Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 400 Divine Power Tempering

Chapter 400 Divine Power Tempering
On the top of Sea God Mountain, Bo Saixi led five people into the hall.

In the empty palace, a golden halberd handle was inserted upside down in the center of the tall stone platform.

When Lin Xiaoxiao and the others entered the temple, there was nothing but the stone platforms and the golden stick stuck upside down in the center stone platform.

"Senior, didn't you say that Chen Hu was undergoing the assessment in the Sea God Hall? What about others?" The empty hall could be seen at a glance, but he couldn't find the person he was looking for, Ning Rongrong couldn't help asking.

Bo Saixi glanced at the five people, smiled faintly, and said, "Don't worry, he is indeed in the Sea God Temple, but it doesn't mean he is in our world."

"Senior, what do you mean?" Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena Bai Chenxiang didn't understand, but Lin Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qi, who had seen Chen Hu's small world of martial arts, guessed something, and their eyes moved.

Sure enough, Bo Saixi said calmly: "Chen Hu's seventh test and eighth test are in a special trial space built by Sea God. Only after completing the test can he get out of the trial space. And only if his assessment is completed or failed, can you take your seventh test."

Hearing this, several people also felt the content of their seventh test:

Shake, the divine weapon, the Seagod Trident, if you want to shake the Seagod Trident, you will pass the test, and those who pull up the Seagod Trident are eligible to take the Seagod Nine Tridents, with a time limit of one year.

Shake the artifact Sea God Trident.

Except for Bai Chenxiang who didn't know why, the four of them looked at the half-halved handle on the central pillar. Is that the divine weapon, the Sea God Trident?

Having seen the power of Chen Hu's Faint Dawn Saber, no one doubts the power of the artifact.

Sea God Island is so miraculous, it is not surprising that there is an artifact.

However, their seventh trial was only to shake the Seagod Trident, which made them somewhat puzzled.

No matter how powerful the artifact is, without the master's control, it is just a cold weapon, how can it be difficult to hold them?
Bo Saixi said with a faint smile: "Don't underestimate the difficulty of the seventh trial, the spirituality of the Seagod Trident has recovered, even without Lord Seagod, the Seagod Trident is not something that ordinary soul masters can easily shake, and The Seagod Trident weighs a total of one hundred and eight thousand catties, even if I want to lift it, it is very difficult, let alone pull it out."

"Then, the trial space where the eldest brother is located is also in the Seagod Trident?" Xiao Qi asked with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

The Lingming monkey family is naturally intelligent, and Xiao Qi is even the best of the Lingming family. From the various information revealed by Bo Saixi, he soon realized that the Trident of the Sea God was inseparable from Chen Hu's assessment.

"That's right, the Seagod Trident is indeed the core to open the trial ground, but the Seagod Trident is just a key. What really maintains the trial space is the power of faith of the sea soul masters and sea soul beasts. The amount of power of faith accumulated in Shenshan is unimaginable to you, except for him completing the trial himself, there is almost no possibility of breaking the trial ground from the outside." Bo Saixi's calm words also dispelled the doubts of several people. hope.

The five people looked at each other, and all sat quietly in the hall, starting to practice and waiting for Chen Hu to leave the customs.

They firmly believed that nothing in the world could trap Chen Hu.

Not even God.

Trial place.

Here, you can't feel the passage of time, you don't sleep, you don't drink or eat, you don't feel hungry or tired. The golden trial space can restore Chen Hu's state to the best state every time.

Of course, here Chen Hu's soul power will not grow even the slightest bit, but the endless battles still make his soul power condense like water, and he can use it freely without the slightest obstacle.

However, compared to the changes in body and soul power, Chen Hu's most obvious improvement is undoubtedly his combat ability.

In the golden light, Chen Hu made one knife after another, each knife was used from the most perfect angle, and the first knife and the second knife were connected like clouds and flowing water, with an indescribable beauty.

The incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense holds the Seagod Trident, constantly fighting against Chen Hu.

The power of the incarnation of the Seagod's divine sense is undoubtedly stronger than that of Chen Hu, but at the moment of the battle, Chen Hu is not inferior to the incarnation of the Seagod's divine sense.


Chen Hu understood the attack of the incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense to the extreme, and he had the upper hand after one strike after another.

Chen Hu slashed out with a knife, and the ordinary knife suddenly surged with vitality, and Zhuyeqing, the first of the nine forms of Dionysus, had already been used.

I saw the constant rhythm of Chen Hu's body as he jumped up, and the green knife light that turned back thirteen times in a row became more intense than ever, smashing through the defense of the Avatar of Sea God's Divine Sense with one knife, and knocking it back.

If you look carefully, you can see that under this knife, the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense trembled slightly.

I don't know how many times he used his saber, but Chen Hu's Dionysus Nine Styles are also close to mastery. The first time he slashes, the load on his body is quite limited, and he won't hurt the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred like before.

The incarnation of the Seagod's divine thoughts backed up, pointing at the Seagod's Trident, and a golden ring condensed from the tip of the Seagod's Trident, exuding a power that silenced all wind and waves.

However, before the halo flew out, Chen Hu's body had already jumped up, slashing out lightly, as if merging with the wind.


