Chapter 398
Amidst the golden color, Seagod's Divine Sense looked at Chen Hu indifferently, and there was a hint of appreciation hidden in his lofty pupils. Even if he didn't have the help of the top nine exams, he could achieve such an achievement at this age. He will reach this step sooner or later, and it is not impossible to become a god with his own strength in the future.

The Seagod's Divine Mind slowly raised the Seagod's Trident, and the heavy Seagod's Trident appeared just in front of Chen Hu's attack, and the blade of the Trident blocked Chen Hu's Wuxiao Saber.

It took more than a thousand years for the sea god to finally defeat all the sea soul beasts and sea soul masters before he became a god. After many battles, his halberd technique has long since reached the pinnacle of perfection.

After thousands of years of polishing, even the most stupid people can bring their fighting skills to the limit.

The Seagod's Divine Sense flicked the Seagod Trident with his fingers, and the Seagod Trident immediately trembled, and a buzzing sound emerged, and the huge force on the Seagod Trident bounced back, directly sending Chen Hu flying upside down.

The hand holding the knife went numb for a while, and the shock force from Wan Xiao's knife made him almost unable to hold the knife.

What a terrible power.

The Seagod's Divine Sense is definitely the most powerful enemy Chen Hu has ever encountered, and his blow in a fit of rage was easily dispelled by the Seagod's Divine Sense.

"In that case, give me a shot too." Seagod's Divine Sense chuckled, and a powerful Divine Sense had already locked onto Chen Hu's body, jumped forward, and held the seagod's trident at the junction of the blade and handle, The slender halberd blade thought of a three-edged sword and stabbed towards Chen Hu.

Sea God stabbed out, and the surrounding air froze. Looking at the extremely slow blow, it was actually incredibly fast.

In front of Chen Hu's horizontal knife and his chest, the halberd edge of the Sea God's Trident happened to hit the blade, and the huge force caused his body to fall back again. .

The golden world seems to have no boundaries. No matter how far Chen Hu retreats, the surrounding area is still golden. Except for the distance from the phantom of the sea god's divine sense that is constantly widening, this world does not even have any reference.

There was also some surprise in the tone of Seagod Shennian, "Hey, you actually blocked my move. Very good, it seems that I can have a good time."

Sea God's Divine Sense raised his hand again, and his body turned into a golden light to kill Chen Hu again.

The attack of Sea God's Divine Sense was extremely powerful, the blood on Chen Hu's body boiled, and the seventh soul skill, Dou Zhan Avatar, was the first to display it. Lake popped out again.

The two figures collided again, instead of breaking apart at the first touch as before, but with swords and halberds colliding continuously, the speed was unbelievably fast, and the requirements for the eyesight, reaction, experience, skills and fighting instinct of both sides reached the limit.

With the help of Dou Zhan's real body and Dou Zhan's blood, Chen Hu finally had a little bit of strength to barely resist the power of Seagod's divine sense, and he would no longer be unable to catch even a single move.

Skills can only be used when the strength is not much different.

The previous Chen Hu was not even qualified to compete in skills in front of the Seagod Divine Sense.

Chen Hu's sword strikes were extremely crazy, the swords were critical, and he didn't care whether he would be injured at all.

And the Dawn Knife is also constantly trembling, the quality of the Seagod Trident is not comparable to the current Dawn Knife, but the spirituality is still exploding desperately, competing with the Trident of the Seagod.

This kind of continuous eruption is still facing the even more powerful artifact, the Seagod Trident. Even if the Wuxiao Saber is an artifact, it is in danger of breaking, and even if it is spiritually extinguished, it is not impossible to become an ordinary soldier.

However, at this moment, Chen Hu and Hun Xiaodao were extremely crazy, even if they died, they would make each other pay the price.

Since his strength has become stronger and stronger, Chen Hu has rarely used this crazy style of play.

Fighting with one's life is the weaker side's style of play. As long as one becomes stronger, no one will risk their life.

This is also human nature.

There is no strong man who will willingly exchange his life with a weak man. After all, as long as he fights steadily, he must be the victor. Why take risks?

Facing the incomparably powerful Seagod's Divine Sense, Chen Hu also awakened the madness in his bones that had been silent for many years, and the continuous explosion of power made the knife in his hand faster, stronger, and sharper.

The explosion continued, one knife after another.

At this moment, Chen Hu's erupting aura was suppressed even by Seagod's Divine Sense.

However, the power of Seagod's Divine Sense was like the vast sea, despite Chen Hu's stormy attack, he still stood still, holding a halberd with one hand, although the halberd technique was not very mysterious, it could always block Chen Hu's attack.

The Blood of Dou Zhan became stronger as he fought, Chen Hu's sword became faster and stronger, and his attacks became stronger and stronger, but Sea God's Divine Sense still looked calm, but he no longer had frivolity in his eyes, and became more and more angry. It became more and more dignified.

