Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 346 Reinforcement

Chapter 346 Reinforcement
Qian Renxue smiled gently, and her beautiful and beautiful face made it easy to feel a good impression, "I didn't mean to offend this person with my words, please forgive me if my words are inappropriate."

At this time, Tang San noticed that the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe, was actually a woman, no, she was definitely not the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe, Xue Qinghe should have been the same as the other two sons of Emperor Xue Ye, Died in the hands of Wuhundian.

The scene of Qian Renxue forcefully interrupting the attack of Yang Wudi and Lin Xiaoxiao appeared in Tang San's mind, and the golden light and shadow appeared behind Qian Renxue, Tang San naturally thought of a kind of martial spirit in his mind.

Angel spirit.

According to the master, the angel martial soul is one of the top martial souls in the world, and the seraphim symbolizes the spokesperson of the gods. People who possess this kind of martial soul have an innate soul power of level [-], that is to say, as long as they have Once you get the first soul ring, you can immediately go to get the second soul ring. From the start, you don't know how much better than most people's soul masters.

Perhaps only this kind of martial soul can give her such a powerful ability!

Tang San's heart moved, and he said via voice transmission: "Old Poison, do you know what descendants the last Pope of the Spirit Hall has?"

"You mean...?"

Dugu Bo understood, thought for a while and said: "It is rumored that the former Pope Chihiro Ji had a son, but he died many years ago, but now it seems that the rumor is wrong, not only is he not a boy, but he did not die young, but It's lurking in the Heaven Dou Empire."

"So, the woman in front of me is the young master of the Wuhun Palace, no wonder she can mobilize so much power of the Wuhun Palace."

After Dugu Bo and Tang San found out Qian Renxue's identity, not only did they not breathe a sigh of relief, but their hearts became even more heavy. The daughter of the Pope of the Spirit Hall personally lurks in the Heaven Dou Empire. It's enough to make a move, once you make a move, you will never die, the preparation of Wuhundian is definitely not just like this.

At this time, Yang Wudi was only able to separate his mind a bit, glanced at Qian Renxue, and said coldly: "Yang Wudi!"

It was an answer to Qian Renxue's last question.

"But Yang Wudi, the Patriarch of the Pozhi Clan?" Snake Lance Douluo who was standing beside Qian Renxue's body changed his expression and asked.

Although Snake Lance Douluo had never confronted Yang Wudi head-on, the strength Yang Wudi displayed could undoubtedly threaten him.

"Exactly!" Yang Wudi said proudly.

Qian Renxue suddenly said: "So that's it, from the broken clan of Clear Sky School, no wonder they would help Tang San."

Yang Wudi snorted coldly, "My broken clan has nothing to do with the Clear Sky School. What I helped was Tang San, and has nothing to do with the Clear Sky School."

Haotianzong abandoned the four major affiliated sects and let them face the suppression of Wuhundian alone. The resentment of the four major clans towards Haotianzong was no worse than Wuhundian.

Yang Wudi intends to join the Tang Sect. Apart from Tang San's personal charm, it is also because Tang San did not inherit the position of the patriarch of the Haotian School. Once Tang San chooses to inherit the Haotian School, even if they don't part ways with Tang San, they will There is resentment in my heart.

Even if the four major clans of the Clear Sky School are in Tiandou City with the Clear Sky School, they have always been in a state of being in a state of not interfering with the waters of the river. The members of the four major clans will not have any good looks when they see the Clear Sky School.

"I see. No wonder that guy thinks so highly of you. Tang San, you really surprised me again, but the more surprises you give me, the less likely you are to leave here today."

Qian Renxue's face turned cold, Tang San is indeed a genius, but there are people who are more talented than him, at least Lin Xiaoxiao beside her is not much worse than Tang San, let alone that guy.

Tang San didn't take it seriously, they also knew that the current situation was not good for them, but it's not like he hasn't encountered more severe situations than this since he grew up, didn't he come all the way?

Compared with others, Tang San, who has been a man for two lifetimes, has a firmer belief.

Qian Renxue said: "I know what you are waiting for, but you don't need to waste your efforts."

"I brought 2000 soul masters into Heaven Dou City this time. There are 5000 soul masters in the imperial family, [-] of them are trained in Shrek Academy, and [-] of them are in the palace. I'm still the crown prince. These [-] people are naturally transferred by me, so I actually control more than [-] soul masters."

"What you rely on is nothing but Shrek Academy and Haotianzong."

"I have already sent a secret letter to the head of the royal soul master stationed at Shrek Academy, telling Shrek Academy that there is a conspiracy and asking him to closely monitor Shrek Academy. I believe that even with the prestige of the master, it is impossible. The one who ordered the royal family's soul masters to attack the palace..."

"As for the Clear Sky School, I have my own response to the titled Douluo, so it is impossible for someone to rescue you today."

"I can give you a choice now, either join our Spirit Hall, or all of you will die here!"

