Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 334 The Treasure of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family

Chapter 334 The Treasure of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family
The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Chen Hu and the old dean came out of the closed town, and the battle of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex has come to an end.

Dozens of disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family stood guard in front of a manor, swearing to the death that they were unwilling to leave half a step.

In front of the manor, hundreds of corpses have been piled up.

In the manor, it's their family.

The last soul master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family fell into the hands of the soul master of the Wuhun Temple. The closed gate of this manor was finally opened, and a group of dying old people rushed out with eyes full of hatred. And half-grown children, their strength is not even as good as ordinary people, but they still charged towards the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple...

"You have to learn to get used to this kind of thing. The rule of Douluo Dalu is that the weak are prey to the strong. What you have to do is to keep becoming stronger, otherwise one day it will be your parents, wife and children who will die!" said the lake.

"Leave pregnant women and children under the age of six alone!" Chen Hu said as his eyes fell on a woman with a big belly.

The old dean shook his head and ordered: "No one is allowed to harm pregnant women or children under the age of six. Violators will be killed without mercy!"

Even though he knew it was just a woman's benevolence, the old dean still agreed to Chen Hu's request.

At least, he didn't want Chen Hu and the others to learn the indifference of this world too early.

Then, Chen Hu walked towards Flender, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, who were being guarded by the Wuhun Palace.

Due to the powerful combat power shown by Flender and the three of them before, a Contra from the Wuhun Temple specially guarded them, and the iron chains that confine their soul power mercilessly pierced their lutes, making it absolutely impossible for them to escape. .

Seeing Chen Hu approaching, both Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong showed deep resentment and hatred in their eyes, and the always gentle master also wanted to bite off a piece of Chen Hu's flesh.

Chen Hu grabbed the master's body, and kept pointing his fingers on the master's body. A hideous look appeared on the master's face, and he uttered screams of pain.

"What are you doing, little bastard, if you have the ability to come at my mother, let go of Xiao Gang!" Liu Erlong shouted like an angry lioness.

Flender couldn't help being angry, and said, "Chen Hu, we are already your prisoners. If we want to kill or cut you, let's have a good time. Xiao Gang has no grievances with you, so why torture him!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, they vaguely knew that the master's identity was unusual, and they also said: "Dean Chen, this person has a special identity, and he also has the elder gold medal of the Wuhun Temple, if you really kill him , where is the Pope..."

Chen Hu let go of his hand calmly, a saber energy broke the shackles on the three of them, and threw Yu Xiaogang out.

Flender quickly caught him.

Chen Hu said lightly: "Let's go!"

He had promised Yu Yuanzhen that he would let the three of them live together, so naturally he would not break his word.

However, the martial soul fusion skills of the three of them are always a threat, and Chen Hu will naturally not let it go.

He had just cut off [-]% of the meridians in Grandmaster's body with saber energy.

Chen Hu has studied medicine since he was a primary school, and he has read all kinds of books to create a top-notch exercise such as Yin-Yang Yin, and he knows the meridians of the human body like the palm of his hand.

It is not difficult for Chen Hu to abolish a person's martial soul without hurting the person's name.

From then on, the master will really be a useless person, and will never be able to display any power of the martial soul.

No matter how many treasures of heaven and earth Tang San has, he still can't cure Grandmaster.

The martial soul fusion technique of the golden iron triangle, and Luo Sanpao, the martial soul of the master who failed to mutate the golden dragon, is the absolute core of this martial soul fusion technique.

The abolishment of the master also means that the Golden Iron Triangle has since become a masterpiece in the world.

The three of Flender didn't understand why Chen Hu let the three of them go. They still don't know that the master has been abolished. Flender's character is a bit of a philistine, so he took the master and Liu Erlong away without hesitation. .

The departure of the three of them also meant that the battle had come to an end.

Wuhundian has carefully planned for 20 years. Among the [-] soul masters sent out, there are not many high-end combat powers. The combat power of a single person is not far behind the Contra of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Even the soul masters of Wuhundian doubted whether Xiaoqi already had the combat power of a titled Douluo.

He was really good at dealing with Contras, and three Contras of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family died in his hands.

In this battle, the most dazzling performance is undoubtedly the Seventh Warrior. Everyone knows that the rise of the Seventh Ultimate Warrior is already unstoppable.

The soul masters of the Wuhun Temple gathered scatteredly. Of the 3000 soul masters, only more than [-] were alive, and most of them were wounded.

However, their victories are also impressive.

