Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 299 Communication

Chapter 299 Communication
Not only Bibi Dong, Ju and Gui two Douluo also had a look of horror in their eyes, they didn't expect that the Clear Sky School actually accumulated such a powerful force.

These are the seven titled Douluo, and a top powerhouse like Tang Hao.

In addition, Tang Xiao could be as famous as Tang Hao, and his strength would definitely not be much inferior to Tang Hao. Thinking about it this way, the Clear Sky School was the most powerful sect in the world.

Apart from Wuhundian, there shouldn't be any force that can compete with Haotianzong.

Moreover, the Haotian School has accumulated such a powerful force in the dark, their goal can be imagined, apart from Wuhundian, who else can make the Haotian School bear it until now.

Several people were somewhat fortunate in their hearts, fortunately they already knew the hidden power of Haotianzong, otherwise in the future Haotianzong would be caught by surprise, Wuhundian would definitely suffer a big loss.

No matter how terrifying the power is, it will not be as terrifying as it used to be on the bright side.

As for doubting whether the news is reliable?Neither Chrysanthemum Douluo nor Ghost Douluo had this idea. Chen Hu is the vice president of Wuhundian Academy and the future dean of Wuhundian Academy. What reason does he have to harm Wuhundian?

As for the source of the news, several people have speculated that apart from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, there should be no sect that can get such accurate information about the Haotian School.

Bibidong and the others were even thinking about whether the Haotian School still had greater power hidden in the dark.

Now that she knows the true strength of Haotian School, Bibi Dong naturally has no reason to let it go.

In this way, even though the Spirit Hall is powerful, if they want to deal with the Clear Sky School, they may not have the energy to target both the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan at the same time.

At this time, the old dean who had been silent all this time stood up impressively, and took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "Your Majesty, the old man is willing to lead the team to destroy the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family alone, so that the Spirit Hall can spare more energy and concentrate on dealing with Hao Tianzong's confidant is seriously troubled!"

Bibidong looked at the old dean, "Elder Zhentian appreciates the sincerity of the Wuhun Palace, but the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is also one of the top three sects. The patriarch of the family, Yu Yuanzhen, is a Level 95 Title Douluo, whose strength should not be underestimated."

"Elder Zhentian's stele of Tianshen is unparalleled in the world. It may not be difficult to defeat Yu Yuanzhen, but it is too difficult to kill a Titled Douluo of the same realm."

"In this way, elders Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, you two go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt down the fish that slipped through the net back then, no matter what the result is, you must return within a month, and cooperate with Elder Zhentian to lead a surprise attack with 5000 people. Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, be sure to eradicate the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family!"

Originally, Bibi Dong planned to send two 96-level Title Douluo, Qianjun and Jiangmo, and two other Title Douluo-level elders to lead [-] soul masters to surprise the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

However, the strength of the Clear Sky School forced Bibidong to spare more energy to deal with the Clear Sky School, so as a last resort, he had to dispatch two titled Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who were going to the Star Dou Great Forest. He returned as soon as possible, and together with the old dean Zhen Tiandouluo and the other three, killed the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

"Your subordinates take orders!" Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo bowed in response at the same time, their faces a little dignified, the strength of the Clear Sky School was indeed beyond their expectations, and many original plans needed to be adjusted.

"Okay, without further ado, the two elders, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, go down and get ready, and set off for the Star Dou Forest today to hunt down the 10-year-old soul beast and help Dean Chen and others to obtain the souls they need. ring."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she looked at Hu Liena and the others, waved her hand, and said, "You guys go down too!"

"Yes!" Several people responded and walked out of the Pope's Palace.

Seeing that everyone had left, the old dean also bid farewell.

In the huge hall of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong was left alone.

Sitting on the throne, Bibi Dong could hardly hide a look of exhaustion. The strength of Haotianzong was beyond her expectations, and she was an enemy she had to deal with. In this way, the plan of Wuhundian had to be carried out. Out of more adjustments.

"Chen Hu!" After leaving the conference hall, Hu Liena called out to stop Chen Hu.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Chen Hu asked curiously, looking at Hu Liena whose eyes were a little dodgy.

"Can we talk alone?" Hu Liena asked.

"Erhu and you have nothing to talk about!" Before Chen Hu could speak, Ye Mei stood up and stood between Chen Hu and Hu Liena, and said with a bit of hostility in her eyes.

Knowing what Ye Mei was thinking, Chen Hu couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

The seven members of Jiwu or the five people in the first house, Ye Mei has been together with Ge Ding these years, Tori and Zhong Lixue have a good impression of each other before the formation of the Jiwu team, and there is only Chen Hu in the first house Lin Xiaoxiao and the two have not confirmed their relationship yet.

Ye Mei is very aware of Lin Xiaoxiao's thoughts, but Chen Hu is always a bit indecisive in his relationship, and he happens to have extremely good girls who are easy to provoke beautiful girls.

Ye Mei's hostility towards Hu Liena stems from this.

"Meihua, Little Pudding, you two go back first, Hu Liena and I will talk alone." Chen Hu said softly.

Ye Mei was somewhat reluctant, but Ge Ding nodded and pulled Ye Mei away.

"Brother, Yan, you should go back first!" Hu Liena said to Xie Yue and Yan beside her.

