Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 1 Good Luck in Getting the System for the First Time

Chapter 1 Good Luck in Getting the System for the First Time

Early next morning

hum! ! !
"Huh? What's the matter? Is something broken?" Our protagonist got up from the bed in a daze.

He took out his mobile phone and looked, "It's only after 8 o'clock! Good morning, I'm going to bed." I was about to fall over.

Ding!Your 000520 tail number: 000521, 100, 00 USD has been entered by users of 00, please pay attention to check!
"What's the matter? Dad called me?" Mo Yu looked at the phone inexplicably.

But a piece of information attracted him: bastard, you received the $100 million for your birthday today!Take it and spend it!

Mo Yu smiled helplessly, "It really is Dad!"

"Hello, host!" Mo Yu was startled by a sudden voice!
What's wrong with Nima? What's going on?system?
"Yes, host. I am the big system you have been thinking about for 18 years!"

"Fuck! I knew there was a system. I am indeed the Chosen One, huh? Who is that? The system, right? Let me introduce you."

The mechanical female voice of the system sounded again
"Okay, this system is the pinnacle of all universes, all civilizations, and all technologies, that is, the strongest and most powerful! It can help the host to become the supreme god of all universes!!"

"Hmm! Can you change the voice, I don't like this very much, it's better to be Angel Yan, huh? And tell my master not to make it up,,,,"


"Hmm! Master, I'm all right here!"

After the mechanical female voice of the system was replaced by a charming, elegant and domineering voice, Mo Yu nodded and said
"Do you have any use?"

"This system is called the super god system. The owner can call me Xiaochao, Xiaochao, I can exchange, buy, merge, draw, upgrade, and copy genes. The lottery is divided into gene lottery, attribute lottery, weapon lottery, armor lottery, engine lottery And item lottery. Fusion device can fuse the attributes of various weapons and equipment to make them into one”

"Stop it! Huh? Are there any beginner gift packs and rewards?"

"Some were released early in the master's system space (dark matter space), please open the master by yourself,,,,"

"Uh, okay!"

Dark Matter Space: Super God Newcomer Gift Package, Super God Birthday Gift Package

"Damn, I have a stable batch. I have two gift bags, great!" Mo Yu was a little flustered
"Huh? Cough cough cough! Hmm! Then open a gift package for newcomers first!" Mo Yu stabilized his mind a little.

"Turned on

Congratulations on getting the gene: holy angel gene

Get the engine of your choice once

Obtain super god strengthening pills: 4 pieces

Obtain the Super God Body: Invincible Body
Get Fast As Light"

"Damn it! Am I the super god Ouhuang? It's too strong. That Xiaochao quickly installed that geneless body and the speed of light for me!" Mo Yu talked to Xiaochao with some flattery.

"Okay, it takes 5 hours to fully equip, please choose the core engine"

The anti-void engine, as we all know, is the owner of Ge Xiaolun, one of the original protagonists of the Super God, the power of the galaxy. It goes without saying that it has its powerful potential
God of War engine, known for its powerful attack power and terrifying destructive power, it can use various weapons

The speed of light engine, has become famous for its speed, can reach the speed of light, is good at fighting in various fields, and has long-distance combat capabilities
Mo Yu thought for a moment and said, "Then the God of War engine."

Ge Xiaolun is enough for Anti-Void, and I also have Angel Wings and Speed ​​of Light, so the Light Speed ​​Engine is not needed either.

"It will take 5 hours to install everything, right?"

"Hmm! Yes, installing for you, please wait"

"How to open the dark matter space? Xiaochao?"

"Hold on,,,"

Suddenly something seemed to be transmitted into Mo Yu's brain, and then it would happen.

Backhand took out a strengthening pill
"This is like a strengthening pill"

Swallow it into your stomach with the mentality of trying.

"Eh? It's okay, it's fake!,,,,, ah, wow,,"

Boom! !With a scream, I fell on the bed and couldn't talk,,,,,

It was around 5 pm when Mo Yu woke up for the first time.

"Huh? Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?,,,,,, um? What's the smell?" Mo Yu got up and opened his clothes.

"Wow! Where did the black mud come from! It's so dirty!" He rushed into the bathroom immediately.

After some cleaning, he stood in front of the full-length mirror in a daze.

"Who is this shit?? Be good, I'm afraid I can kill a cow with one punch! And why is my hair so gray? Forget it, it's silver and white, it's not bad"

Looking at the perfect figure in the mirror, what kind of muscle line, mermaid line, sexy muscle, it has grown more than ten centimeters taller, the original height is 173, now, uh?have no idea? T_T
"Master, you are now 181 centimeters tall,,,, congratulations to the master for being promoted to the first-generation super soldier, and this system will also grant your three wishes for free."

"Wow! Any wish?"

"It depends on the situation and size of the wish"

"Okay, it's not too much. Let me think about what I want?" Mo Yu is trying to think of a way to deal with these system wishes without wasting them!
"The master will start training tomorrow, and train in the system's special training space. When the host reaches the third generation of super fighters, he will issue combat-level missions. Please be prepared!!"

"Oh! ok,,,,,, wow! I'm hungry"

Then open the door and rush to the restaurant,,,

(End of this chapter)

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