Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 368 The 4th Knife and the 6th Knife

Chapter 368 The Fourth Knife and the Sixth Knife (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

How terrifying is Tang Hao in his prime?At this moment, Chen Hu really felt Tang Hao's true strength.

The Great Sumeru Hammer controlled Tang Hao's nine soul skills together, which was equivalent to releasing nine soul skills at the same time, and what came from the blood-red Clear Sky Hammer was extremely terrifying power.

Both the huge Clear Sky Hammer and Tang Hao exuded an invincible aura, and the power attached to the thick Clear Sky Hammer had already exceeded the limit of a soul master.

Breakthrough all methods!

This is the true profound meaning of the Clear Sky Hammer, the martial soul of the Clear Sky School. The Great Sumeru Hammer that Tang Hao is displaying at this moment is the true embodiment of breaking all laws with one force.

Each hammer was as thick as a mountain, and the air trembled under his sledgehammer.

Moreover, Tang Hao is also responsible for the Haotian School's unique knowledge, Haotian Jiujue.

These are nine special methods of exerting force, and they are also the true unique skills of Haotian School. The actual combat significance is definitely not comparable to that of the random cloaking wind hammer method.

According to legend, only the most outstanding geniuses of Haotian School, who are recognized by the suzerain and elders, can learn.

Combining the power of the Great Sumeru Hammer with the skills of Haotian Jiujue, Tang Hao is definitely the strongest opponent Chen Hu has faced in his life.

Tang Hao is certainly strong, but Chen Hu, who is also at the peak of his life, is not weak.

Except for Tang Hao's inferior soul power, none of the soul bones, domains, and soul skills were inferior to Tang Hao.

Moreover, compared to Tang Hao's use of the Great Sumeru Hammer passed down from generation to generation of Haotianzong's experience to forcibly fuse the power of nine soul rings into the martial soul and release it, the special nature of Chen Hu's martial soul allows him to freely use the seven soul skills. The power is released at the same time.

The Eye of Delusion sees through Tang Hao's way of luck and luck, combined with the super responsiveness brought by the fifth soul skill Thunderbolt, Chen Hu can almost predict the future and predict the enemy beforehand.

Whenever Tang Hao's power is released to the peak, Chen Hu will choose to avoid his edge and break through from the weakest point of Tang Hao's body.

The Dawn God Knife also showed the true sharpness of an artifact, not to mention that its sharpness can break through Tang Hao's God-killing domain and the defense built by soul power and soul bones, making Tang Hao restrained and unable to let go of all the strength of his hands and feet attack.

The fusion of his soul and aura with Chen Hu is already equivalent to the state of the soul master's seventh soul skill, the soul avatar.

That is to say, after Chen Hu displayed the seventh soul skill, Fighting Avatar, the Godly Sword of Dawn also gave him a skill similar to that of an Artifact Soul Master's Avatar.

What would be the effect if a soul master was blessed by two great spirit avatars at the same time?
Nobody knows.

Even if it is the so-called twin martial souls, it is impossible to display the soul skills of the two martial souls at the same time, let alone the seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul.

Martial Soul Avatar is a soul master's ability to bring his own strength to a higher level. For most soul masters, the seventh soul skill is even more effective than the eighth soul skill, comparable to his own The ninth soul skill.

Chen Hu, who has gathered the two great spirits in one body, is what he can really rely on to compete with Tang Hao.

As the two fought in mid-air, the terrifying aftermath of soul power formed a huge tornado, and fiery rays of light erupted from the center of the battle between the two.


This is a truly peerless battle.

The eyes of the blacksmiths below were dull, and at this moment they really understood why soul masters are the most powerful profession in the mainland.

The strength shown by these two people in front of them has surpassed human imagination, and they are both close to gods.

The craftsmen who chose Tangmen already deeply regretted it in their eyes.

Clear Sky Douluo needless to say, but Chen Hu, a soul master in his early 20s, can be on par with Clear Sky Douluo, what does this mean?
This means that Chen Hu's talent is even more terrifying than Tang Hao's. Given enough time, he may reach a level where Tang Hao can only flinch.

Following such a city lord, one can imagine how brilliant their future will be.

And that dreadful firearm!

Dionysus City...

Everyone has a bitter look on their faces, but the more than 100 craftsmen who chose Dionysus City can only see happiness in their eyes.

After a violent roar in the sky, the two separated in the air.

Tang Hao's face was dignified, shallow cracks unexpectedly appeared on his Wuhun Haotian Hammer.

Relying on the power of the divine weapon, he actually had the upper hand in the confrontation just now.

At this moment, Tang Hao also understood that it wasn't that Chen Hu's kung fu had made great progress in the past ten days, but that the knife in his hand was different from before.

The threat that the knife posed to him was no less than that of Chen Hu himself.

The invincible magic sword, combined with Chen Hu's sharp and decisive sword intent and the sword technique honed over the years, is so terrifying.

Lou Gao also noticed the Hunxiao knife in Chen Hu's hand, and there was a sense of disbelief in his eyes.

