Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 280 Noble Realm

Chapter 280 Noble Realm
The visitor was dressed in Tsing Yi, and his long black hair was tied casually with a headband of the same color, but it didn't look messy at all.

There is a unique aura about this person.

But seeing Ning Fengzhi, the visitor saluted Ning Fengzhi respectfully.

"Qinghe, how many times have I told you, don't do this."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, turned sideways to reveal Chen Hu behind him, and introduced: "Qinghe, let me introduce you to someone, this is Hu Chen, one of my students, you two can also be regarded as the same school, in the future You can get closer and closer."

As soon as Qian Renxue came in, she noticed the middle-aged man next to Ning Fengzhi. However, Chen Hu's disguise was very ordinary, his Tai Chi domain was restrained, and his temperament seemed ordinary. Qian Renxue was curious about why this man could be by Ning Fengzhi's side. Other than that, I have no other thoughts.

But Ning Fengzhi specially introduced Chen Hu, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with a gleam, and she smiled naturally, "Brother Hu is also a disciple of the teacher, he should be much older than me, it seems that I have to I'm calling you brother."

It has to be said that the Xue Qinghe disguised by Qian Renxue is indeed a virtuous corporal, and it is no wonder that he can stand out from the many princes of the Heaven Dou Empire. Talent is also very extraordinary.

The majestic prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, the existence of a person under one person and above ten thousand people, has a humble and polite tone, giving people a pretty good impression.

Chen Hu said neither humble nor overbearing: "His Royal Highness is serious, I only studied with Uncle Ning in recent years, and I can't be regarded as your senior brother."

"Brother Hu, it's a pleasure to meet you. We are about the same age, and our teachers come from the same sect, so we don't have to be so restrained. It's only natural for me to say that I'm a senior brother. Could it be that you look down on me and don't want to recognize me as a junior brother?" Qian Renxue said here , pretending to be unhappy.

Chen Hu is not completely unreasonable, he will inevitably greet Qian Renxue in the future, and nodded, "In this case, I will accept this senior brother, and if His Royal Highness needs me in the future, I will be obliged!"

Qian Renxue smiled and said: "Brother Hu, since we are senior brothers, you don't need His Royal Highness to be inferior to His Royal Highness. If it is really possible, I would rather not be born in this emperor's family. Senior Brother Hu just call me Qinghe."

Seeing the two of them enjoying themselves happily, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help laughing and said: "Qinghe, don't underestimate your brother Hu, he is only 38 years old now, but he is already a soul emperor at level 68, and he is not far from level 69. It is possible to advance to the Soul Sage Realm within a year or two!"


Qian Renxue's heart shuddered, it was indeed not ordinary people who could bring Ning Fengzhi by her side.

The Soul Emperor and even the Soul Saint are nothing to Qian Renxue, but the 38-year-old top Soul Emperor, which means that if nothing happens, he will definitely become a Soul Douluo in the future, and even a Title Douluo is not impossible.

There was more eagerness in Qian Renxue's eyes, but she hid it well, and said: "Senior brother Hu is already a top Soul Emperor realm at a young age, and his talent is extraordinary. I wish Hu Shige an early promotion to Soul Sage in advance!"

The Soul Emperor is already the king of one side, but in the Heavenly Dou Imperial Capital where hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the Soul Emperor is nothing. If he cannot become a Soul Sage, he is nothing after all.

Even with the identity of Qian Renxuexue Qinghe, there is no shortage of soul emperors around him, but there is really no one as young as Chen Hu.

Moreover, let alone the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, one of the last three sects, standing behind Chen Hu.

Qian Renxue wanted to attract Chen Hu, but she didn't want to be too eager, so she chatted with the two of them with a light smile.

Qian Renxue herself is extremely talented, and she is the future king of a country. She also has a famous teacher like Ning Fengzhi beside her, so she has profound knowledge.

Needless to say, Ning Fengzhi is well-informed and knowledgeable, much more than Qian Renxue.

What made Qian Renxue even more surprised was that Chen Hu's knowledge was also quite profound. He knew everything about astronomy, geography, customs, and historical allusions. Hate the feeling of being late.

Similarly, Qian Renxue looked at Chen Hu more earnestly.

I didn't expect there to be such a legacy in the world. If such a genius assists me, why not worry about my great success?
Although he knew that Qian Renxue was also a girl under the mask, Chen Hu still felt a little uncomfortable with Qian Renxue's current appearance of Xue Qinghe, with her scorching eyes.

"Brother, you're here!" A pretty girl who looked seven points like Qian Renxue cried out in surprise, and trotted over with her skirts in her hands.

The girl is Qian Renxue's younger sister, Princess Xue Ke.

A doting smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face, "I happened to pass by here, so I came to see you."

Qian Renxue is undercover in Tiandou Empire, and Xue Ke is the person with whom she has the best relationship. It can be seen that Qian Renxue really likes her "sister" very much!
"Xiao Ke, this is my teacher, and Senior Brother Hu Chen!" Qian Renxue introduced to Xue Ke with a smile.

