Chapter 428
He has been waiting at Shanks' site for a month, and that guy from Shanks hasn't come back yet.What the hell is that bastard up to?

"I don't know about this either. Boss will come back whenever he wants to."

"I can't control the boss's affairs. I'm just a cadre. Hawkeye."

Laqi Lu gnawed on the big stick and heard Hawkeye's question, shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn't know.

"Then what do you know? Can you tell me?"

Hawkeye couldn't help but twitch the veins on his forehead when he heard this, and asked.Since Shanks won't come back, then he'll go find him.

"Okay, Boss is in Donghai Windmill Village. You just need to go to the tavern in Windmill Village to find it. I guarantee you can find it. Hawkeye."

When Laqi Lu heard the words, he immediately spoke, directly telling Shanks' location.

"Really? Donghai Windmill Village? Then I'll go first."

"It's a boring battle, no one is a master with a sword."

Hawkeye nodded and said, then kicked the small boat on the spaceship and landed in the cabin of the small boat, heading for the station of the Niutoushan Pirates. He had to get his own boat first, and then went to find Shanks.

"What's wrong with you, Shanks? Why don't you move?"

In the forest of Donghai Windmill Village, Luffy was training his rubber bazooka. When he found that Shanks was sitting motionless on a rock, he couldn't help but stop, tilted his head and came over curiously.

"It's nothing, just a cramp in the right eyelid. Luffy."

"You continue to train, I will teach you how to use domineering later."

Shanks laughed when he heard this, and then pressed the beating right eyelid, trying to make him stop.

"oh, I see."

"Then I'll continue training, Shanks."

Lu Fei nodded and said, and then continued to train. He heard from Shanks that Ace had become very strong, and he had to work hard.Can't be left behind by Ace.

"The Chambord Islands have arrived, my lord, please disembark."

On the coast of the Chambord Islands, after the ship that sent Lottes docked, the low-level cadres on the ship said respectfully to Lotes, who was wearing a black robe.

He remembered what the captain said to treat this adult well, so he didn't dare to neglect along the way.


Rotes nodded when he heard the words, then got off the boat and headed in one direction.

In the mangrove area from No. 69 to No. [-] of the Chambord Islands, a huge dog-headed warship is docked here, and the soldiers on the warship are looking for a person.

"Okay, you guys don't need to look around like a group of monkeys."

"Rotes, that brat, he'll be back soon, you just have to wait with peace of mind."

Karp lay on the recliner and looked at the soldiers moving in front of him, and said.

Are these little guys so excited?Rotes just hasn't seen them for more than half a year.

"No, Lieutenant General Garp. We all miss Colonel Roots. We are very sad to hear that he will leave the Navy with you this time. We all want to talk to Colonel Roots more."

"Yeah, Vice Admiral Cap. Why did Colonel Roters leave the Navy?"

The soldiers immediately explained when they heard the words, they were very puzzled why Colonel Roters left the navy.

"You can just ask Rotes about this matter yourself. You can ask the old man, how does the old man know? The old man is not the person involved."

Karp pinched his nostrils and said, they asked Roters about this matter themselves, he couldn't tell.

"Okay, Lieutenant General Garp."

The soldiers replied immediately after hearing the words, not daring to ask any more questions.They used to think that their Lieutenant General Garp was an easy-going and kind old man.


"Hello, everyone."

"I'm back again, do you miss me?"

Rotes was walking in the mangrove area from No. 69 to No. [-] of the Chambord Islands. From a long distance away, he saw a dog biting a bone on the head of the warship. He immediately ran over on moon steps and shouted at everyone. road.

"It's Colonel Roters coming back, everyone, take a look."

When the soldiers on the warship heard Rotes' voice, they immediately shouted excitedly and waved desperately at Rotes flying in the sky.

"Everyone has been okay for more than half a year. I miss you very much."

When Rotes landed on the deck of the warship, he was immediately surrounded by soldiers, and he couldn't help but greeted the soldiers.

"We're still the same, don't you forget, Colonel Rotus."

"Yeah, Colonel Roters, you've become shorter, aren't you having a bad time at sea?"

The soldiers surrounded Rotes, chattering.

"I live a good life. I eat meat every day."

"It turns out that you are tanned again."

Rotes scratched his head and laughed, has he become shorter?It seems not.He remembered the last time he met the soldiers, there was nothing wrong with being over seven meters tall, right?
Did he remember wrongly, he is eight meters tall?Forget it, I'm too lazy to care.Anyway, the headquarters didn't know how tall he was, so he didn't bother to change it.

"By the way, Colonel Roters, why did you resign as a colonel? We are still waiting to sail the sea with you."

"Yes, Colonel Roters, why did you resign?"

The soldiers asked, wondering why Roters resigned.

"How should I say this? Let me put it simply and clearly. This time, General Aokiji and General Akainu will definitely win the battle between General Akainu."

"I don't recognize the justice of Admiral Akainu, so if he becomes the marshal, I will find it very troublesome. Very uncomfortable."

After hearing the words, Rotes explained that Akainu's justice was too extreme, and he couldn't stand the heavy discipline.

"Impossible, I think Aokiji will win."

"Yeah, how about Colonel Roters, wait until the generals finish fighting before deciding."

"Yes, Colonel Roters."

The soldiers were surprised when they heard the words, and felt that General Aokiji would not necessarily lose.

"You think too much, lava is much more damaging than ice, and when both of them have similar strengths, whoever has the stronger fruit will win."

Rotes shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, the soldiers thought too well, how could ice beat lava.Lava is the most lethal fruit among devil fruits.

There is not much difference between Aokiji and Akainu's physical skills, and the fruits are all awakened. Now the decision to win or lose depends on their respective abilities.

"That's impossible, Colonel Roots."

"Ice can freeze flowing lava."

The soldiers were very surprised when they heard the words, and they didn't believe that Aokiji would lose.

"What Luo Tesi said is possible. Aokiji's loss is due to its fruit ability. You can just watch it with peace of mind. One day their battle will come to an end soon."

"Now hurry up and sail the boat, we should go to the headquarters."

Garp looked at the chirping soldiers and said.What Rotes said is not wrong, ice is no match for lava.Unless, Aokiji has developed his ability to a higher level and is already comparable to the power of nature, otherwise, he will definitely not be able to win.

(End of this chapter)

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