Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 375 Sea God Island

Chapter 375 Sea God Island

The waves were churning, and one person jumped out of the sea, on the stable sea surface of the Class A of Yuanjing.

"Brother, are you okay!" Xiao Qi and the others walked over.

Chen Hu smiled, "I'm fine, this time it's a blessing in disguise, this time it's a 10-year-old sea beast Bewitching God octopus that made the trouble, swallowed its power, and managed to make my spirit break the illusion of the head The soul bone broke through the 10-year shackles and successfully advanced to the 10-year soul bone."

The five soul bones on Chen Hu's body and the skull of the spirit-breaking delusion have always been infinitely close to 10 years, but there is a big difference between 10 years and close to 10 years.

The soul power is still at level 78, but Chen Hu's strength has undoubtedly been improved by the evolution of the skull that breaks the delusion.

"10-year-old soul beast?" Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena Bai Chenxiang couldn't help shouting out in surprise. They knew that Chen Hu was very strong, but killing a 10-year-old sea beast single-handedly in the sea was still a big deal. It's an incredible thing.

Several people have an unreal feeling!
Obviously Chen Hu was about the same age as them, yet he created miracles in front of them time and time again.

Chen Hu's eyes flickered, and the divine light inside became even brighter,
"Unfortunately, the skull of the spirit-breaking delusion swallowed too much energy of the God-confusing octopus, so that the God-confusing octopus, which was bound to give birth to a soul bone, failed to give birth to a soul bone."

After the 10-year soul beast dies, a 10-year soul bone will definitely be born.

The God-confusing octopus cannot produce soul bones after death. In fact, it is not a big loss for Chen Hu. The energy in the soul bones of the head of the head of the Lingming Delusion has far exceeded the ordinary 10-year soul bones. .

The only regrettable thing is that they lost a 10-year-old soul bone due to the evolution of the head soul bone of Lingming Delusion.

"There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. Your enlightened and delusion-breaking skull has evolved into a 10-year-old soul bone, which can swallow a 10-year-old soul bone. In terms of potential, it is obviously greater than the soul bone on the Bewitching God Octopus! " Hu Liena comforted softly.

When Chen Hu's eyes turned, it gave her a strong oppressive force, which was the coercion from the soul, and let her know that the benefits Chen Hu got were no worse than the 10-year-old soul bone.

Chen Hu nodded, indeed, he was a little greedy, and the evolution of the skull of Lingming Delusion is the most fundamental thing for him.

Moreover, the second soul bone skill endowed to him after the evolution of the brain-breaking delusion skull may not necessarily have inherited the legacy of the God-confusing octopus.

The rain on the sea came and went quickly, and the sea quickly returned to calm.

The Far Frontier began its voyage.

Three days later, Yuanjing stopped.

"My lord, I can only send you here. The island in front should be the Sea God Island you are looking for, but the sea spirit beasts in the sea area in front are very powerful, Yuanjing cannot withstand their attack." Milan respectfully Said.

The catastrophe three days ago gave him a deep insight into how powerful this group of young Wuhundian masters are, whether it is Chen Hu who turned against the sword or the crew who easily suppressed the rebellion by himself. Xiao Qi made him understand that the group of people in front of him were not playboys, but the real elite of Wuhundian.

"Okay, thank you all so much for this journey, please come here again in three months, this is a badge I once obtained, it can save you a lot of trouble!" Chen Hu threw out a purple badge and said.

"Purple...Purple Record Medal? lord must not, the villain will definitely come to welcome some lords in three months." Milan saw the purple badge falling on his palm, and his body trembled.

Even in a remote city like Hanhai City, the Purple Record Medal, which represents the highest honor of the Wuhun Hall, is like thunder.

"Hold it at ease, the value of this thing is just that to us, but it can solve a lot of your troubles, we are still waiting for you to pick us up in three months, so let me keep it with you temporarily. "

Chen Hu waved his hand indifferently. With his current strength and status in the Wuhun Hall, the Purple Record Medal is just a souvenir, and he doesn't need to rely on the Purple Record Medal to prove anything.

After finishing speaking, Chen Hu smiled, embraced Ning Rongrong who was beside him, and the wings of wind and thunder burst out, leading Ning Rongrong straight into the sky,
"Let's go, everyone, to meet the legendary Sea God Island!"

Under Xiao Qi's feet appeared a pair of lotus root silk walking cloud shoes, walking through the air, and came to the midair. After possessing the fourth soul skill, he had the ability to fly.

After displaying the fourth soul skill, the fifth soul ring on Xiao Qi's body also emitted a deep black light, and the purple gold crown with phoenix wings appeared on top of his head.

As he thought about it, two phoenix wings flew out, transforming into two pairs of illusory wings and attached behind Lin Xiaoxiao and Hu Liena.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Hu Liena flapped their wings, and they also flew up.

Xiao Qi's fifth soul skill Phoenix Wing Purple Gold Crown is his first ten thousand year soul ring. The two Phoenix Wings are infinitely changeable, attacking and defending in one.

Bai Chenxiang also had a soul ring shining on her body, and a pair of white wings appeared behind her, flying lightly into the sky.