Extremely fast.

The indeterminate turmoil of the Seagod's Divine Sense was never released, and a golden line of blood appeared on the Seagod's Divine Sense incarnation, which shows how fast Chen Hu's attack was.

However, Unfixed Storm is the first form of the Thirteen Golden Halberds created by Seagod, integrating offense and defense.

Fengquan's speed is unbelievable, but when he abandons everything to increase his speed, his lethality will undoubtedly drop a lot.

In the face of enemies of the same level, this knife may be able to achieve a one-hit kill, but in front of a top powerhouse like the Avatar of the Seagod's Divine Sense, it is definitely difficult to kill the Avatar of the Seagod's Divine Sense with a single blow.

And Chen Hu didn't seem to be surprised by the scene in front of him. The same golden color appeared on the Wanxiao Knife. Chen Hu's body and the Wanxiao Knife seemed to be made of gold, shining like a diamond.

The third type, Prajna.

The body is like a diamond, and the heart is like a Bodhi!
With a single cut, the strength and defense have reached the extreme.

The golden knife shadow shattered the light of the golden halberd that Seagod Divine Sense swung.

Two dull impact sounds sounded, one came from the defensive light of the indeterminate storm in front of the incarnation of the Hunxiao Saber and the Seagod's Divine Sense, and the other came from the Poseidon's trident wielded by Chen Hu's gold casting and Seagod's Divine Sense collision.

With a golden roar, the defense of the two shattered the opponent's attack at the same moment.

And at the moment when the attack was shattered, a blue electric arc danced on the blade of Wanxiao, and a blade light that seemed to wander in consciousness had emerged, faster than the second one, Fengquan.

Fifth style, thunder.

Seeing the thunder jumping above the blade of Hunxiao Dao, Seagod Shennian knew that something was wrong. Naturally, this was not the first time he faced this blade.

But every time he faced this knife from the conscious level, he felt invincible.

It wasn't that the knife was too fast, it was that his consciousness froze under the knife.

It was as if he had become an old man with dementia, his reaction power had been reduced to the limit, and he could not cope with this knife attack at all.

However, the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense is a god after all, so he naturally has his own way.

Gold Thirteen Halberds No.13 type, the body and the halberd are integrated into one.

This was originally the most powerful move among the Thirteen Golden Halberds he created, but now he used it for self-protection.

This style of Thunder is different from the previous Fengquan, it's not that Thunder is too fast, but his reaction becomes too slow under the influence of the knife light, and the power in the knife light has not been weakened in the slightest.

This knife is enough to threaten his life.

The Poseidon Trident burst into intense light, and when the Hunxiao Knife collided with the Poseidon Trident, Chen Hu's body flew upside down, and the bright red blood dripped along the blade of the Hunxiao Knife, but there was no trace of fear in Chen Hu's eyes. meaning.

The power of the Golden Thirteen Halberds is still exploding.

A strong golden light bloomed from Chen Hu's body again, but this golden light was different from the dull golden light that seemed to be cast in gold when he cast the Prajna Saber. Now the golden light on his body was extremely bright, burning with a fighting spirit .

In Chen Hu's mind, the stick that obliterated the rules swung by Dou Zhan Shengyuan appeared in Chen Hu's mind. It was this scene that made him comprehend the sword intent and step into the gate of the Dao of the sword.

But now, he seemed to feel the will to be fearless and destroy all enemies, the blood of fighting was boiling violently, even Xiao Qi who was outside the main hall could feel that powerful fighting meaning.

The seventh style, fighting.

The power of this knife is not inferior to the sixth fire ant knife Chen Hu used when he burned everything.

The sword spirit of Hunxiao Dao also bloomed with an unprecedented fighting spirit, and it matched with Chen Hu to make its most fearless sword.

The Divine Sword of Dawn and the Trident of the Sea God collided with each other, and a terrifying energy was released from where they touched. Under this force, the void was shattered, and the trial space began to tremble violently.

The Seagod Trident trembled slightly, and in an instant, it burst into a strong blue light that melted into the trial space, bursting out with an incomparable divine power, stabilizing the space that was about to be broken.

Similarly, a wave of blue divine power also melted into Chen Hu's body, quickly making up for his consumption.

There was a burst of repelling force from the trial space, as if to repel Chen Hu.

The illusory facial features of the incarnation of Seagod's divine thoughts were completely condensed, and the face of a handsome man with a seagod's trident mark imprinted between his brows emerged, "Congratulations, you have completed your assessment, young man, we will meet again in the future ..."

With that said, Chen Hu has been expelled from the place of trial, and his body has appeared in the temple on the top of Sea God Mountain.


"Big brother!"

"Chen Hu!"


Five voices came to his ears, Chen Hu saw a familiar face, and the confusion on his face turned into a smile.

The Seagod's prompt sounded in his ears:
"The seventh test of the top nine tests, the eighth test is completed, and the divine power will be rewarded once."

Yin Luo, in the astonished eyes of everyone, a blue divine light descended from the sky, covering Chen Hu's body, and waves of Seagod's divine power washed down. powerful!
Similarly, the material of the blade of the Hunxiao Dao bathed in this divine light is also constantly evolving.

(End of this chapter)

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