Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 339 Plan

Chapter 339 Plan (today is only one chapter)

Ning Fengzhi is a point that Xue Qinghe, the prince pretending to be Qian Renxue, will never be able to avoid. Ning Fengzhi is Xue Qinghe's teacher, and Qian Renxue is naturally affected by the embarrassing position of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Because of Qian Renxue's relationship, Xue Beng, a prince who was not taken seriously, also came into the public's field of vision. Even though Xue Beng's performance disappointed everyone, there were still smart people who saw something different.

In the original book, Xue Beng is also the person who replaces Qian Renxue as the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire after Tang San defeats Qian Renxue's plan.

After Xue Beng succeeded to the throne, he tried his best to win over Tang San, worshiped Tang San as his teacher, and made Tang San his emperor teacher. King Lan Hao completely tied Tang San to the chariot of the Heaven Dou Empire.

It has to be said that Xue Beng will be a successful emperor, at least in the original book, the Heaven Dou Empire survived the Great Tribulation of the Wuhun Hall under his leadership, allowing the Heaven Dou Empire to continue successfully.

Regardless of whether Qian Renxue's plan is successful or not, Xue Beng is a threat to Wuhundian.

"Get out of the way, are you blind?" The leader saw that Chen Hu was still in the middle of the road, cursed angrily, and raised his whip in his hand. When the horse approached Chen Hu, it came back towards him with tyrannical force.

If it were an ordinary person, this whip would be enough to pull him out of the middle of the road. As for the life and death of that person, it is beyond the knight's control.

"What an arrogant and domineering dog slave!" The murderous intent in Chen Hu's eyes flashed away, and a fiery red cold light silently penetrated into the knight's body. Into the fleeing crowd, without a trace.

It all happened so quickly that the accompanying knights didn't notice anything wrong.

The knight who raised the whip looked at the whip he raised, and was a little dazed at the empty street. Then he put down the whip, as if nothing had happened, and a pair of iron riders galloped away.

The realm of Taiji is constantly evolving with the improvement of Chen Hu's realm. If the characteristics of the Taiji realm can eliminate Chen Hu's aura and reduce the sense of existence before, his ability now goes further. As long as he releases In the realm of Tai Chi, not only would people not feel his existence, they would even forget about him.

The knights are all members of the Royal Guard, but not enough to offset the influence of the Tai Chi domain.

Only the white-haired old man next to Xue Beng in the middle of the team glanced suspiciously at the disappearing figure in the crowd, slightly lost in thought.

"Senior Dugu, is there something wrong?" Xue Beng followed Dugu Bo's gaze, only saw a vague figure, and asked strangely.

The white-haired old man was the poisonous Douluo Dugu Bo, and it was the existence of Dugu Bo that made Chen Hu give up the idea of ​​killing Xue Beng.

Xue Beng is just a soul sect, it is not difficult for Chen Hu to kill him, but if he wants to kill Xue Beng under the protection of Dugu Bo, it will be difficult for him to escape in a short time, once the people of Haotianzong arrive, even if they do not treat him If a prince is killed in broad daylight, Tiandou City will definitely be in turmoil, which will not benefit his next actions.

It's just an avalanche, he can kill it anytime he wants.

Dugu Bo remained silent, reached out and grabbed it, a strong suction burst out, and the body of the knight in the front flew back backwards.

Dugu Bo pressed his left hand on the man's shoulder, and soul power poured into the man's body.

"What a domineering fire poison!" After a while, Dugu Bo withdrew his soul power, with a hint of fear in his eyes, and slapped the man flying away with his palm.

After Dugu Bo said this, Xue Beng finally realized something. A blurry picture appeared in his mind, and he subconsciously said, "Senior Dugu, did I forget something? There was a person blocking our path just now?"

Dugu Bo nodded, "Your luck is good, you saved your life. Now the situation in the mainland is in turmoil. The Wuhun Palace will re-elect the seven major sects a year later, and countless strange people will come out of the mountain. Even if you want to hide your clumsiness, you can't It's too ostentatious, or you will provoke some ruthless people, and I won't be able to protect you."

From Dugu Bo's words, Xue Beng finally confirmed that there was indeed one that appeared in front of him, but it disappeared from his memory strangely. Judging by the appearance of the knights around him, it was obvious that he knew nothing about that person.

The strong sense of peacekeeping made Xue Beng feel a sense of fear, and then it turned into a strong obsession... If such a capable person can be used by me, why should I pretend to be crazy like this?
Xue Beng was deeply curious about the life just now, glanced at the knight pushed out by Dugu Bo, and asked curiously: "Senior Dugu, you mean that Seventeen was murdered by someone, what poison made you It’s also tricky.”

You know, Dugu Bo's title is Poison Douluo!

In the eyes of many people, Dugu Bo is the No. 1 drug player in mainland China, and the fire poison that can make Dugu Bo praise him must be a unique and rare poison.