Her spirit power level is the lowest, but her speed is no less than others.

The martial spirit of the Shunfeng clan has its own unique features.

In the waters of Sea God Island, there is a group of Demon Soul Great White Sharks, led by a 10-year-old Demon Soul Great White Shark. The Demon Soul Great White Shark is not the same as the Confused God Octopus. The Confused God Octopus is also the overlord in the sea by virtue of its dual attributes of body and spirit. Although it exists at the top level, it is still not as good as a top soul beast like the Demon Soul Great White Shark.

Moreover, the terrifying attack power of the Demon Soul Great White Shark is much more difficult to deal with than the Confused God Octopus.

What's more, there is a group of demonic great white sharks living here, even Chen Hu dare not be careless.

It is impossible to fully display the power of the Seagod's Heart, and it is not realistic to rely on the Seagod's Heart's ability to cover the breath to flow through the seabed if it wants to replicate the method in the original book.

Fortunately, most of them have flying skills.

The sea belongs to sea soul beasts, but the sky is still a paradise for flying soul masters.

Everyone was not sure whether the Demon Soul Great White Shark could threaten the sky, so the altitude of the flight reached more than 800 meters. Flying at such an altitude would consume a terrible amount of soul power.

Especially Xiaoqi, one person's soul power allows three people to fly, and the consumption of soul power is even more terrifying.

The few people didn't delay, and flew directly in the direction of Sea God Island.

The speed and rhythm of the flight of several people are maintained at the same level, like wild geese flying south, maintaining the herringbone.

At such a distance, Ning Rongsong also summoned the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda in Chen Hu's arms, allowing the auxiliary light of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to shroud several people all the time, increasing their endurance.

And Chen Hu also used the Fengquan soul skill to reduce the resistance of flying.

The combination of several soul masters with flying ability and two auxiliary systems undoubtedly seemed to be cheating. A huge island appeared in front of everyone across the sea area where the great white shark lived.

"Is this really an island?" Looking down in the sky, Ning Rongrong couldn't help saying in surprise that she couldn't see the whole picture of Sea God Island.

She used to think that the islands were the kind of hills that could be seen to the end at a glance, but the area of ​​Sea God Island didn't look much worse than the small land.

"Let's go, let's go down!" Chen Hu was also amazed at the magic of Sea God Island. In the lush jungle, lakes of various sizes were dotted on Sea God Island like mirrors.

The body swooped down, and a group of six people had landed on the golden beach, with soft gravel under their feet, and a warm and moist breath rushed to their faces, and the four seasons were like spring.

Looking down on Sea God Island from the sky is already refreshing, but from the ground, Sea God Island exudes a shocking scenery.

Sand, sea, sky...

The most direct impression of Sea God Island is its clarity. The air, sunshine, sea water, beach, and jungle all exude a freshness.

Sea God Island is beautiful, but they all learned about the dangers of Sea God Island from Chen Hu and Hu Liena.

Bibi Dong had been to Sea God Island before, and Hu Liena was her disciple. Before letting Hu Liena come to Sea God Island, Bibi Dong also told Hu Liena a lot of news about Sea God Island.

Everyone knew the challenges they might face next. After a short period of indulging, Xiao Qi, Ning Rongrong and Bai Chenxiang, who had consumed a lot, began to meditate to recover their soul power, while Hu Liena, Lin Xiaoxiao and Chen Hu were in the Be on the sidelines to guard the Dharma.

After more than ten minutes, except for Bai Chenxiang who was still meditating, Xiao Qi and Ning Rongrong's soul power had recovered.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Bai Chenxiang fully recovered her soul power, and the group started walking to the depths of Sea God Island.

"Chen Xiang, when I have free time, I'll ask Xiao Qi to teach you a new set of meditation methods!" Chen Hu glanced at Bai Chen Xiang who was cautious and vigilant along the way, and said softly.

Bai Chenxiang's meditation method is only the meditation method of the Minzhi clan, and it is a bit better than the mainland products, but it is quite different from the meditation method of Wuhun Temple, and it cannot be compared with Taiyin Jue and Sun Jue. Although a lot of soul power was consumed, it took an extra half an hour to recover the soul power itself is very self-explanatory.

"Thank you, big brother!" Bai Chenxiang replied.

Bai Chenxiang also found out that everyone except Hu Liena practiced the meditation method very similarly, but she only regarded it as the secret transmission of the Wuhun Temple, envied her in her heart, but she also knew the value of the exercises, so she kept silent ask.

"Na...Na, I'll teach you when I have time!" Chen Hu said after glancing at the flickering dimness in Hu Liena's eyes.

"Okay!" Hu Liena's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on her face, so indescribably charming that Chen Hu couldn't help staring at her.

"Who?" At this moment, a startled voice came from the forest, and then seven or eight figures jumped out, blocking the way of everyone.

A total of eight people lined up in light yellow costumes stood in front of the crowd.

"People from land?" The oldest middle-aged man among the eight looked at the outfits of the six people, and said with a somewhat strange expression: "Could it be that you are also here to accept the test of Lord Seagod?"

"That's right, please senior lead the way!" Chen Hu stepped forward and said before the others could speak.

(End of this chapter)

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