Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 326 Enemy Attack

Chapter 326 Enemy Attack
Forest City.

The sun is setting and night is falling.

In the darkness of night, the peaceful streets and alleys of Lincheng were full of killings, and there were screams one after another, murderous intent everywhere.

Lincheng, which is closest to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, has always been the first barrier for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family to defend against the outside world. The power of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family has penetrated into every aspect of Lin City.

No one can quietly pass through Lin Cheng's line of sight and directly appear in front of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family.

However, a top assassin in Wuhundian accurately found every power hidden in the city in Lincheng.

In the hall of the Wuhunzi Palace in Lin City, a very extravagant banquet is being held.

As the most sacred place of Spirit Hall, holding this kind of banquet openly is undoubtedly the greatest disrespect to Spirit Hall.

However, in Lincheng, with the support of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, the rich and powerful of Lincheng have been suppressing the existence of the Wuhunzi Palace. Due to the strength of the Wuhun Palace, they dare not directly pull out the Wuhunzi of Lincheng Hall, but there is no doubt that the Hall of Wuhun has no authority in Lincheng.

A stern look flashed in the eyes of a decadent young man, he waved his hand faintly, and a group of men in black rushed out, killing the crowd.

"Bold, who are you? You are enshrining, come and escort..."

"Wuhundian, what are you eating? The criminals have all been killed in Wuhundian."

The hall was suddenly in chaos, with screams one after another, but those who were qualified to come to the hall of the Wuhunzi Palace, without exception, were inextricably linked to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Soon, someone came to his senses and looked at the decadent young man viciously, his eyes were red, and he said with deep hatred: "Lin Shenhai, are you crazy? Or is it that your Spirit Hall is also crazy, you Do you know what will happen to those who offend the Landian Tyrannosaurus family?"

"Crazy!" Lin Shenhai sneered, "Yu Xiaoxiao, it's not me who is crazy, but you. I don't know what will happen to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, but I know one thing very well. No blue electric tyrannosaurus rex family, kill!"

When Yu Xiaoxiao heard this, a hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes, blue lightning flashed on her body, and six soul rings appeared on him. After a scream, the blue lightning exploded, tearing apart a man in black who had come to him.

Lin Shenhai sneered, a powerful aura bloomed from his body, and he appeared in front of Yu Xiaoxiao in an instant, and a golden sword pierced through Yu Xiaoxiao's chest in Yu Xiaoxiao's unbelievable eyes.

Lin Shenhai took out the Golden Snake Sword, wiped the blood on the curved sword, and said with a cold smile on his lips, "Yu Xiaoxiao, you know, I have long been unhappy with your villainous face, if it wasn't for I have already sent you to hell for the grand plan of the Spirit Hall, but starting today, I don't have to swallow my anger anymore..."

In Lincheng, there are still many such scenes. The plan for the Wuhun Temple has been laid out 20 years ago.

Maybe it's because the Landian Tyrannosaurus rex family has lived too comfortably these years, and no one has discovered the plan of the Wuhun Temple in 20 years. Until today, all the anger broke out, incarnate as a giant beast that chooses to eat people, and devoured The whole forest city.

And the appetite of this giant beast is far more than a simple forest city.

When Forest City was activated, a huge team of 5000 soul masters walked quietly through the setting sun forest, and all the soul beasts along the way were silently dealt with by the patrolling masters of the Spirit Hall.

In order to reduce the possibility of early exposure, the old dean even mobilized two-thirds of the rangers of the Wuhun Temple to form a team of 200 people, specially to hunt and kill the spirit beasts along the way.

The forest rangers have dealt with soul beasts all the year round. It can be said that they are the soul masters who know soul beasts best in the Wuhun Temple. Each of them knows the weaknesses and habits of soul beasts well, and the weakest among the rangers are all soul sects. It may be difficult for ordinary soul masters for the soul emperor and soul saint to deal with all the soul beasts quietly, but for them, it is not a problem.

The mountain gate of the Landian Tyrannosaurus rex family stands in the sunset forest, and there are three barriers guarding the mountain gate.

Lincheng is the first way, and the soul beasts in the setting sun forest are the second way.

As for the third one, Ghost Douluo's eyes turned cold and turned into a pitch-black ghost image, perfectly blending in the pitch-black night.

A series of soft sounds sounded, and a titled Douluo-level agility attack system soul master made a move, and the disciples patrolling the periphery of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan died in Ghost Douluo's hands without even a chance to speak.

Under the cover of the night, Ghost Douluo's ability is like a god of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the patrolling disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

There was a faint golden light in Chen Hu's eyes, and Ghost Douluo's traces could be captured by the skull of Lingming Delusion Breaker. However, Chen Hu also had to admit that Ghost Douluo's ability was brought to the extreme in the night.

