade ice knife in his hand pierced through the Eight Spider Lances driven by Tang San, and hit Tang San.

On the other side, when Chen Hu launched an attack, the Eight Spider Lances in Tang San's hands had already been thrown out at some point, and under the impetus of the Tang Sect's hidden weapon technique, it hit Chen Hu without any accident.

Almost at the same time, the bodies of Chen Hu and Tang San flew out together and fell to the ground.

I don't know how long it took before Chen Hu slowly got up from the ground. A purple-black spider spear was stuck in his chest, and purple-black blood with a foul smell flowed from his chest, which looked very terrifying.

The toxin in the Eight Spider Lances continuously devoured the vitality in Chen Hu's body, and waves of weakness were swallowed up like tides, but with great willpower, Chen Hu finally stood up.

The referee came to the stage and after confirming that Tang San had only fallen into a coma, he announced: "Jiwu Academy team, Chen Hu, win!"

After the words fell, a smile appeared on Chen Hu's face... He finally defeated Tang San in an upright duel.

The consciousness in Chen Hu's mind gradually blurred, and his body fell down weakly. Just before he lost consciousness, he saw his teacher Ji Xue and Lin Xiaoxiao rushing up crazily...

This duel ended with a loss for both sides. When people from Jiwu Academy and Shrek Academy looked at each other, their eyes were full of complexity.

Tang San and Chen Hu both chose to be merciful at the last moment. The last blow of the broken jade ice knife in Chen Hu's hand, the knife implied but did not send out, and it hit Tang San with the back of the knife, and the strength surged. Three also just passed out in a coma.

The wounds on Chen Hu's body seemed terrifying, but they actually avoided all of Chen Hu's vital points. The reason why Chen Hu passed out was only because of the toxin attached to the Eight Spider Lances.

(End of this chapter)

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