However, the crazy Chen Hu is also somewhat desperate at the moment, does Sea God really have no limits?
Yes, he has reached the limit, the blood of Dou Zhan is burning to the extreme.

No one can continue to explode uninterruptedly. His aura has reached its peak, but the waves of weakness that emerged in his body made him a little bit weak.

Seagod's Divine Sense's attacks became more and more calm, and he also saw this, and the moment Chen Hu's momentum subsided was the time for him to fight back.

After slashing with a brilliant knife, even the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense had no choice but to retreat in front of this extreme sharpness.

But the incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense is sure to win. After this blow, Chen Hu's aura will only continue to fall back and become weaker and weaker.

This knife is already his limit.

However, Chen Hu let out a low growl, and rays of light appeared on his body, permeating every part of his body.

Vitality, wind, power, ice, thunder, flames, clear light, muddy light!
Eight kinds of power filled the air, pushing his body to a peak again!
The head, arms, left leg, and back also had bright divine lights emerging, hooking together to form a five-color divine garment wrapped around his body.

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram also emerged, and when Chen Hu jumped out again, white light enveloped himself, while black light covered the Seagod's mind.

Visible to the naked eye, at this moment, the power of Seagod's divine sense was also terribly suppressed.

Chen Hu slashed out with a knife, and the torrent of life changed into a green knife light, which was amplified by the light of the sun, and it was a little stronger, and it killed the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense.

At this moment, the incarnation of the Seagod's divine sense also felt a bit of pressure. No matter how powerful the Seagod was, the Seagod's divine sense that could appear here was after all just a divine sense left by the Seagod in the human world.

Golden Thirteen Halberds!
The incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense let out a low voice, and a rich golden light appeared on the Seagod Trident, making the pitch-black Seagod Trident look like a golden halberd, containing the surging power of the sea and an invincible faith , stab out slowly.

A simple halberd, but in Chen Hu's eyes, there is no flaw.

There is nothing else in the world, only this stunning, not like a halberd in the world.

The green sword light collided with the halberd, and the torrent of life flowed back. It became stronger after melting into Chen Hu's body. With Chen Hu's swing of the sword, he came out again...

The green saber light poured back thirteen times, and Chen Hu also swung thirteen sabers in succession, and the last one broke the halberd swung by the incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense.

But after the No. 13 knife, Chen Hu's body has turned into a blood man.

With the thirteen reentry of the torrent of life, most of the power of the Seagod Divine Incarnation incarnated into the golden thirteen halberds, let his body bear it. Even the five-colored divine clothes body protection formed by the five great soul bones, his body could not bear that. Due to the tremendous pressure, nearly one-third of the blood vessels and meridians of the whole body were broken, and the bones were also cracked.

If it weren't for the vitality of the life torrent itself that contained the medicine of the living dead and bones, constantly recovering his injuries, he would have fallen under this blow.

But even so, he was seriously injured.

The incarnation of Sea God's Divine Sense was also silent, and after a while, he looked at Chen Hu with a complicated expression, and said: "You are already very remarkable for being able to catch my move, but it should not be possible for you to play second... ..."

Before the incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense finished speaking, Chen Hu's body had already disappeared into the air, and the next time he appeared, he would already be in front of the Avatar of Seagod's Divine Sense, and an unbelievably fast cyan saber light had already been cut out.

The second knife, Fengquan.

This is the first knife technique that Chen Hu comprehended. The wind can sweep in all directions like a tornado, and it can also moisten things silently like Xu Feng, but there is only one thing that cannot be changed, and that is speed.

This knife seemed to melt into the wind, and it was cut lightly without any resistance, but it was incredibly fast.

The incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense grasped the Seagod's Trident and waved it violently, and a huge aura surged out. Chen Hu's body was already broken, and he fell to the ground weakly. He could barely support his body with the blade of the Hunxiao Saber. fall down.

There was also a strong unwillingness in his eyes, did he fail?
A golden ray of light appeared above the body of the incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense, a huge power poured out, and the aura dropped a lot.

Under Fengquan's unbelievable sneak attack, the incarnation of Sea God's divine sense was finally injured, but Fengquan was not Zhuyeqing after all, without the thirteen rounds of his body, and without the increase of the sun's light, he was injured unexpectedly. Seeing the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense is already very incredible, but he failed after all.

Do not!
He still has a knife!

Chen Hu's body stood up with difficulty, with the Hunxiao knife lying in front of him, quietly watching the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense.

A mass of red fire bloomed from his blood, igniting his blood, his soul power, his body, his soul...

The Hunxiao Dao trembled slightly, and the scorching fire also flew to its body, starting to burn everything it had.

In the bright firelight, Chen Hu and Hun Xiaodao were connected together, dazzling like a sun!
(End of this chapter)

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