Regardless of the fact that Ghost Douluo and Chen Hu couldn't fight at the beginning, the position of the soul master of the sensitive attack department has never been a frontal attack. Only in this complicated environment can Ghost Douluo's strength be brought into full play.

In the night, even Chen Hu had to go all out for the ghost that merged with the darkness. If there was no skull that could break the delusion, and the ghost chose to assassinate him in the dark, he would not be sure of getting out.

Killing the chicken with a sledgehammer, Ghost Douluo's attack, the patrolling disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family died one by one, but no one sent any warning message.

Maybe it was because the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family had been at ease for too long, or maybe it was because the Spirit Hall was too well prepared, none of the three lines of defense laid out by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family played the expected role.

Yu Yuanzhen of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family woke up from training, frowned, and said strangely: "What's going on, why do I feel restless!"

"Xiao Yi!" Yu Yuanzhen shouted.

"Sovereign, what are your orders?" In the dark night, a shadow quietly appeared in front of Yu Yuanzhen, with a dim aura.

"I have a feeling of uneasiness. Go outside the mountain gate and see if something unexpected happened!" Yu Yuan said tremblingly.

Yu Xiaoyi also had a serious look in Yu Xiaoyi's eyes at the sudden whim of a titled Douluo-level powerhouse, and quietly responded, floating away from here.

Yu Xiaoyi is not the blood of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, but a foster son adopted by Yu Yuanzhen's mother. She grew up with Yu Yuanzhen and is loyal to the Landian Tyrannosaurus family.

Yu Xiaoyi's martial spirit is special, even though it is only at the Contra level, she can retreat completely when encountering a Titled Douluo, and her speed is not inferior to him.

After Yu Xiaoyi left, Yu Yuanzhen was still worried, and with a scream, he asked people to summon all the disciples of the sect.

In a room of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, a middle-aged man wearing glasses opened the door, looked at the inch-cut man who came out of the opposite room, and asked curiously: "Xiao Gang, what do you all do in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family every day?" Doesn’t it stop at night, what are so many people doing?”

The man is the dean of Shrek Academy, Flender.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, he has been away from the sect for many years, and has not returned to the sect for more than 30 years.

Liu Erlong came out from the room next to Yu Xiaogang, with a serious expression on his face, and said: "Uncle is summoning everyone, if there is no major event, uncle would not be in such a hurry to summon everyone, let's go and see Bar!"

Flender glanced at Yu Xiaogang, and asked, "Xiao Gang, how are you doing? You said that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is so mobilizing, it's not because they are discussing how to deal with the three of us!"

The last time Yu Xiaogang rescued Yu Tianheng, the relationship between Yu Xiaogang and the family eased a lot. This time, Yu Yuanzhen's birthday is approaching, and Yu Xiaogang returned to the Landian Tyrannosaurus family under Liu Erlong's persuasion Pay homage to Yu Yuanzhen's birthday.

The golden iron triangle was inseparable, and Flender naturally followed.

However, when Flender came over, he was also afraid that the old man would clean up the house if he got angry.

With Flender around, the martial soul fusion skills of the three of them could at least allow them to escape from Yu Yuanzhen's wrath.

However, they didn't expect that after so many years, Yu Yuanzhen had already let go of his heart. Besides, the achievements of the master were not bad. The three of them just lived in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Okay, let's go and have a look too!" Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and said.

Even after so many years, he still feels a little scared when he sees the old man.

Looking at the surrounding area of ​​the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family, the surrounding area was quiet, and Yu Xiaoyi's premonition had reached its peak.

Possessed by the Nightmare Martial Soul, Yu Xiaoyi is like a nightmare in the night, her body is erratic, completely fused with the night, constantly flying past in the jungle.

In the end, Yu Xiaoyi condensed her body in front of a big tree, looking at the disciple of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family who had lost any signs of life on the trunk, her face became extremely gloomy.

However, when a pitch-black shadow approached, Yu Xiaoyi's face changed, and she let go of the disciple of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Her body became transparent and disappeared directly in place, emerging from the shadow of a tree 30 meters away.

"Interesting, interesting. I didn't expect the existence of the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family, which has always been upright, and a lonely ghost like you." The dark shadow condensed its figure, it was Ghost Douluo Ghost.

"Title Douluo?" Yu Xiaoyi's face changed, and she recognized this person whose aura was similar to her own, "You are a ghost!"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, but it's a pity that there is no reward!" Gui Mei smiled lightly, and a black shadow appeared behind Yu Xiaoyi silently, like a giant beast devouring Yu Xiaoyi.

"Illusion!" Ghost Douluo's expression turned ugly.

At this time, a scream had already shot up into the sky, awakening the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family in the dark night.

"Enemy attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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