Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 341 8 Fang Yundong

Chapter 341
Xue Yiqing watched a colleague die in front of her, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

That person gave up his duty without hesitation and ran away directly. He looked down on such a person very much.

However, this seemingly simple and honest man in front of him made a decisive move, and the three Contras died in his hands almost instantly.

The effect of the Taiji domain to conceal the aura was useless when Chen Hu chose to kill several Title Douluo hidden in the dark, and seven magnificent soul rings circled him up and down.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, black.

Among the seven soul rings, the second yellow soul ring has traces of blood red flowing indistinctly. This is because Chen Hu's own control of the soul skills has far exceeded the limit of the soul skills, and the soul skills are driving The evolution of the soul ring.

After all, the power displayed by Chen Hu's second soul skill, Fengquan, is no longer something a century-old soul ring can bear.

In the black light of the fourth spirit ring and the sixth spirit ring, ice blue and vivid red light are also mixed.

The seventh soul ring is even more mixed with red and gold.

No matter how you look at these soul rings, they don't look like ordinary soul rings. Compared with this, it's not surprising that the fourth soul ring on his body is directly the ten thousand year soul ring.

Even if these seven soul rings look so different, it still can't change the fact that this person is just a soul saint of more than 70 levels.

But it was such a soul sage who killed three Contra level powerhouses in seconds.

"It's you, you still don't give up!" From the seven soul rings and domain aura displayed by Chen Hu, even though Chen Huhe had undergone earth-shaking changes before, Xue Yiqing still recognized this at a glance. One of the two thieves who broke into the royal treasury.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, the other party has reached this level.

Xue Yiqing also felt deep remorse in her heart, if he had killed those two people desperately at the beginning, there would be no result now.

It was because of these two people that he was in charge of the Royal Treasure House himself, but he never thought that he had already attached great importance to the Royal Treasure House, but he underestimated the growth rate of the other party.

"Can you tell me who you are? Whether it was the original appearance or the current appearance, it should not be your real appearance, right? Who are you?"

Xue Yiqing's Martial Soul blood-red swan possessed him, and a thick blood-red light bloomed from his body. Eight soul rings circled his body up and down. Judging from the pure breath, Xue Yiqing's soul power was infinitely close Level ninety, only a thin line away from Title Douluo.

However, at this time, he did not choose to act immediately, but stared aggressively at Chen Hu, waiting for Chen Hu's answer.

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can have such a powerful strength. Combined with the completely different appearance from last time, Xue Yiqing is sure that the appearance in front of her is not the real appearance of this person.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you either get out or die here!" Chen Hu didn't have enough patience to waste time with Xue Yiqing, the seventh key of Thor was right behind Xue Yiqing, he There is only one purpose from the beginning to the end, and that is the key of Thor.

"You..." Xue Yiqing was furious, blood-red velvet grew from his body, the fifth and sixth soul rings lit up, surging soul power bloomed from the blood-red feathered sword, and the huge The bloody swan flapped its wings, and a bloody light gushed out from the long sword towards Chen Hu.

Although Chen Hu performed well in the duel with him last time, the real threat to him was Qian Renxue, whose martial spirit restrained him.

Now that Qian Renxue is not by his side, the only thing that makes Xue Yiqing afraid of Chen Hu is his formidable strength and speed beyond imagination.

In Xue Yiqing's view, although Chen Hu is weird, the realm of soul power cannot be falsified.

The soul power of the seven-ringed soul sage will never be comparable to that of his eight-ringed soul.

So he also wanted to use his soul power to suppress his opponent, and not give Chen Hu a chance to get close.

"Naive!" The delusion-breaking eyes bloomed, and Chen Hu also used his soul power to cut out a blood-red knife light.

Two rays of light converged in the air, one knife and one sword, and the knife light passed through the sword light without any accident, and appeared in front of Xue Yiqing.

"This is impossible!"

Xue Yiqing yelled in disbelief.

His soul power is stronger than the opponent's, but why is the result of the collision of soul power like this?
The blood-colored wings gathered in front of him, and the wings condensed by soul skills usually have good defensive power. The light of Chen Hu's knife separated the soul power on the blood-colored wings, and the burst of powerful force knocked Xue Yiqing into the air Going out, the fiery red fire ant runes began to burn violently, and the extreme flames quickly burned the soul power on Xue Yiqing's wings.

"What kind of flame is this?" Xue Yiqing's complexion changed, and he found that his soul power was constantly burning, and the burning sensation was rapidly approaching his body through the wings.

"Purification of the spirit world!" Xue Yiqing gave a low voice, the light of purification gushed out from his martial soul, the white light purified his body, and the evil aura of the blood-red swan also sloughed off under the purification of this light .

His fourth soul skill Purifying Spirit World can not only purify the breath on his body, but also purify all the negative states on his body.

The fiery red flames burning on the wings were also directly extinguished under the power of the Spirit Purification World.

But Xue Yiqing also restrained all her carelessness and contempt.

The opponent's strength has proved his strength, and he must go all out.

"Martial soul avatar!" The blood-red swan descended, and Xue Yiqing displayed the martial soul avatar without any scruples. After turning into a huge blood-red swan, his aura became stronger.

The swan dances lightly in the air, this is one of his soul skills, and it is also a set of tactics he created himself, the combination of the two will not be inferior to any of his soul skills.

The swan danced gracefully, accompanied by blood light in its elegance. When he danced, countless blood-red velvets flew down from the sky, like a blood-red snowfall from the sky.

Wherever the blood-colored velvet went, everything was stained with blood.

The Taiji domain stretched from Chen Hu's body, and the dancing swans in the sky looked so elegant, but there were bursts of icy chill coming from all around.

In the eyes of Po Wang, Xue Yiqing's soul power and vitality are being consumed at a terrifying speed.

