Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 371 Departure!Poseidon Island

Chapter 371 Departure!Poseidon Island
Both Xiaoqi and Lin Xiaoxiao have combat strength close to that of a Title Douluo, and Sea God Island is extremely powerful, with the two of them around, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

As for Bai Chenxiang, to be honest, Bai Chenxiang's talent is good, but compared with Ge Ding and Ye Mei, there is a lot of gap. Sea God Island is also an important opportunity for her. There is a slight possibility of catching up with others.

"Erhu, don't Axue and I need to go?" Tori couldn't help asking.

Both of them are just soul emperors, but after using the martial soul fusion technique, they are not inferior to Title Douluo.

They all knew that the trip to Sea God Island was extremely dangerous, so they also wanted to go with Chen Hu.

Chen Hu shook his head, and said: "Sea God Island is located in the ocean, the strength of the two of you is more suitable for displaying in the jungle, and Dionysus City is in a period of rapid development, and the appearance of firearms can easily make Dionysus City a target of public criticism. So with the two of you in Dionysus City, I feel more at ease."

Sea God's inheritance on Sea God Island is certainly full of temptations, but don't forget that they are all members of the Spirit Hall. The great battle more than 20 years ago made Sea God Island not have much favor for their Spirit Hall.

Moreover, from the very beginning, Chen Hu did not pin his hopes on the Sea God, especially the blurry scene he saw in the valley of the Lingming Clan last time, which directly lowered his hope for the Sea God. pole.

If possible, it would be the best result for Chen Hu to go to Sea God Island to gather a wave of wool and then inherit the throne of Thor.

Three months later, Lin Xiaoxiao walked out of the closed room, a powerful aura was released from her body, and a piercing spear intent shot out into the sky, and one could feel the power of that terrible spear intent bursting out from a distance How powerful it will be.

Everyone in Dionysus City gathered in the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for Lin Xiaoxiao to leave the customs.

After about a few breaths, Lin Xiaoxiao's breath calmed down.

In the past three months, refining the two spirit bones brought Lin Xiaoxiao a huge improvement. Just her spirit power changed from level 72 to level 75.

After the soul power reaches level [-], it is very difficult to increase each level. It takes three months to upgrade from level [-], and the quality of the two spirit bones that Tang Hao burst out is already quite terrifying.

In the hall, Chen Hu and Ning Rongrong stood together. After seeing Lin Xiaoxiao, a smile appeared on his face. Beside them were Xiaoqi and Bai Chenxiang.

Bai Chenxiang is carrying a metal musket on his back, this is a more powerful musket developed by Lou Qing, it can threaten the soul sage.

The energy and materials required are not comparable to ordinary muskets, and there are only a few two or three shots in the entire city of Dionysus.

The life and death of Sea God Island is uncertain, Bai Chenxiang and Ning Rongrong's self-protection ability is insufficient, so Chen Hu asked Lou Qing to make these two muskets quickly, so that the two have a certain self-protection ability.

"Boy, protect Rongrong well. If something happens to Rongrong, I can't spare you!" Bone Douluo Gu Rong said worriedly.

The ocean has always been one of the most mysterious places, even more terrifying than the Star Dou Great Forest. The endless sea is full of dangers, even Title Douluo dare not step into the deep sea easily.

Sea God Island is only a legendary force, and no one knows how many dangers there are in Sea God Island.

"Don't worry senior Bone Douluo, I will definitely protect everyone!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's departure also means that they will finally embark on a trip to Sea God Island, bid farewell to the people of Dionysus City who saw them off, and watch the majestic vitality of the huge Dionysus City in the rising sun. Next time they come back, Dionysus City will definitely It will refresh everyone.

Sea God Island is far away in the world, and Bai Chenxiang and Ning Rongrong, who went out for the first time, were a little sentimental, and their emotions were not high. They soon fell asleep in the carriage, and Lin Xiaoxiao also wanted to stabilize himself and fuse his soul. The soul power that has grown by leaps and bounds is also meditating in the carriage.

Xiao Qi couldn't bear the atmosphere in the carriage, and came to the front of the carriage to drive the carriage with Chen Hu.

As night fell, the carriage came to an ancient city, Wuhun City.

Throwing out the elder's token, the guard sergeant saluted respectfully and let the carriage enter the city.

The carriage went all the way to the center of Wuhun City, Wuhun Mountain.

Everyone began to climb Wuhun Mountain.

Bai Chenxiang came to Wuhun City for the first time, and she was quite curious about Wuhun Mountain, the holy land of the legendary soul masters. Looking around along the way, the melancholy of traveling far away from home also eased a bit.

Ning Rongrong only came once in the soul master competition many years ago, but last time they participated in the competition, they spent the whole process nervously, and they never fully appreciated the scenery of Wuhun Mountain, this time they couldn't help but look curiously Look around.

And Chen Hu had already left the team, and came to the largest and most magnificent hall in the middle of Wuhun Mountain alone.

Pope Palace!
"Who is it? This is also the most important place of the Wuhun Hall, and idlers are not allowed to enter!" Before Chen Hu could enter, two young palace guards stopped him. soul master.