Compared with the original book, Qian Renxue's intention to recruit Tang San is much lighter. After all, there is no shortage of geniuses like Tang San in the Wuhun Palace or around her.

The more geniuses there are, the less valuable they are.

"Oh, is it?"

As soon as Qian Renxue's words fell, a faint voice sounded from the sky.

The faces of Snake Lance Douluo and Porcupine Douluo changed, and they looked towards the direction of the sound, and a tall and burly figure appeared in their eyes.

"Tang Hao!" Qian Renxue's face also changed. Naturally, she would not completely rely on the two Titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. In fact, she also arranged for two Titled Douluo to intercept Tang Hao on the way, but Tang Hao did not expect Hao actually broke into here.

In her plan, it should be that after she controls the Heaven Dou Empire, she gathers the power of the royal family and the Spirit Hall to bury all the power of the Clear Sky School in the Sky Dou City, but Tang Hao came too soon, Of course, this is also related to the fact that they spent too long here.

"I didn't expect that Qian Xun Ji still has a daughter living in this world, and she has been lurking in the Heaven Dou Empire for more than ten years." Tang Hao's eyes fell on Qian Renxue, with a bit of hatred.

Qian Renxue's father, Qian Daoliu, was the one who ruined his family.

Seeing a face similar to Chihiro Ji appearing in front of him, Tang Hao could hardly suppress his anger.

His gaze stayed on Snake Lance Douluo and Porcupine Douluo who were facing the enemy again, and he showed a smile full of hatred, "Okay, okay, you two are here, today I will leave all of you together. Here, avenge my elder brother and the nine hundred innocent souls of the Haotian School!"

"Tang Hao, it's too crazy to want to keep all of us just because you are alone!" Snake Lance Douluo felt the huge pressure coming from Tang Hao, and his expression was dignified, but Tang Hao's words still made him unconvinced.

Anyway, he was also a Titled Douluo, and it would be very difficult for Tang Hao to kill them if he wanted to escape.

"One Haotian crown is not enough, so add us! The sun and moon shine and turn golden!" Another voice full of hatred sounded.

At this time, a shout came slowly from far away from the palace, "Who are you, how dare you trespass into the palace?"

In the distance, a golden dragon is soaring into the sky. Compared with the golden dragon that appeared in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, this golden dragon is much smaller in terms of breath and body, but it is still enough to threaten Title Dou. Luo's strength.

Tang San spent a lot of money to heal Grandmaster's meridians, but part of the damage was irreversible. Grandmaster suddenly aged a lot, and his spirit power only recovered to more than 30 levels. The power is also greatly reduced.

However, Tang Hao, the golden dragon, Yang Wudi, Dugu Bo, Tang San, at this moment, the balance of victory has already begun to tilt.

In an instant, the huge body of the golden dragon crushed a famous soul master, and rushed directly to Tang Hao and the others. The huge dragon's eyes were blood-red, and what he inherited was the master Yu Xiaogang's full of hatred. mood.

"Kill!" Tang Hao's indifferent voice came out, the pitch-black Clear Sky Hammer turned completely blood-red under the effect of the 10-year soul ring, and the Clear Sky Hammer became incomparably huge under the blessing of level 96 soul power. Booming towards the group of people with a destructive force.

With this blow, he didn't reserve the slightest bit of strength, he just wanted to kill everyone in front of him.

Whether it is the two titled Douluo, Qian Renxue, Lin Xiaoxiao, Zhonglixue Tuoli, etc., they are all his targets, so don't think of leaving any of them today.

Compared with Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer at this time, Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer is undoubtedly much more immature, but he still swung his own Clear Sky Hammer, one big and one small two Clear Sky Hammers Blast out one after another.

Yang Wudi concentrated his energy, poured all his remaining soul power into the Soul-breaking Spear, his energy and spirit were united, and the Soul-breaking Spear pierced out.

The Jade Phosphorous Snake Emperor transformed into the Wuhun avatar by Dugu Bo and the golden dragon in the sky roared and rushed towards the group of people together.

The dragon and snake attack together.

Facing the attacks at the level of the five Titled Douluo, Qian Renxue and the others fell into a desperate situation all at once.

The Tengu transformed by Tori and Zhonglixue barked wildly, and opened its mouth wide to swallow the Golden Dragon and the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor. The terrifying devouring power was released from the Tengu's mouth, and the Golden Dragon and the Jade Phosphorus Snake The energy from the emperor's body flowed frantically towards Tiangou's mouth.

Tengu Food Day!

The third, fifth, and sixth soul rings on Lin Xiaoxiao's body also shone again. Countless stars gathered on the invincible Overlord Spear, and the soul power penetrated through the gun body. The long spear pierced out like an arrow, meeting Yang Wudi's soul-breaking spear.

The two titled Douluo, Snake Spear and Dolphin, used their spirit avatars to attack Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer.

On the other hand, Qian Renxue used the Angel Domain, and touched Tang San's Killing God Domain. The collision of the domains made it difficult for Tang San to take a step forward in the Angel Domain, but Qian Renxue, who was already seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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