Dugu Bo said lightly: "Fire poison is different from ordinary poison. Rather than saying it is a kind of poison, it is more like a special kind of extremely hot soul power. For soul masters with deep soul power Poison is nothing, but for an ordinary soldier who is only slightly strong, it is a poison with no solution."

"However, this fire poison is different from ordinary fire poison. The poison is restrained, but it explodes extremely. Once it explodes, it will be extraordinarily violent. Your guard named Shiqi should not survive today's midnight."

"Oh?" There was a hot light in Xue Beng's eyes, and he bowed his head in silence.

The incident just now was just a small episode, the group continued to move forward, but Xue Beng's eyes kept lingering on Shiqi's guards as if nothing.

After a while, Dugu Bo said slowly, "Now that Xueqinghe is overwhelmed by the matter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, when are you going to show your talents? Now, many ministers of the empire have shown a certain interest in you. If you win them over, you have every chance to fight Xue Qinghe in court!"

Xue Beng shook his head, and said: "Don't worry, if you don't make a noise, you will become a blockbuster. The mysterious power in Xue Qinghe must not be simple. Now our power is still very weak. The best way is to hide our edge. If you act rashly, you will only scare the snake. "

Dugu Bo nodded and didn't say much.

Only when we really get to know this young man can we know what kind of intelligence and wisdom is hidden under this young man's cynical and playful appearance.

The crown prince Xue Qinghe is considered an outstanding man, but didn't he still not discover Xue Beng's flaw?

Heaven Dou City, a secluded courtyard in a bustling area.

Qian Renxue was sitting in the courtyard, her handsome face under the green cloth gown was somewhat sad, a gust of wind blew by, and there was already one more person in the courtyard.

"Who?" Qian Renxue's complexion changed, five soul rings bloomed from his body, and a snow-white swan also appeared behind him.

If he hadn't been sure that the person in front of him was Qian Renxue, Chen Hu wouldn't have believed that there was really a treasure in the world that could change the number of a person's martial soul and soul ring.

However, soul rings and martial souls can be changed, but exercises are difficult to cover up. The changes in aura brought about by the unique operating methods of the Sun Jue and Tai Yin Jue cannot be changed.

"It's me, don't be nervous!" Chen Hu said in his own voice.

"Oh it's you!"

Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Chen Hu Yirong's honest and honest appearance, she couldn't connect with the boy in his memory, but he was just like this, and Hu Chen's appearance was not the same as his real one. Does it look so different!
The real disguise technique is to turn a person into a person who is completely different from his real identity. In this regard, Chen Hu has done it very successfully.

At least it was difficult for Qian Renxue to associate the simple and honest man in front of him with the indifferent and refined Chen Hu.

"Why do you give me such a big surprise every time we meet? It's amazing that you appear on your body like this!" Qian Renxue said with a smile.

In the past, Chen Hu didn't believe that girls would look good when they smiled after changing their appearance, but now he believed it.

Even after changing into Xue Qinghe, Qian Renxue still has a healing power when she smiles, maybe this is the true meaning of her spirit angel.

Angels always give people hope.

Chen Hu has always believed in a truth, angels are not absolutely righteous, but most angels must be on the side of justice, and there are also kindness in demons, but most demons are definitely not kind.

Just like Qian Renxue who possesses an angel spirit, even if she is not a great good person, she is definitely not a bad person.

Even in the cruel world of Douluo Dalu, Qian Renxue still has a very rare quality in herself.

This is also the reason why Chen Hu is willing to regard Qian Renxue as a friend.

"I heard that you are having a hard time recently?" Chen Hu asked.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "You still know that my life is not easy, it's not all because of you, your divorce plan made the relationship between Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Heaven Dou Empire on the verge of being broken, and I was also hurt. Your involvement has caused many ministers to be dissatisfied with me."

How could Qian Renxue not know about the plan of Wuhundian, and she also knew that the instigator of this incident was the young man in front of her.

Chen Hu didn't explain anything, and said lightly, "I encountered Xue Beng when I came here, and he is not as simple as the rumors say!"


Qian Renxue looked at Chen Hu with bright eyes, "Did you attack him?"

"No, Dugu Bo is by his side. Although I can kill him, I can't get rid of Dugu Bo in a short time." Chen Hu said.

Qian Renxue's eyes flashed, "Facing a Titled Douluo, what you worry about is that you won't be able to get rid of him in a short time. It seems that the rumors are not wrong. You now have strength comparable to that of a Titled Douluo."

Qian Renxue shook her head, "No, based on what I know about you, your current strength must not be as simple as an ordinary Titled Douluo."

Chen Hu smiled, acknowledging his own strength, and said with a smile: "Isn't it the same for you? As far as I know, the Angel Domain can be used with the Angel Martial Soul Avatar to exert the power of the Title Douluo level. In my opinion When I parted with you for the first time, you had already reached the seventieth level, after such a long time, you must have obtained the seventh spirit ring!"