"Please come in!" Before Chen Hu could speak, a majestic voice came from the hall.

The two Temple Knights stepped aside, and Chen Hu walked in with his head held high.

Pope Bibi Dong sits high on the throne, holding a scepter that symbolizes the supreme power of the Wuhun Temple, and wearing a crown on his head, which is overwhelming.

Every time I saw Bibi Dong, she exuded an amazing feeling.

But this time, Chen Hu still felt an unfathomable aura from Bibi Dong's body. The eyes of the delusion bloomed, and what appeared in the eyes was the soul power surging like the sea. In the vagueness, there was an extremely evil aura Lingering in the depths of Bibi Dong's soul power.

Bibi Dong seemed to have sensed something, the gleam in her eyes flashed away, and a huge aura swept over the sky.

Chen Hu snorted, and couldn't help but take a step back in front of this breath.

"Elder Chen, come to my Pope's Palace late at night, is it because you want to challenge me? I heard that Elder Chen defeated Haotian Douluo outside Gengxin City. He really is a hero!" Bibi Dong's tone was flat, but who knew that she just knew How amazing and incredible this news was at the time.

She was also confident that she was a top genius, but Chen Hu's growth rate really shocked her, and she had to take this amazing young man seriously.

She was also very curious as to why this young man came to her today!

But Chen Hu's gaze made her dislike it very much, as if she could see through everything, she didn't like this feeling.

Therefore, she doesn't mind giving the other party a little bit of power.

Sure enough, Chen Hu looked at Bibi Dong with a bit of seriousness. Just because he could defeat Tang Hao, it didn't mean that he could fight against a strong man like Bibi Dong who had already reached the realm of Peerless Douluo.

If Bibi Dong's second martial spirit also reached the realm of Peerless Douluo, even a god wouldn't dare to underestimate her!

Chen Hudao: "The subordinate came to the Pope's Palace to ask for something from His Majesty the Pope!"

"What?" Bibi Dong asked in surprise.

"Go to the map of Sea God Island!" Chen Hu said.

"Sea God Island? Are you going to Sea God Island?"

Bibi Dong was startled, suddenly realized, and asked calmly, "Do you guys know where Sea God Island is?"

"I've heard about it!" Chen Hu replied.

"Since you know about Seagod Island, you don't know that Wuhundian also suffered heavy losses when they tried to land on the island, and returned home in defeat, right?"

Bibi Dong said indifferently: "Last time, Wuhundian already had a grudge with the other party, no matter what your goals are this time, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Could it be that Elder Chen really thought that you were invincible after defeating Tang Hao?"

Although Bibi Dong's tone was flat, she was still unwilling to lose the genius of Spirit Hall to Sea God Island.

Chen Hu nodded: "I know, but I have a reason to go!"

Bibi Dong said flatly. "Is it the throne of Thunder God? Thunder God has fallen for countless years, and his divine throne may not help you reach that realm, and it's just a key of Thunder God. It's not worth your risk. Do you know that Sea God Island His high priest is a Peerless Douluo?"

Chen Hu's expression didn't change.

On the other hand, Bibidong looked at Chen Hu Gujing Wubo's eyes, and couldn't help showing a strange smile on her face, "It seems that I underestimated you, you already knew the strength of Sea God Island, since you have nothing to worry about, I also Stop being that bad guy, this is the sea chart of Sea God Island, I hope you get what you want!"

Bibi Dong waved her hand, and a stream of red light flew out.

Chen Hu grabbed Liu Guang, it was a pair of red scrolls, "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will take my leave!"

Having achieved the purpose of this trip, Chen Hu turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Bibi Dong's faint voice came: "Take Nana, you don't know what this girl means to you. If you dare to betray her, Even if you are the elder of Wuhundian, I will never spare you."

"Okay!" Chen Hu's leaving figure paused and nodded.

The next day, there was an enchanting figure in the line, three women in one scene, and the situation in the carriage became even more weird. Hu Liena and Ning Rongrong seemed to be born at odds with each other... Xiao Qi didn't want to be in the car either I stayed in the carriage, and fled outside the carriage to drive with Chen Hu.

Hu Liena, Lin Xiaoxiao, and Ning Rongrong...

Xiao Qi's eyes also had a bit of gloating. My big brother is good at everything, but he is too carefree. My sisters-in-law are not ordinary people. How can they get along harmoniously when they get together?

The carriage moved forward until the fifth day, when Lin Xiaoxiao had completely stabilized her strength. She didn't know what she said to Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena, and the tense atmosphere slowly dissipated.

As far as Hanhai City, a port city on the west coast of the mainland, Chen Hu finally said: "Our trip is extremely dangerous, not to mention the powerful sea soul beasts in the sea, which are no worse than the depths of the Star Dou Forest, and we must not be able to do so in the sea. Use your full strength, so this trip is extremely dangerous, I don't want everyone to have a gap for any reason, and put us in a more dangerous situation, understand?"

"Okay, rest overnight in Hanhai City tonight, and set off for Sea God Island tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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