Chapter 329

A terrifying dragon chant sounded, and the terrifying atmosphere spread throughout the entire Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

In the sky, Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family who was entangled with the old dean, looked at the majestic Huang majestic soaring into the sky not far away, looking forward to the shining golden dragon, and there was a strange look in his muddy eyes. color.

The Landian Tyrannosaurus rex family is a powerful family that has continued to the present among the eight veins of the Thunder God. Before the ancestors of their family followed the Thunder God, the blood of the dragon clan flowed in their bodies.

Among the eight followers of Thor, the ancestor of the Yu family is also the strongest one.

However, it has been a long time, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit inherited by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is still one of the most powerful martial spirits in the mainland, but it is no longer as powerful as the pure dragon blood.

He had placed high hopes on Yu Xiaogang, hoping that this smart child could inherit the glorious blood of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and lead the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family to the peak of glory!

It's a pity that Yu Xiaogang's innate soul power is only half level, and his martial soul is just a useless puppy. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. .

After so many years, he actually saw the shadow of his ancestor's golden dragon from Yu Xiaogang's martial soul fusion skill. Boom.

Yu Yuanzhen, the real body of the martial soul, is worthy of being an old-fashioned title Douluo. With the top martial soul, the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon martial soul, he has already suppressed the old dean in terms of momentum.

Although the old dean broke through to the Title Douluo less than five years ago, he is already a Level 95 Title Douluo, and his soul power is not inferior to Yu Yuanzhen, but at this moment, he is still suppressed by Yu Yuanzhen.

The sea of ​​thunder completely submerged the monument of the God of Suppressing Heaven!
On the other side, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other. Yu Xiaoyi was already in the battle with two Title Douluo, even if she had a special spirit, she was seriously injured.

"Juhuaguan, you go and help Dean Chen, I will deal with this guy!" Ghost said.

"Okay!" Ju Douluo nodded, and directly used his martial soul avatar to come in front of the golden dragon.

A golden velvet chrysanthemum blooms with divine light.

The golden dragon roared, spread out a pair of golden dragon wings, opened its mouth suddenly, and breathed out a mouthful of golden dragon's breath.

Chrysanthemum Douluo did not dodge or dodge, and a golden shield condensed on Qirong Tongtianju, blocking the golden dragon's breath.

The blazing dragon's breath collided with the golden shield, and the violent fluctuations of soul power dissipated, but the shield condensed by the breath from the Qirong Tongtianju was not damaged at all.

This is, the golden dragon has come to the top of Ju Douluo's martial soul avatar, Qirong Tongtianju, and the thick and powerful golden dragon claws directly slapped downwards!

With a loud noise, the shields on the surface of the Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum shattered layer by layer, and that Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum was even sent flying by the golden dragon.

What the golden dragon is proud of is not only its control over the elements, but also its incomparably powerful physical strength.

However, the Chrysanthemum Douluo behind the martial soul is not a vegetarian. Although the attack power of a martial soul like Qirong Tongtianju is not strong, it can be transformed into martial arts by eating the fairy herbs that can make an indestructible body. The soul is also unique in the world, and Ju Douluo's physical body is also far superior to that of ordinary Title Douluo.

After colliding with Qirong Tongtianju, the golden dragon couldn't help but stagnate in the air for a moment.


Chen Hu's delusion-shattering eyes burst into divine light, locking on to the golden dragon in the sky, and a blood-colored blade swept across the sky, and a stunning and incomparably stunning light of the blade has already been slashed out.


The golden dragon controlled by Yu Xiaogang felt a sharp sense of crisis, and his body was icy cold, but now he has the huge power of the golden dragon, and quickly controlled the tail of the golden dragon to blast towards this saber light .

The dragon swings its tail!

This is a powerful technique that cannot be ignored by the dragons in the world, and it is now being used under the control of the master.

It's not difficult to foresee how terrifying the attack power of this tail is under the strong physical quality of the golden dragon, even Ju Douluo dare not take this blow head-on.

However, from the very beginning, Chen Hu's saber intent was a decisive saber intent that was life-or-death. The bloody blade in his hand was formed by the combination of his saber intent and the domain of the God of Death, so there would be no regrets when he used the sword!

The blood-colored blade cut open the lower abdomen of the golden dragon, and countless golden light spots sprinkled down. Even though the golden dragon was only condensed from the martial soul, it was like a real creature with flesh and blood, and it could faintly hear a painful dragon cry. Moaning, the golden dragon tail slashed towards Chen Hu more quickly.

Chen Hu, who was bathed in the golden dragon's blood, seemed to have lightning jumping on the surface of his body, his left leg was like a knife, and a cyan whirlwind condensed on his left leg, hitting the golden dragon's tail first.

Chen Hu's body flew upside down, and the 17-meter wind, thunder and lightning wings fluttered, and with the help of this force, he rose directly into the sky and stabilized his body in midair.