As he said that, Chen Hu said with some pity: "With your talent, it's really a pity to send Tiandou Empire undercover. If you have no distractions and no scruples, you might be Contra now. It has even begun to attack the realm of Titled Douluo."

In the original book, Qian Renxue cultivated to the god level in a short period of time after being transformed in Tiandou Palace, and became the first person in the mainland to become a god. Her talent can be seen.

For Qian Renxue, it was indeed a bit of a waste of time to be undercover in Tiandou Empire these years.

"There is nothing to regret. Blindly cultivating hard can't make an invincible strong man. Who knows that the past ten years in the Heaven Dou Empire is not a life accumulation for me? One day, I will break through All restraints make true freedom!" Qian Renxue said lightly, with an incomparably bright light blooming in her eyes.

This is Qian Renxue, the first person in the mainland to become a god.

Ten years of dormancy in the Heaven Dou Empire may be the step for her to soar into the sky!
With Qian Renxue like this, Chen Hu didn't believe that she really couldn't see that Xue Beng was hiding his power and bide his time, so he asked curiously: "You already knew that Xue Beng is not simple?"

A gentle smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face, "Of course I know that Xue Beng is smarter than his elder brothers, but he was indeed too young back then. The second prince and the third prince had accidents one after another, so it was not surprising that Xue Beng was more intelligent than his older brothers." Let Xue Xing, an old guy, notice me. There is Dugu Bo beside this old guy. Under his protection, it is not so easy for me to kill Xue Beng. What's more, the death of several other princes is already very strange. Xue Beng If I die again, others should suspect me..."

If Qian Renxue is really Xue Qinghe, he can naturally kill Xue Beng without any scruples. Once Xue Beng dies, he will be the only invulnerable successor of the Heaven Dou Empire. Even if Emperor Xue Ye knows that he did it, he can do nothing. Unless Emperor Xue Ye is willing to let the position of emperor fall to the collateral blood.

However, Qian Renxue is still Qian Renxue after all, no matter how well she pretends, there will be clues in the end, which cannot stand the scrutiny of interested people.

It was also like this that Qian Renxue left Xue Beng behind.

In the original book, whether Xue Beng survived did not have any impact on the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation, and it was Tang San and the Patriarch of the Pozhi Clan, Yang Wudi, who caused the Heaven Dou Palace Transformation to fail.

The existence of Xue Beng was only to fill the vacancy left by Qian Renxue.

"I see."

Chen Hu suddenly realized that he solved a doubt he had at the beginning, and asked, "When are you going to do it?"

Qian Renxue said: "I've been ready for a long time, it's just that you haven't left the customs, so I haven't done it for a long time."

Chen Hu was stunned for a moment, and said: "You should know that my goal is the royal treasury. It should be difficult for me to help you during the palace change, and even break open the royal treasury when I use you to attract most people's attention. Why are you waiting for me on purpose?"

You know, since Qian Renxue has already finished the preparations, if she delays by one more day, the possibility of the plan's failure will increase.

Qian Renxue smiled and said: "Although I don't know why you are not optimistic that my plan can succeed, we can still be regarded as friends. If I really fail, this may be your last chance, so even if it is For the sake of my friend, I have to wait a few more days!"

"Thank you!" Chen Hu opened his mouth and said bitterly.

To be honest, every time he approached Qian Renxue, there was a factor of taking advantage of Qian Renxue, but Qian Renxue never let him down, and even willingly waited for his arrival at the risk of failure.

Is this a friend! ?

Chen Hu has many friends, but Qian Renxue, who is very similar to him, gives him a different feeling, which is a feeling called a confidant.

Perhaps, this is also the attraction between two lonely souls.

That's right, Chen Hu's soul is lonely, even if he has new parents, elders, partners and even lovers, his soul is still lonely.

However, Qian Renxue, who was born by the wrong combination of parents, has no father's love and mother's love since she was a child, and she didn't have a playmate in her childhood, and she was also a lonely person.

Two people who are equally lonely but equally outstanding always have a special attraction for each other.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Qian Renxue kept accommodating Chen Hu.

She was also under tremendous pressure to postpone the plan of Wuhundian, but she gritted her teeth and persisted. Fortunately, Chen Hu came in time.

"By the way, when do you plan to do it?" Chen Hu asked.

"Midnight in three days' time."

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

"No problem, but before that, I think you should meet someone first!" Qian Renxue hesitated for a moment, but still said.

"Meet someone? Who is it?" Chen Hu asked curiously.

"Lin Xiaoxiao, Toli, and Zhong Lixue are also in the team sent by Wuhundian to assist my plan. They are now in Tiandou City. This is the information of where they are staying." Qian Renxue handed A small note from Chen Hu.

"Thank you." Chen Hu thanked again, his body disappeared in a flash, and disappeared from Qian Renxue's sight.

 Nearly [-] words, this chapter is all for today, I haven’t had a good rest, I’m too sleepy, I’m going to bed, I’ll try to write more tomorrow, everyone should go to bed earlier, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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