Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 318 Welcome to Star Dou Forest

Chapter 318 Welcome to Star Dou Forest

The cultivation base of this Fengmohu is between 8000 and 9000 years. After Zhaifeng's left leg, which is moving forward at extreme speed, devours part of the energy of the Fengmohu, the life span has also been increased to more than 9000 years.

Before, the lifespan of Chasing Feng's left leg was about 1000 years, but Fengmohu directly increased the lifespan of his spirit bone to 8000 years.

The most intuitive experience brought about by the increase in the age of the soul bone is that Chen Hu's speed has become faster, and the speed of the burst of the soul bone skill Whirlwind Burst Slash has reached the point of four whirlwinds.

Even, in the process of increasing the age of the soul bone, Chen Hu's soul power has also slightly improved. Although it is not enough for him to directly break through, it is undoubtedly a step closer to the 76th level of soul power.

The old concierge said, "Boy, I doubt who the two of us are the title Douluo!"

The speed with which Chen Hu Shiwu whirled together really surprised him, even he didn't have the confidence to react to such a quick attack.

If the old concierge is allowed to face Chen Hu's attack, he will also suffer a lot if he is not prepared in advance.

However, what made the porter even more eye-opening was that Chen Hu's soul bone could actually increase the number of years.

Seeing the increase in the lifespan of the spirit bones with their own eyes had a big impact on the few of them who were well-informed.

He is no stranger to spirit bones, but the spirit bones that can improve the quality, except for the external spirit bones, the old concierge has never heard of such an existence.

It has to be said that the existence of Chen Hu is a miracle in itself, and he seems to be full of inconceivable.

A group of people continued to move forward, encountering more and more ten thousand year soul beasts.

With the help of Tori's second soul skill, Dog Sniff, the group also encountered many soul beasts suitable for Chen Hu's soul bone attributes.

Without exception, these soul beasts became the nourishment for the evolution of Chen Hu's soul bones.

As night fell, the five people couldn't hide the tired look in their eyes. They had fought too many times this day, and almost all of their opponents were ten thousand-year-old soul beasts.

However, in addition to being exhausted, Chen Hu's face also had an unconcealable joy.

In one day, the soul bone of his left leg of Zhuifeng, which is traveling at extreme speed, grows most gratifyingly, and the age has reached 5 years.

The external soul bone wind and lightning wings come from a 3-year-old electric-winged thunder eagle. Since the electric-winged thunder eagle is relatively rare and has the power to fly, it is relatively difficult to find it.

However, other thunder-attribute soul beasts have limited improvement in the lifespan of the wind, thunder and lightning wings.

Even after killing a lot of thunder-attribute ten thousand-year soul beasts, and the growth that Chen Hu's own realm has brought to Fenglei Dianyi, the lifespan of Fenglei Dianyi can only reach about 8000 years.

The Vajra Soul Bone started relatively low, but after a day's effort, it finally broke through the 7000-year Soul Bone threshold, and its lifespan evolved to [-] years.

However, when the vajra soul bone broke through the ten thousand year soul beast barrier, the accompanying soul bone skills have also undergone some changes. When performing the vajra fist, not only is its power stronger, but the golden light can already cover Chen Hu's upper body, which can Puts a decent amount of defense on his body.

Moreover, when the ages of several soul bones were getting closer, Chen Hu also felt that there was some connection between the four soul bones.

Maybe he doesn't need the fifth spirit bone, and when the ages of the four major spirit bones are not much different, he can use the spirit bone fusion technique.

However, the higher the age of the spirit bone, the less improvement the spirit ring will bring by killing ten thousand year spirit beasts.

Today, Chen Hu also hunted down a lot of soul beasts whose attributes matched the Skull of Delusion Breaking, but the improvement of the Skull of Breaking Delusion was quite limited.

The age of the skull of Lingming Breaking Delusion is close to the 10-year soul bone, and the real age is about 9000 years, which is less than 10 years away from the 1000-year soul bone.

But even with this 1000-year gap, Chen Hu hunted many ten thousand year soul beasts, and almost only increased the lifespan of the Lingming Delusion-Breaking Skull by more than ten years. The ten thousand year soul bone still has a long way to go.

For the next three days, everyone wandered in the deep area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, and they hunted and killed nearly a hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts.

With the exception of the spirit-breaking skull, all of Chen Hu's soul bones have a lifespan of 7 years.

But 7 years seems to be a hurdle. After the age of the soul bone reaches 7 years, the rate of improvement of several soul bones brought by hunting the same attribute soul beast suddenly drops by a large margin.

Except for hunting soul beasts of the same race as the soul bones, the improvement of a few soul bones by soul beasts of other races can be said to be negligible.

With the slaughter of several people, the number of ten thousand year spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest also dropped a lot.

Chen Hu doesn't intend to continue killing any more!
He had a premonition that the improvement of several spirit bones was close to the limit.

The blessing of the immortal peach tree has no limit to the evolution of the soul bone, but Chen Hu's body has a limit.

Before the soul power reached level [-], Chen Hu had a premonition that it was difficult to increase the lifespan of the soul bone.

However, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Hu's mouth, the blue lightning wings transformed by Fenglei Dianchi protected his body, and the light from King Kong's soul bone and Zhai Feng's left leg also spread upwards, matching Fenglei Dianyi's body. Connected together, the skull of the spirit-breaking delusion blooms with golden light.

After the four spirit bones came out, Chen Hu seemed to be wearing a layer of four-color divine clothes, only the light of his left arm, right leg and torso would be a little dim, and there was a feeling of incongruity.

However, under the four-color god clothes, the effect of Chen Hu's four major spirit bones has also been increased by [-]% overall, and the consumption of soul power has also been reduced by [-]% correspondingly.

These four soul bones all have a lifespan of more than 7 years, and the skill instinct is completely different from before. If the effect is increased by another [-]%, Chen Hu's strength has undergone another qualitative change from before.

When Xue Tianming and the old concierge stood in front of Chen Hu, they would feel a burst of pressure.

It is conceivable how great Chen Hu's strength has improved in the past three days.

After the soul bone devoured countless soul beasts and evolved into soul rings, Chen Hu's soul power also went from just breaking through level 75 to the state of late level 75.

After the seventieth level, it is extremely difficult to not increase the soul power by a small amount. It is a miracle that Chen Hu's soul power has increased so much in just a few days.

Chen Hu has gained a lot, but the other four people in the same group have hardly gained much.

Neither the old concierge nor Xue Tianming met a suitable spirit beast for the ninth spirit ring, and the spirit beast devoured by the evolution of spirit bones would not produce spirit bones.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, no matter how low the explosion rate of spirit bones is, at least one spirit bone will appear in nearly a million ten thousand year spirit beasts.

"Next, let's go deeper and look for top soul beasts suitable for the two teachers!" Chen Hu said with determination.

Naturally, the others would not have any opinions, and the five of them also began to go deeper into the Star Dou Forest.

In the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, Star Lake.

The Titan Giant Ape felt the number of ten thousand-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest being continuously reduced, and his bright yellow eyes couldn't help showing a hint of anger, "Brother, let's let that human wantonly hunt and kill the ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest ? In just three days, nearly one million ten thousand year spirit beasts have died in their hands."

The Titan Giant Ape is the king of the Star Dou Great Forest, watching his own people die, apart from anger, the Titan Giant Ape also has a kind of desolation of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

The sky blue bull python protruded its huge body from the water, and sighed: "Er Ming, you know, the two titled Douluo of the Wuhun Palace are still searching for Miss Xiao Wu, let's go out now, if Xiao Wu gets hurt sister……"

"Roar!" The Titan Giant Ape let out a dull and unwilling roar.

The eyes of the stunning woman on his shoulder were also filled with unresolved sadness, "Da Ming, Er Ming, thank you for protecting me, but I don't want to see anyone lost by me again, if I don't show up , there will be more innocent soul beasts dying in the Star Dou Forest..."

"Big sister, don't be impulsive! I don't believe that the titled Douluo of Wuhundian will spend time in the Star Dou Forest. After a while, they won't find you, and they will leave by themselves. You must not take risks! "A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the Azure Bull Python.

"I know, but how many innocent soul beasts will die because of me!?" Xiao Wu sighed, and said, "Da Ming, Er Ming, let's go, and let these humans pay a little price."

At this time, on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, a handsome and soft-looking young man with blue hair stepped into the Star Dou Great Forest. The man's eyes were full of longing and eagerness, Xiao Wu, here I come!

The man was Tang San. After returning from the Clear Sky School, Tang San rushed to the Star Dou Forest without stopping. For some reason, he always felt a little palpitation in his heart, as if there was a voice in his heart urging him to come quickly. In the Star Dou Great Forest, otherwise he will definitely regret it.

Not far behind Tang San, a tall and sloppy middle-aged man followed closely, it was Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao who was worried about Tang San's safety.

Tang Hao, Tang San and his son stepped into the Star Dou Great Forest, making the situation in the Star Dou Great Forest more and more chaotic!


"Erhu, I've spotted the aura of the old dean and the others!" Tori had a smile on his face, and after wandering in the Star Dou Forest for many days, they finally sensed the traces of the old dean and his party.

Led by Tori's dog-sniffing soul skill, the group found the old dean and his group without any accidents.

The old dean led the team alone to help Ge Ding, Ye Mei, Xie Yue and Yan hunt down the soul beasts needed for the sixth soul ring. Hu Liena and Lin Xiaoxiao were also by his side.

When the two teams met, it was difficult for everyone to hide their joy.

Especially feeling the powerful aura of the two old partners, the old dean couldn't help being happy for the two old brothers.

After so many years, they finally got their wish.

Looking at the young man who was getting together with Hu Liena and Lin Xiaoxiao, the old dean couldn't help showing a look of relief in his eyes.

Not far from here, a team of twenty soul saints led by two titled Douluo, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, was also rapidly approaching here.

The three teams of Wuhundian were about to gather, under the moonlight, two behemoths suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and a cold voice appeared in everyone's ears,

"Welcome to the Star Dou Forest!"

(End of this chapter)

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