This move consumes not only his soul power, but also his vitality.

Chen Hu slowly raised the Dawn Saber, no matter what the effect of Xue Yiqing's move was, he didn't intend to let Xue Yiqing continue to use his skill.

The whistling sound of wind and thunder sounded from behind him, and a pair of 18-meter lightning wings had appeared behind him. With a flash of the wind and thunder wings, he had already rushed towards Xue Yiqing.

The moment his feet left the ground, he felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure. The air seemed to have frozen together. Every time the wind, thunder and lightning wings flapped, it required a lot of effort. It is far from reaching the expected level.

Golden blood light bloomed from Chen Hu's body, the blood of Dou Zhan boiled loudly, the breath of extreme cold and heat escaped, and strands of blood unexpectedly gushed out of his body uncontrollably, heading towards Xue Yi Flying in the direction of Qing, melted into Yukio Qing's body.

Such powerful blood!

Xue Yiqing's eyes burst out with blood-thirsty light, and a look of madness appeared on his face. In the blood drawn from Chen Hu's body, he felt unprecedentedly powerful power. The hair was burning, and strands of golden color also appeared on Yuki Haru's body.

With the help of this golden blood power, it was as if a shackle in Xue Yiqing's body was shattered, and the soul power in his body was directly exuberant.


Xue Yiqing laughed wildly, "Boy, I don't know whether to hate you or thank you. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to break through this shackle in my life. Thank you for letting me reach the realm of Titled Douluo. In order to thank you, I will not kill you immediately, but will imprison you in a dungeon and drain all the power in your blood."

With her soul power reaching level ninety, Xue Yiqing has unprecedented confidence.

Titled Douluo is the goal he pursued all his life. Since he has never been able to reach the realm of Titled Douluo, Titled Douluo has become his obsession. This obsession made him stubbornly believe that Titled Douluo is an invincible existence.

The abundant power of qi and blood in his body also proves this point. The fighting spirit in the blood drawn from Chen Hu made him ignite. Among the ice flames and flames, his body was still burning with golden blood flames .

The blood red swan stopped dancing, perhaps it was Chen Hu's golden fist that had already rushed in front of him.

King Kong's Right Arm Soul Bone!
The power of the soul bone that has evolved to 7 years is constantly erupting, affecting the power of Prajna in his body, and the space is also collapsing under this golden fist mark, as if it cannot bear the power of this punch.

However, in front of this golden fist mark, Xue Yiqing actually raised her fist burning with triple flames, and collided with Chen Hu's Vajra Fist.


The violent explosion resounded throughout Tiandou City, and countless people turned their attention to the golden light in the night sky.

Under the golden light, Xue Yiqing's body was shattered inch by inch, and immediately disappeared into ashes. In mid-air, there was only one blood-colored soul bone emitting a faint bloody light in the air.

Xue Yiqing is the number one master of the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire, it is not surprising that a spirit bone appears on his body.

A smile appeared on Chen Hu's face, which was a surprise. The quality of this soul bone is quite good. It is a left leg soul bone that is about 5 years old. Even if this soul bone is not suitable for him, he can still Give this spirit bone to his partner.

And the battle between Xue Yiqing and Chen Hu was like a signal, three powerful auras rushed out from a luxurious mansion in the southernmost part of Tiandou City at the same time, and quickly approached in the direction of Tiandou Palace.

Although the Heaven Dou Empire recruited the Clear Sky School, how could the five titled Hao Tian School not be feared by the Heaven Dou Imperial Family at all? The location of Tianzong's seat is also at the edge of Tiandou City.

However, this distance is actually nothing to the Title Douluo, with the Title Douluo's speed, half a minute is enough to reach the Heaven Dou Palace.

However, as soon as the three Titled Douluo rushed out, three men in black appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

"The lackeys of the Wuhun Palace, it's you again, today I want to avenge the dead suzerain and fifth brother!" Lieyang Douluo, the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School, roared, and the Clear Sky School crazily blasted towards a man in black.

The other two titled Douluo elders of Haotian School also rushed towards the other two men in black.

There is no doubt that the two men in black are both Titled Douluo.

Facing the Title Douluo of the Clear Sky School, they are not opponents, but the gap is not too big. After all, the elders of the Clear Sky School are all Title Douluo who have been promoted within 20 years. Their talents are not amazing, and their soul powers are all at level 94. Under the circumstances, it is not a problem for the three of them to hold them back.

Outside Tiandou City, the barracks of the Tiandou Royal Knights.

Sitting in the center, Tang Hao and the third elder of the Clear Sky School saw the successive roars in Tiandou City, their expressions changed and they rushed out of the camp.

"Brother Tang, we haven't seen each other for many years. You have been in Tiandou City for so many days, and I haven't looked for you to catch up on the old days. Let's have a good chat here today, okay!" A calm voice appeared In Tang Hao's ears, Sword Douluo Jian Daochen Xin, dressed in white clothes like snow, had already appeared in front of Tang Hao.

Beside Chen Xin, there is Gu Rong, another titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

"Chen Xin, I didn't expect that your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School would actually be the lackey of the Wuhun Palace!" Tang Hao's face became gloomy. The prestige of Jian Dao Chen Xin did not just come out, he appeared here in person, and there was also suppression What Jian Daochen meant, but he didn't expect that today he would be held back by Jian Daochen.

There is also Gu Rong beside Chen Xin, who is also a peak Douluo at level 96, and his defensive power is even more unparalleled, and the third elder is definitely not his opponent.

"Heh!" Chen Xin said disdainfully, "I, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, never thought of abandoning the Heaven Dou Empire, but the Heaven Dou Empire forced us to leave. If so, what if we abandon this empire?"

(End of this chapter)

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