Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 283 Choice

Chapter 283 Choice
Shrouded in the brilliance of the bright white aristocratic domain released by Tang Yuehua, it seems that all exhaustion has disappeared. This is not physical exhaustion, but spiritual exhaustion.

Tang Yuehua's aristocratic field is also aimed at the power of the spiritual level. It can even be said that most of the fields will involve the spiritual level.

The Killing God Domain is also the product of the combination of one's own killing intent and the special killing intent of the Slaughter City. Suppressing the opponent's strength and improving one's own strength are all derived from the spiritual level.

The same is true of Chen Hu's Tai Chi field, which stems from the ability of Wuhun and the mental state of the unity of man and nature.

But whether it is the killing god domain or the Tai Chi domain, it involves a part of the power of the material level, while Tang Yuehua's noble domain is completely spiritual.

The soul power on Tang Yuehua's body is quite weak, but the fluctuation of mental power is no less than that of ordinary Contras.

Under the influence of this spiritual realm, all evil thoughts such as killing intent and greed in their hearts dissipated, and they couldn't help showing the kindness in their hearts.

At this time, the Hunxiao Dao in Chen Hu's body kept trembling, catching Chen Hu's saber intent, and an invincible will flashed away, and the light red blood shrouded Chen Hu's body surface, isolating Tang Yuehua The power of the noble realm.

On the other side, Ning Fengzhi had a look of nostalgia in his eyes, and he regained his clarity, but the others did not have such a strong will, and were still unknowingly affected by Tang Yuehua's aristocratic domain.

Tang Yuehua's eyes showed a bright light, and then turned into a peaceful color, looked at Chen Hu and asked curiously: "I think your Excellency's domain is somewhat similar to the Killing God's domain, but it is different. Solve my doubts?"

Tang San also showed a gleam in his eyes, looking at Chen Hu, curious about Chen Hu's answer.

According to my father, there are only five people in the world who possess the domain of killing gods, namely their father and son, Bibi Dong, Chen Hu, and Hu Liena. The realm of the same power as the god realm.

Chen Hu said lightly: "Indeed, I am the Death God Domain, but it is a mutated Death God Domain. Since Master Tang Xuan knows the Death God Domain, he should also know the origin of the Death God Domain. My ancestor is also a Killing God, after I awakened my martial soul, I unexpectedly obtained the domain of my ancestors."

"But since I am not an orthodox killing god, the field has also changed to a certain extent."

Chen Hu's words were true or false, but Tang Yuehua and Tang San took them seriously, with a look of surprise on their faces, especially Tang San was stunned... Can the killing god domain be inherited like the Wuhun?
"I think little brother Tang Yin is full of murderous aura. He should have the real killing god domain. I didn't expect little brother Tang Yin to be able to walk out of the capital of killing at such a young age. It must be a rare young talent." Jun, I wonder if the little brother can let me see the real killing god domain!?"

As Chen Hu said, the god of killing condensed and the sword intent merged, and the materialized murderous aura condensed into a white blade that pierced towards Tang San.

Tang San's complexion changed, the white blade formed by the combination of pure murderous aura and saber intent touched the killing god domain in his body, and countless murderous auras bloomed from his body.

The Death God Realm appeared, and it seemed as if a monstrous sea of ​​blood surged out of him, heading towards the white blade!

However, to Tang San's surprise, the white blade condensed with pure murderous aura directly cut open his killing god domain, approaching him constantly.

Tang San was taken aback.

This is the mutated killing god domain?What a strange field!

Obviously two forces of the same origin, Tang San's bloody murderous aura was even more intense than Chen Hu's, but the white blade condensed by Chen Hu easily broke through Tang San's killing god domain.

Tang San knew that this had nothing to do with the difference in spirit power level between the two, it was purely a duel between domains.

An equal amount of murderous aura was particularly condensed in Chen Hu's hands, while Tang San's murderous aura was very scattered.

Even though Tang San released more murderous aura, it was still difficult to resist Chen Hu's highly condensed white murderous aura blade.

Before the white blade arrived, Tang San was enveloped by a decisive killing intent. Tang San felt as if he had come to Daoshan Hell. Countless blades stabbed at him, and his heart felt cold.

Tang Yuehua's complexion changed, and the white power of the noble domain merged into Tang San's body. Tang San's eyes returned to clarity, and he used the ghost shadow obsessive tracking technique at his feet, avoiding the white blade sideways.

The white blade exploded behind Tang San, turning into pure murderous aura and returning to Chen Hu's body.

In terms of manipulating murderous aura, Tang San, who has only possessed the Killing God Domain for half a year, cannot be compared with Chen Hu.

Just this murderous control, Tang San sighed to himself.

If it weren't for the help of his aunt Tang Yuehua, Tang San would have ended up in a disastrous defeat after thinking about the little confrontation just now.

It can be said that he and his aunt Tang Yuehua were able to defuse the opponent's domain attack.

Tang San felt somewhat frustrated in his heart.

The world is so big that there are indeed no surprises. This middle-aged man named Hu Chen has far surpassed him in the control of the domain.

