Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 110 The battle is about to start!

Chapter 110 The battle is about to start!
An arc of sparks across a mountainous sky.

Perfectly landed in a military base.

Lingxi appeared from the smoky place with Yitian's shoulders on his shoulders.

"Is the power of the galaxy there? Where is the power of the galaxy? Do you know where the power of the galaxy is?" Lingxi looked at the vigilant soldiers around and said.

"Is that an angel?"

"It's an angel!"

"There was another angel next to that angel, who seemed to be seriously injured."

The soldiers around whispered that the angels were allies of their earth.

But they don't have the means to cure aliens, let alone angels.

Perhaps their highest-tech Deno III has a solution, but Deno III is at the headquarters of the Great Black Wall.

"Are you okay?" A male officer walked up to Lingxi and asked.

Lingxi was very panicked, she pushed the soldier away and said, "Don't come near me, some gods are chasing us."

At this time...

A light suddenly flew down from the sky.

Guang came to Lingxi in an instant, Lingxi couldn't control so much, and quickly threw the injured Yitian into the human camp.

Take the bomb alone.

The smoke dissipated, and two male angels stood in the sky looking at Lingxi and the unconscious Yitian.


An officer immediately gave the order to attack.

da da da~~~
The soldiers immediately raised their guns to fight, and a torrential rain of bullets roared out, rushing towards the two male angels in the sky like a torrential rain.

The bullet made a 'ding ding ding' sound like hitting steel.

Those two male angels are just like normal people, any harm is useless to them.

But flame level weapons can still cause damage to them.

It's a pity that human soldiers don't have that kind of weapon.

"Hmph! Low-level ants." A male angel said with a slight disdainful voice and looked at his companion with a slightly disdainful voice.

"Kunpeng, hurry up and finish the task, kill them, so we can go back to work." Another companion, the male angel, obviously didn't pay attention to those ordinary humans, he advocated the task first.

"Oh, okay, okay, Baofeng, why don't you be so anxious, after all, there are two female bitches for you to play with, don't be so anxious to kill them." Kunpeng didn't pay attention to the sparks from his face and the armor on his body , said unhurriedly.

"One per person, I'll kill the half-dead one, you can play slowly!" Bao Feng said.

"It's okay, I'll go play with her first, you wait here, and when I kill her, I'll bring you the injured one!"

"Go!" Said the storm impatiently.

Lingxi looked at the two conversations with no one else, and was very angry. If he hadn't been attacked by them, his physical function would decline, his energy would be lost, and his super genes would be suppressed.

If he was still in his normal state and strength, he would not pay attention to the five Tianzha Lingxi.

It is very easy for a high-ranking angel to deal with two male scumbags, relying on the superiority of its own genes and years of rich use techniques, it can completely beat them.

What's more, Lingxi is now a guardian angel, and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she is no longer on the same level as before.

If it weren't for these two male scumbags who used despicable means to curb their own performance, they were constantly consuming Lingxi's physical strength and energy in the form of wheel battles.

Lingxi wouldn't be beaten and retreated, not to mention that she was carrying Yitian who was on the verge of death.

Just when Lingxi was vigilant, Kunpeng in the sky suddenly rushed down.

"Be careful!" The human soldier rushed over, trying to push Lingxi away.

But even for Lingxi, who is physically weak, the strength she can use is several times that of the King of Soldiers.

"Help me take care of her, and then hurry up and find the power of the galaxy and tell him to come and help me!"

Lingxi pushed the soldier away and said.

Then he took out the Flame Sword and lifted the sword to block Kunpeng's slash.

When two blades collide.

Waves of air burst out, overthrowing some human soldiers who were very close to the ground.

Lingxi, who was short of stamina and energy, was obviously no match and was forced to retreat.

Straight hit on a stone.

Kunpeng's sword nailed Lingxi to the stone like a nail.

Lingxi endured the pain from his abdomen, and glared angrily at Kunpeng in front of him.

"It's beautiful...huh..." Tone continued with a slight smile: "But it's even more pity."