Although the breath of life in the Hunxiao Dao merged with Chen Hu, it was the fusion of the two that made Lou Gao sure that the Hunxiao Dao was indeed alive.


I can't think of any other explanation besides these two characters.

When Lou Di came to tell him that Lou Qing had forged a real divine weapon, he didn't take it seriously, the more proficient in forging, the more he understood how difficult it is to forge a divine weapon.

Compared with the real artifacts, the "artifact" he forged before is like the difference between a level 99 Peerless Douluo and a level 99 god. It seems that there is only one level difference between level [-] and level [-] , but at this level there is an unimaginable gap between the two.

It is also because of this artifact that Chen Hu's strength is enough to threaten Haotian Douluo Tang Hao.

Although Tang Hao's soul power at this time has not yet reached level 97, he will definitely not be weaker than any level 97 peak Douluo after returning to the peak.

But Chen Hu, who holds the Godly Sword of Faint Dawn, is not weaker than Tang Hao at all.

This is the true meaning of an artifact, allowing soul masters to kill enemies across an unimaginable level.

With a bang, Tang Hao fell from mid-air to the ground, his feet stepped on the ground, as if connected to the ground, the aura on his body became even thicker.

Tang Hao's grandfather, Tang Chen, was known as invincible on land. The main reason was that once members of the Clear Sky School set foot on the land, they could use the power of the land to exert their strength to the limit.

On the ground, Tang Chen's power is boundless, even Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi are not his opponents.

Tang Hao fell to the ground, although he gave up a certain amount of mobility, but he was undoubtedly able to exert the power of the Clear Sky Hammer to the extreme.

But now Tang Hao exuded even more terrifying threats from his whole body.

Chen Hu's eyes burst into golden light, and a net of rules appeared in his eyes.

Standing on the earth, Tang Hao seems to be connected with the rules of the thick earth, making the rules on him even more terrifying.

Golden blood is boiling.

The more boiling the blood of Dou Zhan is, the more the extreme cold and extreme heat in the eyes of Binghuo Yinyi will escape from the blood. These two kinds of power will continuously merge into the fourth soul skill Broken Jade and the fourth soul skill Broken Jade. Among the six soul skills fire ants, the power of his two soul skills became stronger and stronger.

The Broken Jade Ice Armor became more and more brilliant, the armor formed by the condensed frost was harder than diamond, it was already not inferior to Tang San's invincible golden body such an absolute defensive spirit ability.

In his body, dense fire ant runes have spread all over his body with the flow of blood and soul power. Countless fire ant runes seem to form a rune array in his body, making his body like a hot sun, accumulating With terrible energy.

At this moment, Chen Hu had a vague understanding in his heart, and his eyes became fiercer than ever before...

The fourth knife, broken jade!
The power of the broken jade blazed in an instant, and melted into the magic knife of the dawn, and then, a icy sky knife was cut out of Chen Hu's hand, and the icy cold air was completely separated from the ice knife in an instant.

Facing this terrifying ice knife, the wind knife from the previous confrontation appeared in Tang Hao's mind. There is no doubt that this is not inferior to the skill of the last wind knife, and this time it is better than the Wuxiao God knife. Under the blade, this knife is even more terrifying than the previous one.

"Break it!" Tang Hao shouted, showing the truly terrifying strength of Haotian Douluo.

His left leg stepped on the ground, and the ground cracked under his foot, sinking into a big pit.

But Tang Hao's body jumped up from the big pit, the Clear Sky Hammer had merged with his energy and spirit, and terrifying power undisguisedly erupted from the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Clear Sky Hammer grew against the wind, and in Tang Hao's hands it turned into a mountain top, facing the terrifying ice blade falling from the sky.


The ice blade collided with the Clear Sky Hammer, the ice blade shattered, and the terrifying cold wave mixed with countless broken blades blasted towards Tang Hao.

The cold wave surged past, countless frightening cold air condensed into a streak of frost on the surface of Clear Sky Hammer and Tang Hao's body.

Under this cold air, Tang Hao felt that his soul power and thinking had stagnated, and the cold air was actually invading his soul power and consciousness.

After realizing this, the terrifying knife light hidden behind the cold wave had already struck, a trace of determination flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, and the two soul rings on his body shattered, melting into his body and the Clear Sky Hammer.

The bloody light of the Clear Sky Hammer exploded, and the ice attached to the surface of the Clear Sky Hammer and Tang Hao's body shattered.

Great Sumeru Hammer Profound Truth: Broken Ring!
Relying on the power of the Broken Soul Ring, Tang Hao finally broke through the shackles of the cold air, and even the power of the Clear Sky Hammer was even more terrifying under the blessing of the Broken Ring, and collided with the Faint Sword in Chen Hu's hand with a bang.

After shattering the soul ring, the power attached to the Haotian Hammer had reached an extremely abnormal level, and a terrifying black light bloomed where the two of them touched. When Chen Hu flew upside down, the broken jade ice armor and skin on his body were like It was like a piece of porcelain, broken layer by layer.

The cyan light of life continuously escaped from his wound, it was the green power of bamboo leaves in his body.