The [-] disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Clan were wiped out.

Except for a few disciples of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family who went out and escaped, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family can already be declared extinct.

This is one of the last three families of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Even if they are the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon soul masters from the three sects looked at them with lofty eyes.

But today, even such a group of high-ranking Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Soul Masters has become a piece of history from today.

Next, it's time to loot the loot.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family has a long history and has accumulated wealth that ordinary people can't even imagine in a lifetime. The soul masters of the Wuhun Palace who are dispatched today must return with a full reward.

The treasure house of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

This place should have been the most heavily guarded place of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but with the destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, it was like a shy girl standing naked in front of a hungry wolf.

A soul master named Wuhundian looked at the door of the treasure house full of greed. They all knew how tempting the treasure of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family would be.

However, they looked at the group of people at the front, and most of them had nothing to do with them here.

Apart from the three titled Douluo, the old dean, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, only the Seven Extreme Martial Arts are qualified to be the first to step into the treasure house of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Even the five Contras in the Wuhun Temple can only lead people to guard the outermost.

The old dean went to the gate of the treasure house and punched it hard. With a bang, the gate was shattered inch by inch, and a faint golden light came out from inside.

The treasure house of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family was built in the belly of a mountain. The huge mountain belly is hollow, and there are thousands of square meters inside. There are hills of gold, silver, jewelry, and ancient books and antiques piled up in the mountain belly.

However, none of the ten people's eyes stayed on these things outside.

It is true that the gold, silver and jewelry here may not be able to accumulate wealth for Title Douluo in several lifetimes, but they all know that the real treasure of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is not these gold and silver jewelry.

Walking to a stone wall in the depths, the old dean punched out again, but countless ripples spread out, and a blazing thunder shot towards the old dean.

Unexpectedly, this thunder light is enough to kill a powerhouse of the Soul Douluo level!
However, Chen Hu's body disappeared in a flash, and he had already appeared in front of the thunder light one step ahead. The Thunder God key flew out, and the thunder light that was enough to kill Contra was swallowed by the thunder god key in an instant, and the purple thunder light on the thunder god key was even more Shiny.

"Good treasure!" Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also couldn't help secretly applauding, they knew that this artifact might be related to the gods, maybe it was a divine artifact, but unfortunately, this treasure must not be destined for them.

Recalling the Thunder God's Key, Chen Hu also felt a numbness in his body, and the strength of his physical body was vaguely increased.

The gradually collected Thor's Key also began to show its power.

When wearing the Thunder God Key, not only is it extremely immune to the damage of thunder, but it can also devour the power of thunder between heaven and earth to temper the body.

The key of Thor is also very important for Chen Hu to have a physique that can rival the Titan Great Ape head-on.

Chen Hu pressed the palm of the hand holding the Thunder God key against the stone wall, and countless thunder lights danced. After a while, with a click, the stone wall split from the middle, revealing the treasure house of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family core.

The stone room is not too big, there are only four or five small shelves, and each shelf holds eight boxes.

However, nearly half of the boxes were empty.

The old dean opened a box next to him, and a skeleton exuding a faint halo lay quietly in the middle of the box.

Soul bone!

Even if it is just a piece of left arm spirit bone that is more than 1 years old, it is invaluable.

From the dead soul master of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, they stripped out a total of five soul bones, three of which were obtained from Yu Yuanzhen.

Among the five spirit bones, the left arm spirit bone on Yu Yuanzhen's body was undoubtedly the most valuable.

Open all the boxes, there are seven soul bones inside.

Compared with the uniform thunder attribute soul bones stripped from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, the seven soul bones here have more varied attributes, but their quality is mostly inferior to the former.

However, there are a total of 12 soul bones, and this number is far beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone's breathing was very short. Just the 12 yuan soul bones, even if good and bad, this time the action of killing the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family has completely paid off.

What's more, the harvest from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family this time is far more than that.

In the remaining boxes, apart from several strange minerals and medicinal materials, there are also a few things that have aroused the interest of several people.

A bottle of silver liquid, a dragon scale, a broken jade crown, and a silver-white armor.

After seeing all the things, Chen Hu couldn't help being a little bit disappointed while being excited. There is no Thor's key here, which means that Yu Yuanzhen did not lie, and the last Thor's key is really in Sea God Island.

"Two elders, ten of us can choose one of the things here, how about it?" Looking at Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo with greedy eyes, the plain voice of the old headmaster came over.

Even a Titled Douluo would be tempted by the hidden treasure of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

(End of this chapter)

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