"Do you really believe that the little girl Yan can lead the angel to tomorrow?" Kunpeng released his hand holding the blade, and said with a longing look, "No, anyone who is against Hua Ye and Ruoning Everyone must die, and the new order cannot be questioned."

"What kind of jb bird is out of order." At this moment, a middle-aged man with a Northeast accent came from behind him.

Kunpeng turned his head slowly, and saw a man with a fierce face and some prominent scars on his face, holding a big black axe, walking over steadily and sitting on a small stone pier.

He put the ax in his hand by his feet, and stared at the angel in front of him with unkind eyes, oh no, this scum.

"Oh~~~The black-armored warrior who is exactly the same as the previous Galactic Force!" Kunpeng suddenly became interested.

"What's going on with you, Kunpeng? Why is there an extra black-armored soldier? Is it the power of the galaxy?" Baofeng felt a surge of dark energy, and the direction was in the area where Kunpeng was, so he asked immediately.

"It's okay, it's just that there is a similar black-armored warrior with the power of the galaxy!" Kunpeng said with a relaxed face.

"The black-armored warrior is not a black-armored warrior. I'm the Great Wall No. [-]." Liu Chuang said impatiently when he heard Kunpeng's contemptuous words.

"Do you need support?" If Baofeng thinks it's not the power of the galaxy, the problem shouldn't be too big. According to the information they know, apart from the power of the galaxy, they can't handle the Holy Star God of War and the light of the sun. good.

Apparently they didn't get the detailed information of Nuoxing God of War.

Nuoxing God of War Liu Chuang, a god who can use any type of god-killing weapon, especially his so-called black hammer. Cutting gods is like chopping cabbage, just little Keith.

"No need. It's been a long time since I had a good fight. It seems that I can do a good job." Kunpeng's eyes flashed with fighting intent, and his eyes were fixed on Liu Chuang in front of him.

"Chuangzi, are you sure?" Another voice came from behind Liu Chuang.

Then came another black-armored soldier, with a slight scar on his resolute face, and a slightly more mature aura than Liu Chuang, who came to Liu Chuang's side with a particularly steady pace.

"It's easy for me to deal with this kind of rubbish, Xiao Lun, go and wait for my good news." That's right, it's Ge Xiaolun.

"Then hurry up, we still have to drink after Zhi Xin heals these two angels." After hearing Liu Chuang's words, Ge Xiaolun retreated out of the venue consciously.

And the other angel in his words is Yitian. At this moment, Yitian is receiving the treatment of Angel Zhixin, and specially activated the angel's sub-biological engine system for treatment.

"Damn it, you're really leaving." When Liu Chuang saw Ge Xiaolun walking away, he was as straightforward as ever.

"It's okay, there's Qilin, why are you panicking?" Ge Xiaolun took out a bucket of popcorn from nowhere and ate it, and also took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his eyes.

Did you hear that this is human language?

"Damn it, are you still eating?" Liu Chuang was surprised, when is this?You still have the mind to pretend to eat.

Kunpeng on the other side was having a hard time, he hadn't expected the power of the galaxy, and Ge Xiaolun was also here.

When I thought that I just self-righteously rejected Baofeng's support, I felt a little regretful, but fortunately, Baofeng did not leave, and Kunpeng immediately asked for help.

"Storm, hurry up and support me."

"Don't you want to have a good fight?"

"Fight ass, the power of the galaxy is here." Facing the teasing of the storm, Kunpeng seemed a little annoyed.

"What~~ Are you facing the power of the galaxy? Don't act rashly, I'll come right away." Baofeng put away his teasing demeanor.

Spreading his wings, he rushed to where Kunpeng was.

Kunpeng, the power of the Milky Way, couldn't deal with it, and with his own words, he might have a chance of winning, and there was a black-armored warrior like these beside him.

Baofeng felt that with the combination of himself and Kunpeng, there would be no problem at all against the power of the galaxy and his teammates, a [-]-[-] situation.


(End of this chapter)

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