The wind, thunder and lightning wings trembled violently, and Chen Hu flew upside down for more than 500 meters before buffering all the strength in his body.

Breakthrough all methods!

After using the Great Sumeru Hammer's Ring Exploding Mystery, the power of Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer has already exceeded the limit of Title Douluo, approaching a god.

Under this hammer, almost all of Chen Hu's defenses had been broken, causing him to be injured.

And Tang Hao fell back into the big pit lined with icicles, swung the Haotian Hammer, his body jumped up again, and swung the second hammer with his strength.

Even when his aura fell back after the ring explosion on his body, Tang Hao shattered the third, fourth, and fifth soul rings again without hesitation, and Tang Hao's aura that shattered these three soul rings became even stronger. It's scary.

The jade is burnt!

Chen Hu could see from Tang Hao's eyes that he wanted to kill,

Even if he risked his life today, he would get rid of this great enemy for his son.

"Will the jade and the stone burn together?" The last eruption of the Fire Feathered Golden Crow when he obtained the sixth soul ring came to Chen Hu's mind. The power of the fire ant, together with his life and soul, burned in an instant, and the fire ants in the body formed a large formation Let Chen Hu burn like a sun...

The ice melted and a second sun appeared in the sky.

The scorching light made people in the distance feel that the water in their bodies was being lost rapidly.

Sixth knife, fire ants!
Although the ants are small, the countless ants united as one can release flames that surpass the sun.

This knife also exhausted everything Chen Hu had.

Qi and blood, soul power, life, soul...all are burning to release such a terrifying flame.

The fiery red sun power condensed into a blazing fiery knife, which collided with the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand without hesitation.


When the Fire Knife collided with the Clear Sky Hammer, an earth-shattering explosion appeared, and countless flames spread out, and the heat wave and terrifying impact directly blasted everything around...

The blacksmiths in the distance also had to retreat quickly, but many people were still thrown out in the heat wave and seriously injured.

Even at such a distance, the aftermath of the explosion was not something they could bear.

It can be seen that where the two are fighting, what a terrifying force they will face!

"Erhu!" Lin Xiaoxiao's body turned into a black shadow, rushing into the flames like an unstoppable sharp gun.

In the center, there are only two soul rings on Tang Hao's body emitting faint light, which are his eighth and ninth soul rings.

When the Clear Sky Hammer collided with the Fire Ant Knife, Tang Hao also felt the pressure of death, and had to shatter the sixth and seventh spirit rings one after another, pushing the power of the Clear Sky Hammer to another level.

But even so, the flesh and blood of Tang Hao's half body holding the Haotian Hammer was directly burned by the flames, leaving only the dim light of the soul bone, and his aura was extremely sluggish.

And Chen Hu has disappeared, only an egg made of condensed flames is suspended in the air, and densely packed fire ant runes swim on the surface of the eggshell, condensing into mysterious lines.

Tang Hao slowly raised the Haotian Hammer, he didn't know what the egg in front of him was, but he could feel a vigorous life force being bred in the eggshell.

He didn't know how Chen Hu managed to be reborn from Nirvana in the flames of burning life, soul power, qi and blood, and soul, and gathered a ray of life, but no matter what, he would not give the other party a chance to be reborn.

The Haotian Hammer blasted out.

After this hammer, everything is over!
Tang Hao also felt an unprecedented sense of relief, is it finally over...

The Clear Sky Hammer didn't land on the flame egg, a Overlord Spear came through the air, blocking Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer.

Lin Xiaoxiao held the Clear Sky Hammer, and looked at Tang Hao indifferently, her gaze cast aside.

As long as she is still there, no one can hurt the erhu.

"You want to stop me too?"

Tang Hao fell to the ground, looked at Lin Xiaoxiao who was standing in front of the flame egg, and said calmly: "I admit that you are very strong, and your strength is not inferior to that of an ordinary Titled Douluo, but you are still a little short of trying to stop me, why bother in vain?" Lose your own life?"

Although he was seriously injured, the power of the exploding ring has not completely dissipated, and he still has the eighth spirit ring and the most terrifying 10-year ninth spirit ring. If he is desperate, Lin Xiaoxiao will just die in vain.

Tang Hao's target is Chen Hu. He has no intention of killing Lin Xiaoxiao, and he doesn't want to waste the eighth and ninth spirit rings on Lin Xiaoxiao. Once the other two spirit rings are broken, he will really be Ordinary people, even the body and spirit will collapse.

Lin Xiaoxiao's face remained unchanged, and she stood in front of the big egg formed by the condensed flames without saying a word, expressing her attitude.

Even if it is death, she will not back down.

The Dawn Sword turned into a ray of light and flew to stop in front of Lin Xiaoxiao. He, who had already been born with wisdom, wanted to protect his master with Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao held the Hunxiao knife, and the aura on his body began to increase violently.

"Okay, if that's the case, then don't blame me!"

Tang Hao gave a cold shout, and the eighth spirit ring also began to shatter, surging power melted into the Clear Sky Hammer, and he jumped to kill it!
 Today is just one chapter, more than 4000 words, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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