Naturally, Xue Ke would not be ignorant of Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and hastily bowed respectfully, "I've met Uncle Ning, Big Brother Hu!"

"Princess Xue Ke, you don't need to be too polite!" Ning Fengzhi smiled.

After glancing at Ning Fengzhi and Chen Hu, Xue Ke hugged Qian Renxue's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother, may I take you to meet someone?"

Seeing that Xue Ke was not interested in Chen Hu at all, Qian Renxue couldn't help being a little disappointed. If possible, he really wanted Xue Ke to associate with this man named Hu Chen, although Hu Chen was old It's a bit confusing, but for a soul master, 38 years old is still young, plus Hu Chen's conversation is extraordinary, and the talent of Wuhun is also superb, more than enough to match his sister.

It's a pity that Hu Chen doesn't like girls at all, and he didn't make his sister fall in love with him.

Although Qian Renxue wanted to recruit Chen Hu, she also intended to match Chen Hu and her younger sister Xue Ke, but all of this was on the premise that her younger sister Xue Ke liked Chen Hu.

He really regarded Xue Ke as his younger sister, so he was naturally unwilling to sacrifice his sister's happiness for the sake of profit.

Qian Renxue frowned, and said, "Are you going to see the Tang Yin you mentioned?"

"That's right, brother, Tang Yin is a very good person, brother, if you meet him, if you can let him work by your side, you will feel more relaxed, and you can spend more time to see me! "Xue Ke said innocently.

Seeing her sister's innocent and pretty face, Qian Renxue finally couldn't get angry, shook her head, and said helplessly: "Okay, I can't say no to you, I'll go with you to meet him, Where is he now?"

"He is learning to play the harp with Teacher Yuehua, I'll take you there to find him!" Xue Ke said with a smile on her small face.

Qian Renxue looked at Ning Fengzhi and Chen Hu, "Teacher, Brother Hu, shall we go and have a look together?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "I also want to know what kind of young man can make Princess Xue Ke admire to such an extent."

"Uncle Ning, you'll know when you see it, Tang Yin won't let you down." Xue Ke said with a playful smile.

Seeing her sister's appearance, Qian Renxue couldn't help but shook her head, and then looked at Chen Hu.

If it was someone else, Qian Renxue would naturally not seek his opinion, but Hu Chenzhi was a great talent in his eyes, so he would naturally show enough respect.

No matter who it is, facing Qian Renxue's words and deeds, she will not feel like a spring breeze.

Chen Hu hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

From the moment he stepped into Yuexuan, he was wondering if he would meet Tang San. After hearing Tang San's alias Tang Yin from Xue Ke, Chen Hu knew that he would definitely not pass by Tang San. .

The three of them followed Xue Ke from passing through the exquisite and winding corridor of Yuexuan to a garden with a small bridge and flowing water. The sound of running water and the sound of the piano could not help but stop.

Not far ahead, a faint white radiance emanated from a woman in palace costume like a ring. In the place covered by the circle, beside the woman in palace costume, a blue-haired boy was facing them with his back, playing his hand The sound of the harp also came from the young man's hands.

The sound of the zither ding-dong is like March in spring, when the snow melts, and there is a faint power to warm people's hearts.

But for some reason, Qian Renxue, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Hu could hear a icy chill from the sound of the piano, indicating that the young man's sound of the piano was not as soft as it sounded in the song.

Let's play a song, and the woman in palace costume commented blankly: "Today is very good, a lot better than before, but it is still far from enough, understand?"

When the woman in the palace dress spoke, people could also see her beautiful appearance. She looked more than 30 years old, but the years did not leave any traces on her body, but made her a little more mature. .

What's more special is that the woman in the palace costume exudes a noble and elegant temperament, but it doesn't make people feel too alienated, and every move seems to make people feel like a spring breeze.

The white radiance was all gathered into her body, making her body seem to exude a layer of faint silver radiance, with a kind of power that makes people feel peaceful.

Haotianzong, Tang Yuehua.

Chen Hu silently felt the silver light on Tang Yuehua's body. Tang Yuehua's noble domain was completely different from his Tai Chi domain and killing god domain, but it was indeed a very special and powerful domain.

Being invincible in the world does not only rely on absolute force, but also rely on one's own wisdom and means.

Tang Yuehua's noble domain is undoubtedly the latter.

Tang Yin said lightly: "Auntie, I understand, I will continue to work hard!"

Tang San seemed to have just come out of the Slaughter City not long ago, and he still couldn't completely contain the killing intent in his heart, even though Tang San seemed to have hidden the murderous intent well, but when he met the keen soul The teacher can still feel the Tao.

"Tang Yin, teacher!" Xue Ke shouted happily with a bit of reserve.

Tang San turned around slowly, revealing his handsome facial features.

After seeing Tang San's face clearly, Qian Renxue couldn't help but glance at Chen Hu beside her, sighing in her heart,

"No wonder Xiao Ke doesn't like Hu Chen, the difference in appearance between the two is too big."

(End of this chapter)

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