Chen Hu's left leg, which was suspended in the air, was also trembling non-stop. If it wasn't for the fact that Zhuifeng's left leg was not repaired by the power of the immortal peach tree, and his age had evolved to 7 years, he might have broken a bone in this blow. up.

The power of the golden dragon's tail far exceeded his expectations, and the pure power was still higher than that of the giant ape.

With two Soul Douluo and one Soul Sect working together, such a terrifying change in strength can only be achieved by the incredible ability of the Martial Soul Fusion Technique!
Chen Hu's eyes burned with fierce fighting intent, and the stronger his fighting intent was made by the spirit-breaking delusion skull, the calmer he became in his heart, looking for the flaws in the existence of the golden dragon.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang, Flender, Liu Erlong and the three of them all looked a little pale. The golden dragon is one with the three of them. If the golden dragon is injured, they will also be hurt.

Chen Hu's just right strike with all his strength was not without effect, and the aura of the golden dragon was also weakened a bit.

"Elder Ju, go help the old dean, I can deal with it here!" Chen Hu stopped Ju Douluo who wanted to continue attacking the golden dragon, and held the bloody blade condensed from the killing god domain to kill the golden dragon in the sky. go.

Ju Douluo hesitated for a moment, chose to obey Chen Hu's order, and turned to fight towards the battlefield between the old dean and Yu Yuanzhen.

The strength Chen Hu showed just now far exceeded his expectations, and the golden dragon was injured by the joint attack of the two. Ju Douluo believed that Chen Hu could completely deal with it.

And he never forgot, what was the real goal of their trip, if Yu Yuanzhen fled, what would be the point of destroying the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Therefore, Yu Yuanzhen must die!

With the addition of a titled Douluo of the same level, the pressure faced by the old dean dropped sharply, while the pressure faced by Yu Yuanzhen more than doubled.

The two Title Douluo of the same level who cooperated tacitly had every chance to keep him here completely.

Moreover, Yu Xiaoyi in the distance couldn't hold on for long, once Ghost Douluo made a move, Yu Yuanzhen would definitely die.

Now, Yu Yuanzhen only hopes that the three of Yu Xiaogang's martial soul fusion skills can defeat Chen Hu. With the combination of two top titled Douluo, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family may still have a chance.

However, a scene that disappointed Yu Yuanzhen happened.

Chen Hu, who used his fighting avatar, was completely pressing down on the golden dragon, and the bloody blade was decisive and sharp. It didn't take long for the golden dragon to be covered in bruises, and he could only hold on under Chen Hu's attack.

The martial soul fusion skills of the three of Yu Xiaogang are dominated by master Yu Xiaogang. The master claims to be invincible in theory. Naturally, his ingenuity and experience are needless to say, but theory is just theory, and what is needed in battle Not just wisdom and vision, but also combat experience and combat talent.

The Wuhun is just the master of Luo Sanpao. He has traveled to the world of soul masters with Bibi Dong, Flander Liu Erlong and others, and has experienced many battles, but the Wuhun is Luo Sanpao. He is more of a team member. The number of real battles can be counted on one's fingers.

However, under his superhuman vision, the three of them's martial soul fusion skill Golden Dragon can also display unimaginable strength under his leadership, and they can also win against the restrained Title Douluo .

It's a pity that the opponent he is facing now is Chen Hu, and he chooses close combat, which is a fighting method that will test the soul master's own fighting awareness.

Even though the golden dragon was similar to Chen Hu in terms of attributes, or even a bit stronger, but under the master's control, it didn't bring him much pressure.

"It's boring, it's really boring!" Chen Hu shook his head. The pressure given to him by the golden dragon is completely different from that of the Titan giant ape. Fighting with the golden dragon can't even make his fighting blood boil. arrive.

This is not to say that the Titan Giant Ape is much stronger than the Golden Dragon, but that the Titan Giant Ape has grown from a weak period to a 10-year-old soul beast, and has experienced countless battles. Fighting has long been integrated into the body's instincts. The timing is far from being comparable to a soul master like a master who suddenly gains power far beyond his own limit.

A child of seven or eight years old, even if he acquires the same physical fitness and strength as an adult, will never be able to be an opponent of an adult.

With the help of the martial soul fusion technique, Yu Xiaogang, who has directly controlled the power stronger than ordinary Title Douluo from the soul sect, is like a child who has suddenly obtained the body and strength of an adult, no matter how smart this child is , in a purely close combat, it will not be an opponent of an adult.

"Let's end here, master!" Chen Hu said silently in his heart, the knife in the Star Dou Forest echoed in his mind, countless winds gathered around him, and vortexes formed around him, each vortex It's like a spring, gushing out a steady stream of power!

With a slash from the second soul skill comprehension, the light of the knife flickered away, and the golden dragon in the sky had been separated from the middle, split into two.

Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Liu Erlong all spat out a mouthful of blood, their complexions were extremely pale and they collapsed to the ground, their aura rapidly fading.

(End of this chapter)

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