Perhaps only his father can compete with him in the field!
Tang San thought to himself, clenched his fists tightly, the white blade appeared in his mind just now, I don't know if it was his illusion, he clearly felt a faint killing intent from the white blade.

Regardless of whether this was his illusion or not, Tang San was somewhat wary of the middle-aged man in front of him.

No matter at any time, never give up vigilance against anyone, this is the habit Tang San developed in the Slaughter City.

Similarly, Tang San's relaxed heart also began to tense.

The appearance of this middle-aged man told him that he had to work harder, otherwise how could he avenge himself against the behemoth of Wuhundian.

Chen Hu sighed, the killing god domain was introverted, and did not continue to plan to do anything.

He already understood Tang San's current strength from the test just now, if he didn't count whether Tang San had a hidden weapon of the level of Buddha's Fury Tanglian on him now, he was [-]% sure to kill Tang San.

Although he is unwilling to kill Tang San in his heart, Tang San is the same kind of person as him, but unfortunately, he knows that the conflict between Tang San and Wuhundian is irresolvable, Tang San is not a soft-hearted person, let Tang San live, The catastrophe of Wuhundian is inevitable.


Chen Hu's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate walls and land on a tea shop across the street.

A somewhat decadent tall man was slowly drinking alcohol, a trace of surprise flashed in his cloudy eyes.

Who is this person in the second stage of the Death God Domain? He has never heard that other than him and Bibi Dong, anyone else has also obtained the Death God Domain.

As for Chen Hu and Hu Liena, Tang Hao directly ruled out this possibility. Even if they were born to kill the embryo, it is impossible to evolve the killing god domain to the second stage in just one year.

Even if it is him, he has only cultivated the killing god domain to the third stage.

Of course, Chen Hu's age was completely different from that of a middle-aged man, otherwise Tang Hao wouldn't doubt it, and Tang San would too.

"No matter who you are, if you try to kill Xiaosan, you can't live!" A trace of coldness appeared in Tang Hao's eyes.

Tang San couldn't feel it, how could he not feel it, the middle-aged man was really murderous.

"Ayin, is this a reminder from you? Let me protect our child!" Tang Hao's eyes showed a gentle look. After returning from the Slaughter Capital, he sent Tang San to Tang Yuehua, and Tang Hao returned. Go to the unknown forest to accompany the blue silver grass transformed by Ah Yin.

And not long ago it was the Blue Silver Grass transformed by Ah Yin who warned him, he was worried that Tang San came back to Heaven Dou City.

But as soon as he came back, Tang Hao saw this scene.

Tang Hao was somewhat puzzled. After Tang San awakened his mother's blood, his appearance and temperament changed drastically. Even people who knew him well could not recognize him. It stands to reason that he should have no enemies, but why is this Hu Chen? There will be murderous intentions for Tang San.

Tang Hao was also a bit vigilant in his heart. Just now with Chen Hu's glance, Tang Hao felt that the other party had discovered him.

It turned out that Tang Hao planned to take out the two soul bones of the Clear Sky School fused in his body in a few days to repay his debt to the school, but now Tang Hao had to reconsider this matter.

Tang San hadn't grown up yet, if he abolished his martial arts prematurely, if Tang San was in danger in the future, he would regret it too late.

Tang Hao decided to continue to follow Tang San for this period of time, until Tang San really had a certain amount of strength to protect himself, and then take out the spirit bone to repay the kindness of Clear Sky School.

Unbeknownst to Chen Hu, his murderous intent changed Tang Hao's mind, making Tang Hao give up self-defeating martial arts and repay Haotianzong's love.

Chen Hu just sighed a little, Tang Hao is simply a madman protecting his son, he wished he could stay by Tang San's side all day long, even if Wuhun City appeared, he also sneaked in the Slaughter City, silently guarding him all the time. Tang San, in Yuexuan today, the moment he had a murderous intent, Tang Hao unexpectedly appeared again.

In front of Tang Hao, it was almost impossible to kill Tang San.

Concentrating their breath, Chen Hu and Ning Fengzhi stayed in Yuexuan until dusk before leaving.

After leaving Yuexuan, Chen Hu couldn't help asking curiously: "Uncle Ning, is Tang Yuehua your confidante?"

Ning Fengzhi froze when he heard the words, a wry smile appeared on his face, and said: "Actually, I have always regarded her as my younger sister, and I only have Rongrong's mother in my heart."

"Yuehua is the descendant of the Haotian School. She sneaked out of the house once and met me. Due to the relationship between the two sects, I couldn't ignore her. Mother is married, and she has always regarded Yuehua as her younger sister, but it's a pity that Yuehua..." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help sighing as he said.

Chen Hu didn't expect that there was such a story between Tang Yuehua and Ning Fengzhi, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Who knows, Ning Fengzhi asked quietly: "Don't talk about me, Xiao Hu, what about you, what do you think, which one do you choose, Lin Xiaoxiao or Rong Rong?"

(End of this chapter)

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