Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 103 Zhan Ruoning!

Chapter 103 Zhan Ruoning!
Mo Yu looked at Ruoning fiercely, this angel was suddenly the master of Angel Leng, but she had already fully demonstrated her hostility.

Mo Yu no longer had to take into account Angel Leng's opinion.

"Little baby, do you think I'm afraid of you... Go back and practice for a few more years." Although Ruoning doesn't know how strong Mo Yu's full strength is, she is an angel for more than 3 years. It is very embarrassing for a junior to be scared out of his wits.


Mo Yu decided to pre-emptively hit her by surprise, and his body flashed out quickly.

Ruoning used the wormhole to move and escaped from Mo Yu's attack range.

"No, I'm no match for him in melee combat." Ruoning stared at Mo Yu and thought.

The genes of the new generation of female angels are far superior to those of male angels. Both in terms of genetic engine and physical evolution, they are far ahead of male angels with backward technology, but the only thing that is not as good as male angels is close hand-to-hand combat.

"I have to find a way to distance myself from him..."

Ruoning, as the former left-wing guardian angel, is very clear about this.

Seeing Mo Yu attacking again, Ruoning had no choice but to temporarily use his unique understanding of wormholes to dodge.

With the help of the wormhole, Ruoning came to the wall of a building, with his back against the wall, tilting his head to watch Mo Yu's every move.

"This guy's close combat ability is very strong, I am not an opponent;
But he lacks the long-range attack ability, if I use the god-killing bow and micro-wormhole to carry to attack him, he should not be able to handle it for the time being;
I just need to keep an eye out for his silver blade. "Ruoning immediately had a plan to deal with Mo Yu.

Suddenly, Ruoning felt a sense of crisis coming from behind.

Ruoning immediately left the hiding place.

bang bang bang~~~
Sure enough, an explosion occurred where she was hiding just now, and rubble was scattered all over the place.

Ruoning seized the opening of Mo Yu's attack, and melted his own bow and arrow with one hand.

Take the arrow, set the bow, aim, release, all in one go.

Without any hesitation.

The white arrow drew a straight ray in the air and shot towards Mo Yu.

Time seemed to slow down, Ruoning stayed in the air as slow as possible, and Mo Yu stared blankly at the arrow that shot towards him.

He slowly reached out and grabbed the arrowhead of the arrow, a pain came from his hand to his brain.

Using the principle of inertia, Mo Yu grabbed the arrow and threw it with a spin.

He sent the arrow back to Ruoning intact.

She dodged quickly, and the arrow pierced through the thick steel wall, leaving only a molten red liquid and a small hole.

Ruoning turned his head and looked at Mo Yu seriously. Just now he touched his own Shenshenwu, which is a method he has specially researched that can use space splitting to decompose super genes, and Mo Yu was unscathed.

It's not that Mo Yu was unscathed, the Killing God Wu also hurt the four generations of gods, but the damage was not serious.

Just like Morgana, she is not afraid of Thornton's flame-level double-edged axe, but she is afraid of Liu Chuang's black hammer.

Ruoning, this is a novel "Space Decomposition Super Gene", Mo Yu didn't use the "Super Core" to guard against it, and he would definitely be injured.

But with the addition of the fourth-generation divine body and Mo Yu's own recovery ability, the terrifying recovery ability may have surpassed the fourth-generation divine body. This small injury can be easily recovered.

"Don't do these fancy things..." Mo Yu pointed his right hand to the open space on the right, and immediately mobilized the silver blade.

bell bell~~~
The fast three-dimensional rotation circled around Mo Yu, and then flew into his palm.

Ruoning knew how powerful the Ansu silver weapon was, and Mo Yu could control it remotely. Although the control method was not as good as Hexi's, it could still pose a threat to himself.

Comparing the silver blade to the elbow joint, he instantly made a look ready to go.

Seeing this, Ruoning immediately drew his bow and set up an arrow, trying to delay Mo Yu's next attack.

Mo Yu also threw out the silver blade at the same time.

When the tip of the blade touched the tip of the arrow, the god-killing arrow was instantly shattered.

The silver blade rushed straight at Ruoning, and Mo Yu then threw a few energy bombs at Ruoning.

Ruoning organized the wormhole almost instantly, and got into it immediately.

Because the energy bomb has not been defined by Mo Yu's "Super Core", it does not have the function of automatic tracking.

Therefore, only the buildings after Ruoning's position were destroyed, and several buildings were blown down in an instant.

Because the silver blade is controlled by Mo Yu himself, it can change its shape and flight trajectory at will.

At the moment when Ruoning escaped into the wormhole, Mo Yu quickly calculated Ruoning's exit point by using the 'super core'.

The silver blade passed through quickly, without giving the slightest chance or time to Ruoning who just came out of the wormhole.

It directly pierced Ruoning's abdomen, and Ruoning fell from mid-air to the ground as if she had lost her strength.

The silver blade circled a few times in the sky and returned to Mo Yu's side before disappearing.

With a disdainful smile on his face, Mo Yu walked slowly towards Ruoning who was already slumped on the ground.

"You're no weaker than Yan's bitch."

"Hmph!" Mo Yu ignored Ruoning's words and grabbed Ruoning's neck, just like she did when she grabbed Yun Yi.

Carrying a chick, he brought it to Angel Leng.

Mo Yu directly threw Ruoning to the ground, put his foot on her back, stared at the angel and said coldly: "I heard that she is your master?"

"En~~~" Angel nodded coldly.

"You don't mind if I kill her, right? Or will it affect your emotions?" Mo Yu took out his exclusive weapon: the Holy Blade of Judgment.

Pointing the tip of the sword at Ruoning's face, he slowly gestured.

The angel cast a cold glance at Yun Yi who was already unconscious, then looked at Ruoning's ugly face, and nodded without the slightest hesitation.

She ordered very heavily, Angel Leng no longer expected that Ruoning would come back again, she was like the holy Kaisha to Liang Bing back then.

The heart is already dead to the other party, and now I only hope that the other party will be destroyed.

"That's easy." Mo Yu slowly pulled up the holy blade and pointed it at Ruoning on the ground.

"At a time like this, there shouldn't be any bloody people jumping out to save you."

Facing Ruoning's glaring eyes and the angel's cold glaring eyes at Ruoning, the holy blade immediately stabbed down, stabbing down hard.

At the moment when the holy blade was about to touch Ruoning's body, a flying sword flew from nowhere and blocked this crucial sword for Ruoning.

"Damn it, some bloody person came out to see you." Mo Yu cursed unhappily.

Zou raised his brows unkindly, and slowly turned his head to look at the source of Feijian flying over.

I saw three male angels standing in the sky.


The male angel in the middle let out a laugh that made people want to beat him up, and flapping his white wings, he slowly flew towards Mo Yu, Ruoning and the others.

The two male angels on his left and right were like his bodyguards, following behind him unhurriedly. It could be seen that the male angel in the middle had great power and status.

"Ruoning, you can't do it anymore, have you been bullied like this by a junior angel, Xiao Xianrou?"

 Does it feel like my pace is too fast?

  If it's too fast, I'll write slower

  If it's ok, I'll go at my pace

  Finally, thank you for your support!
  Thank you for your long-term reminders

  Pressure is the driving force to move forward!
(End of this chapter)

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