Chapter 14
On the other side, a tall woman with long legs in black silk and a sexy black jacket also noticed Mo Yu, and felt that the energy in his body seemed to be enhanced, stronger than the energy in her own.No need to guess, it must be Lena.

Xin Zhao came to Mo Yu's side and adored him, "Wow, you will be my big brother from now on, please protect me."

Ge Xiaolun said, "Yes, brother, you are handsome, have a good temper, and are skilled in martial arts. You are a role model for my generation."

The somewhat cute Rui Mengmeng said, "We can't really be called to fight aliens together, that crocodile is so scary."

Qilin looked serious, remembering something bad.

That night, if Mo Yu hadn't saved them, there would have been more sacrifices. Thinking about it, she looked at Mo Yu gratefully.

"I'm the big brother of the black society, why would I come to fight aliens?" Liu Chuang sat in the back row, with his hands crossed over his chest and his legs on the table, as if I was the worst and who would I be afraid of.

Ge Xiaolun said very upset, "Damn, why is this scumbag here!"

"What kind of place is this? How come there are even gangsters!" Rui Mengmeng said, feeling a little bit tricked into pyramid schemes.

"Him? He's still dark. At most, he's a young man in society." Qilin sarcastically said, with his character of being a vengeful man, he naturally couldn't understand Liu Chuang's style.

Liu Chuang raised his head and said proudly, "Hey, do you know that I'm outside dozens of numbers?"

"Dozens of people? Are you talking about the gun-wielding type in the movie, or the sneaky type in the news?" Qilin turned to look at Liu Chuang.

"Hey, I said sister Qilin, why are you everywhere?" Liu Chuang said.

"What? Liu Chuang, it's not enough to squat for a few days? I want to go in again." Qi Lin said.

"Who are you scaring? Do you know, sister Qilin, in my eyes, you are not a policeman, but a girl, do you understand?" Liu Chuang said very proudly.

"Huh?" Liu Chuang said more and more vigorously, and accidentally caught Lena's eyes, "This one with black silk and long legs, hehe."

Qilin got up and looked at Liu Chuang, "Liu Chuang, don't think that I can't cure you when you get here."

You said it was not good for you to offend anyone, so you went to mess with Reina.But this guy didn't seem to notice the danger coming.

Leina stood up and walked towards Liu Chuang, choking Liu Chuang who was bragging against the wall by the neck.

"Brother Hei? Compared with God, isn't it a bit too much?" Lena said disdainfully.

Liu Chuang was held tightly against the wall, a little out of breath, and said in embarrassment, "Oh! Sister, Sister Dali, who are you?"

"Your goddess, Sunlight Reina." Reina said.

Liu Chuang thought about the time when he fainted, the voice in the dream said the light of the sun, and his brain short-circuited, "Oh? You are that, the sun shines!"


Liu Chuang was completely blown out, and a big hole was blown out of the wall.

Hehe, the first-level Nuoxing God of War team is against the full-level god outfit Sunlight, which means that the gap is a bit big.

Lena walked step by step towards the direction where Liu Chuang was blown away, and the surrounding space rippled. A piece of armor was put on Lena's body to form an armor. After she was fully dressed, she walked up to Liu Chuang and said, "Actually, I am also a Aliens, the main god of Lieyang Star. He specially represents friendship to protect you. You are still lacking in education.”

Liu Chuang usually hated people saying that he was uneducated, so he spat out the ashes in his mouth.

"Upbringing? The aliens have taught the earthlings a lesson."

After speaking, she punched Reina directly on the head.But Lena is also a god anyway, she reacted very quickly, with a wave of her hand, ripples appeared in the air, and she took out the Daybreak Shield from the arsenal to block the punch.

But the mighty knocked Liu Chuang down to the shock.

Seeing his fist being blocked, Liu Chuang was a little unconvinced and wanted to teach the alien a lesson.As soon as he stood up, Leina's Blade of Dawn was placed around his neck, and Liu Chuang wilted for a moment.

Although Ge Xiaolun on the side has a strong sense of justice, although he remembers evil like a vengeance.But the alien in front of him seems to be more dangerous and powerful.

