Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 177 Misunderstanding

Chapter 177 Misunderstanding
Of course, this sentence was not said by Mo Yu. Qiangwei originally thought that Mo Yu could make the gods of other civilizations give up their aggression against the earth by relying on his deterrent power.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yu actually wanted to continue the meeting, so he questioned him immediately.

"It's not interesting, but I don't think the earth can sit back and relax all the time. Occasional wars will speed up the development of the earth!"

Mo Yu stared blankly at Qiangwei who questioned him, since he made this decision, he was already prepared.

With his protection, the earth can indeed live a very relaxed life every day without worrying about all the threats.

But this will also make people on earth feel a sense of dependence. Once Mo Yu leaves the earth, the earth will be powerless in front of the major forces in the universe.

"But this will only increase the casualties of the earth people!" Qiangwei roared emotionally, looked at Mo Yu who was indifferent, then calmed down and glanced at Morgana before continuing to talk to Mo Yu.

"Just like you, you are not worthy to be the god of the earth at all, and you are not worthy to be a member of the Xiongbing Company!"

"People who don't care about the safety of the common people are not worthy of being earthlings!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away from the conference room, leaving Mo Yu alone in his heart saddened.

"The meeting continues!"

But Qiangwei couldn't decide all of this, she did what she should do as a soldier.

"Morgana, let me introduce you..."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yu took a few steps back, and it was obvious that his body was trembling slightly in the middle.

These words that Qiangwei said undoubtedly broke Mo Yu's heart firmly. She doesn't understand Mo Yu's thoughts now, she just thinks that Mo Yu has become a god and looks down on the earthlings.


Seeing all this happen suddenly, Morgana and the other three were a little dazed.

"This one is the guardian of the Lieyang star, who can mobilize the red star that illuminates the earth, causing all life on the earth to disappear!"

"This is Snow from the Styx galaxy. He can control the ecological environment on the earth and cause natural disasters. In that case, life on the earth will disappear!"

"The last one is an affiliated civilization also from the Styx galaxy, the king of the giant wolf civilization, who possesses a star-killing weapon. If it goes down, the earth will also disappear in the universe!"

Morgana extended her hand and introduced.

But it was just to introduce their names to Mo Yu, and Mo Yu didn't care about their abilities.

Morgana also knew that the reason why she said it was to Qiangwei at the door, telling her that people on earth had no way to protect their planet now.

If they don't believe in Mo Yu's words, then there is no way for the earth to exist in the universe.

"Tell me, how many shares of the earth do you want!"

Mo Yu waved his hand, obviously a little indifferent to the idea of ​​protecting the earth, and it doesn't matter whether it is protected or not.

"Our demonic group requires a 70.00% holding!" Morgana said.

"Rena suffered a lot of grievances on Earth, so we demand 30.00%!"

Pan Zhen said slowly.

"Kerina still wants to turn the earth into her Shura field!" Mo Yu said coldly.

Some time ago, Lena was clamoring to blow up all the gluttons on the earth, but Mo Yu had a fresh memory.

"Then my god Lena's grievances and injuries are not worth mentioning?"

Pan Zhen probably felt that Mo Yu was too daring, so he looked at Mo Yu with fiery eyes and said.

"That's about Lena and Taotie, you go to the Styx Galaxy to discuss it yourself, don't make trouble with my Earth here!"

"Didn't Reina explode too!"

"So I didn't kill her either!" Facing Pan Zhen's roar, Mo Yu was also not to be outdone.

"Calm down... calm down..."

Seeing that the two sides began to draw swords and crossbows again, Morgana immediately jumped out to mediate.

No way, this is her fleet, and both of them are high-level stellar energy bodies, if one accidentally goes down, the demon fleet will be gone.

"Your Excellency, do you want to start a war with our Lieyang?"

"Although your excellency is strong, I believe that you alone cannot bear the blow of an entire civilization!" Pan Zhen calmed down slightly, and his tone was full of threats.

If they fight alone, they can't be Mo Yu's opponents, but if the entire civilization is hit, that's not necessarily the case.

"Don't think that you Lieyang people know the technology of exploding stars!"

"And I'm sure you guys might want to live on that half of the planet for a while!"

Mo Yu indifferently looked at Pan Zhen, who was angry at himself, and said calmly.

The technology of exploding stars has long been behind. Except for some low-level civilizations, no civilization will use some technology that can mobilize the energy of stars.

However, the technology of using the star core can be mastered by every major cosmic force.

"What did you say?"

"Back then, Nuoxing God of War split half of your planet with an axe. If the star core is detonated again, you Lieyang people will really have no tomorrow!" Mo Yu continued.


Pan Zhen was shocked for a moment and had nothing to say.

He didn't know what abilities Mo Yu had. If it was as he said, then the new god in front of him, who was less than 100 years old, might surpass all the gods in the known universe, including the fallen Kaisha.

"Okay, next!"

Seeing that Pan Zhen was about to speak but stopped talking, Mo Yu said.

"We... Styx request..."

"Okay, it's all over, then it's time for me to say a few words!" Mo Yu stepped forward and said without waiting for Snow to finish.

"????" Snow asked.

"War! You can fight on Earth!"

"But I don't allow the firepower like Tianhe City did last time!"

Mo Yu spoke forcefully.

"Our conditions haven't been discussed yet..." Snow slightly raised his hand.


"Huh... find Carl and talk to me! I haven't asked him for advice on how he framed me and Yan!"

Thinking that Karl would dare to use the ultimate fear created by the big clock to harm himself and Yan, Mo Yu was furious.

Moreover, he still holds grudges, so he must pay back the debt.

"Rose! I know you can hear me! I'm going back to Earth later, if you don't want to stay with Morgana, I'll take you back!"

After the meeting, Lie Yang and Styx hurried back to report the news they encountered here to their bosses.

Mo Yu ignored Morgana's eyes and said.

"No! I like it here!"

Originally, Morgana was still worried that Qiangwei would follow Mo Yu back to Earth, and she would lose her true love.

But Qiangwei chose to stay.

"In that case, teammates and people on Earth will misunderstand you like you misunderstood me!"

"It doesn't matter! I'm just protecting the earth!"

"Oh..." Mo Yu sighed softly.

He knew what Qiangwei wanted to do, and it was nothing more than controlling the demon king Morgana to buy more time for the earth.

This is also Qiangwei's last contribution to the earth after she understands Mo Yu's painstaking efforts.

"Okay! I'm leaving. If you want to leave at any time, just tell Morgana, I believe she will not stop!"


Mo Yu shook his head, he felt a little uncomfortable with Qiangwei's previous words, but after thinking about it, there was no need to worry about it so much.

Now that things here are finally over, it's time to find Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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