Xie Yue knew about Hu Liena's stay in the Slaughter City, and also knew what her sister was thinking, so she nodded and left without saying anything.

Chen Hu has neither talent nor character, and he can be regarded as a good match for Hu Liena.

Moreover, one of the two is the Pope's heir appointed by Pope Bibi Dong, and the other is the heir to the president of the Wuhun Palace Academy, and their status and status are also a perfect match.

However, Yan has always liked Hu Liena, but Hu Liena has never had feelings for him between men and women.

The sudden appearance of Chen Hu filled Yan with hostility.

However, reason told Yan that he was not as good as Chen Hu, especially after knowing that Chen Hu was already a seventieth-level soul saint.

You know, he is only level [-] now!
He was nearly ten years older than Chen Hu, but his spirit power was ten levels lower than Chen Hu's. The gap between the two was simply indescribable.

Yan glanced at Hu Liena, but found that Hu Liena's eyes were always focused on Chen Hu, with a gloomy look in her eyes, and she left with Xie Yue.

After they left, Chen Hu smiled and said, "Let's go for a walk together!"

Hu Liena nodded and walked side by side with Chen Hu.

It was spring at this time, and the flowers in Wuhun Mountain were in full bloom. The fragrance of the flowers in the wind mixed with the faint fragrance of Hu Liena's body, which was refreshing.

The two walked side by side, and Chen Hu asked: "How have you been in the past two years? The Death God Domain is powerful, but it is a foreign thing after all, and its characteristics are too cruel and cold. Years of life can easily affect the spirit of the owner."

Chen Hu's Killing God Realm was engraved in the Dark Dawn Knife, and it was not combined with his body. When he first came out of the Killing City, it would have had a certain impact on him, let alone Hu Liena.

Hu Liena looked at Chen Hu with beautiful eyes, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and said, "You also control the Killing God Domain?"

The killing god domain affects the soul master's own emotions. If it is not the owner of the killing god domain, it is absolutely impossible to know.

When she came out of the Killing City, Hu Liena obtained the Killing God Domain, and Chen Hu's Killing God Domain was so special that even he himself didn't realize it, and Hu Liena always thought that Chen Hu didn't have the Killing God Domain.

Now from Chen Hu's words, Hu Liena knew that Chen Hu also had the Killing God Domain.

Chen Hudao: "I only found out after the fact that the killing god domain was not engraved on my martial soul and became the innate domain of the martial soul. Instead, it was integrated with the weapon I used with me. When you know the knife, you can use the killing god domain!"

"The combination of the Killing God Domain and the Dawn Sword is really unheard of, no wonder you couldn't use the Killing God Domain at the beginning!"

Hu Liena had never heard that the Killing God Domain could be engraved on weapons other than Martial Souls, and there was a bit of curiosity in her eyes, but more joy, "Both of us have obtained the Killing God Domain, how about Let's share our understanding of the Death God Domain!"

Saying that, Hu Liena's temperament instantly turned cold, a blood-red light burst out from her body, and a gust of cold energy enveloped Chen Hu.

Killing God Realm!
Perhaps it was because of her Martial Soul, Hu Liena's words always had a peerless and enchanting charm.

After the icy Killing God Domain was deployed, the charming aura of Hu Liena's body not only did not decrease, but became even more attractive like an iceberg snow lotus that can be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with.

Under the power of this charm, it is easy for people to overlook the crisis brought about by the Death God Domain.

Two years have passed, and Hu Liena has her own unique understanding in the field of killing gods.

It was clearly the murderous and cold domain of the God of Death, but Hu Liena's body was a bit more coquettish.

The Death God Domain invaded, and Hu Liena didn't hold back anything.

She knew what kind of genius this young man in front of her was.

Quietly, the Hunxiao Dao appeared in Chen Hu's hand, and an equally cold, blood-red light burst out from Chen Hu's body.

Compared with Hu Liena's Killing God Domain, Chen Hu's Killing God Domain is much more sharp-edged than meaningless.

When the two killing god domains collided, Hu Liena couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, and backed away a few steps with a pale face.

Hu Liena's Deathgod Domain has indeed gone a long way, even stronger than Tang San's Deathgod Domain half a year ago.

However, compared with Chen Hu's own extremely powerful sword intent, and also evolved once in the Killing God Domain, it is still far behind.

If it is said that Hu Liena's Killing God Domain is a bone-scraping knife in the gentle village, Chen Hu's Killing God Domain is a razor-sharp, invincible blade.

Before Wenrou Township invaded Chen Hu, Chen Hu's killing god domain had cut through Hu Liena's killing god domain like a magic knife.

The Hunxiao knife disappeared, and the sharp edge that bloomed from Chen Hu's body also disappeared. Hu Liena breathed a sigh of relief, and put away her killing god domain, her beautiful eyes bloomed with splendor, "Sure enough, even if we get killing at the same time In the realm of the gods, you are already far ahead of me."

Chen Hu smiled and didn't say anything, his killing god domain was different from Tang San and Hu Liena's killing god domain from the very beginning.

It is extremely unfair to compare the new Killing God Domain after the combination of his already close to Dacheng Sword Intent and the Killing God Domain with Hu Liena and Tang San's Killing God Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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