Ge Xiaolun turned his head, saw the gun on Qilin's waist, snatched it, pointed at Leina and took a few steps forward, "I don't know if this gun is useful to you? But if you dare to touch him, I will follow him." You worked hard!"

After thinking for a while, Qilin decided to help him, stepped forward to help Ge Xiaolun unbolt the gun, and stepped aside.

Leina remained unmoved, and still put the knife on Liu Chuang's neck, but turned her head to Ge Xiaolun, "Really?"


Lena retracted the Dawn Blade, looked at Ge Xiaolun, and waved her hand.

Ge Xiaolun felt that something was wrong above him, so he raised his head.A ripple wormhole suddenly appeared above the head, and a pair of armor appeared in the wormhole.

The armor was turned into parts and assembled on Ge Xiaolun's body.

Ge Xiaolun looked at the black armor on his body in disbelief, and said nervously, "Galaxy power?"

Just after he finished speaking, a black giant sword fell in front of him.

Reina looked at him, "Come on, let's fight."

"Stop fighting, stop fighting and study." Ge Xiaolun held the sword and retreated timidly to the side.

Xin Zhao looked at Ge Xiaolun enviously, "Okay, buddy."

Even Liu Chuang was very envious, and hurriedly ran behind Leina, "I will fight! I will fight!"

Reina turned her head and said mischievously and cutely, "No!"

When Liu Chuang heard that Leina didn't give it, he immediately became anxious, "No. Big sister, big sister, no. Goddess, ah, yes, goddess. I am also Nanuo, Nuo, Nuoxing God of War, yes."

Lena didn't pay attention, and walked towards the playground step by step, and began to roll names.

"Xin Zhao"

Xin Zhao responded naturally, "Here!"

"Qilin Ruimengmeng."

Rui Mengmeng turned her head and asked Qiangwei, "To, or not?"

"Ge Xiaolun, Cheng Yaowen, Du Qiangwei, Liu Chuang and Mo Yu"

After counting the names, Lena turned her head to look at everyone and continued, "Except for Mo Yu, everyone gets up at 6:[-] every morning to train until [-]:[-] in the evening."

Xin Zhao was a little dissatisfied, "Why?"

"Because he has the privilege, a week: 3 days off, a month: 5 days off. There is also daily training, you can go at 9 am and finish at 6 pm. Damn, I don't even have this kind of privilege, he does, shit "Rena complained.

"Okay, brother, please take me to fly!" Xin Zhao looked in disbelief.

Even Ge Xiaolun was very envious.

"Okay, brother shouting, I'll take you." Mo Yu replied with a smile.

"Brother, big brother, dear brother, isn't that right, Yu? Yes, Brother Yu." Xin Zhao approached Mo Yu with a courteous expression on his face.

Mo Yu said disgustedly, "Go away, I'm a straight man, I'm not gay."

"Hahahahaha" xN
At this moment
The system notification sounded

'Di!Congratulations to the host for completion.Side Quests (1).Reward: an armor upgrade card'


personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel, Star of Light
Attributes: fire, thunder

Core engine: God of War engine, super core (core frame calculation: 22 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Physique: Invincible
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive, time and space calculation
Hardness (body): third generation god body

Armory: Judgment Blade, Ultra Saint Silver Wing

Armor: None

Points: 4100 points
Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

Main task: (Completed)

Side mission (1): (Completed)

Side mission (2): (Completed)


Mo Yu was a little puzzled, "Why is my core frame calculation running at 22 frames?"

"Because there is a treasure trove of knowledge and a treasure trove of weapons in the holy angel's arsenal, and the treasure trove of knowledge enhances your core frame calculation speed"

"Oh, so it is like this." Mo Yu suddenly realized.

No matter what, Mo Yu was very happy in his heart, after all, he got a big deal for nothing.

 Sorry, for the question of the heroine, Xiaoshi hasn't figured out who it is yet.
  Mo Yu: It's impossible not to find a girlfriend, it's impossible in this life, and I don't know how to pick up girls, so I can only pick up girls. ╭(╯ε╰)╮

  100 favorites, add a chapter tonight, okay *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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