Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 187 Earth 'Xinghai'

Chapter 187 Earth 'Xinghai'
Although the helicopter formation has left the Tianren No. [-] flight and stay in orbit.

But for some reason, Lianfeng felt that things couldn't be that simple.

It wasn't just their angel's sky blades that stayed in the sky above the North Star, they also captured a lot of Taotie warships and airships when the Taotie came.

Human technology has reached the aerospace level, but it is difficult to build a ship that can roam in space for a while.

The war has been over for a year, and the Taotie has completely withdrawn from the solar system, and the subsequent Triangle has been gradually repelled.

People are now doing all they can for post-war construction, and it is almost impossible to have the energy and personnel to invest in the research and development of spaceships.

It can only look at Ge Xiaolun's core engine and the few gluttonous spacecraft captured by Mo Yu to maintain the development of human beings in space.

"Xiongxin" has also reached the high-frequency operation of 44 reconnaissance frequencies, and has also created imitations of gluttonous airships in a way that subverts the conservation of energy.

The human bases under the ground are also developing spaceships to meet what they call the necessities of future space operations.

But if there is a strong help from Tianren No. [-], the earth must have a place in the universe.

Entering the ship, many officers and Lianfeng reported on the way.

"Report to the chief, Xinghai has been developed, but we have encountered some problems that cannot be solved, otherwise Xinghai will not be able to conduct a test flight!"

"Is it an energy problem?"


Lianfeng is naturally not ignorant of these problems. When the Mangdang Mountain was successfully developed, Leina's nuclear fusion ability controlled the sun's mobilization of energy to complete the charge.

"I don't know what happened to Lieyangxing? I took Leina back in such a hurry!"

Originally, this problem was not a small problem for them, after all, Lena is the goddess of nuclear fusion.

Even if the solar energy is not used as a flight energy source, it can also rely on its own nuclear energy to be used as an energy source.

But I don't know what happened some time ago, Pan Zhen rushed over and hurriedly pulled Leina away from the earth.

And Lianfeng actually saw panic and fear in Pan Zhen's eyes at that time, which also made her very puzzled.

What kind of trouble happened to Lieyangxing to make a super god so scared.

She didn't know that Pan Zhen was simply afraid of the gods that came out of the earth, and it wasn't that something serious happened to Lie Yangxing.

"I'll go and ask Xiao Lun to see if there is a solution for his ambition. Go ahead and do it!"

Lianfeng can't do anything about it, their own nuclear fusion drive engine needs a lot of nuclear energy to launch the propeller to support the 'Xinghai' sailing into space.

But if they rely on their own controllable nuclear fusion technology, they still cannot support the voyage of the 'Xinghai'.

Besides Lena, Mo Yu's stellar energy technology is the best. Although he has not used it much, after all, he is not on the earth now, and he may not even be in the Milky Way.

The only way now is to see if Ge Xiaolun can contact Mo Yu, that will not only solve the energy problem, but also solve the problem of Tianren No. [-].

If it doesn't work, we can only rely on Ge Xiaolun's "xiongxin" to redefine the way of nuclear energy as the energy source of "Xinghai".

The automatic door opened slowly, Lianfeng stepped in, and Ge Xiaolun was already manipulating the 'Qiankun' supercomputer to search for Mo Yu's communication.


"Search failed!"

There have been dozens of times of back and forth. Logically speaking, "Qian Kun" also has a calculation frame rate of no less than 100, so it is impossible not to be contacted.

"Xiao Lun, how's the situation?"

After tidying up her clothes, Lianfeng walked towards Ge Xiaolun who was in the universe tree model with a tall figure.

"Oh, Chief Lianfeng, hurry up, sit here!"

Ge Xiaolun immediately stopped controlling, and stretched out his hand to Lianfeng to invite her to sit on the sofa first.

But Ge Xiaolun was not wearing black armor, but an ordinary military uniform, but he still had a very mature and stable charm.

"Hey... I've tried no less than a dozen times, but I just can't get in touch with Brother Yu, will something unexpected happen..."

After Ge Xiaolun poured a cup of tea for Lianfeng, he sighed and shook his head while sipping the teacup alone.

"This should not be possible. Mo Yu is the main god no matter what. It is impossible for civilizations and gods who have lost their minds to dare to provoke him!"

Lianfeng would think that Leng said that Mo Yu is already the main god, and Mo Yu's strength is unfathomable, so it is naturally impossible to be like Ge Xiaolun.

"Isn't Sister Nana also the main god? Taotie also dares to provoke her..."

Ge Xiaolun weakly said, Lena is much better than Mo Yu, after all, she was born to be the main god, and Mo Yu was more than 20 years behind Lena.

But in any case, Mo Yu's talent genes are more than ten times stronger than Lena's.

"Although Lena is also the main god, after all, she is still impulsive and can be taken advantage of by the enemy. Mo Yu is thoughtful and decisive, so naturally he will not be used by others!"

Lianfeng naturally believed in Mo Yu more, not only because Mo Yu had this ability, but also Ducao's evaluation of Mo Yu was not generally high.

And Mo Yu is also the first member of their Xiongbing Company to become a god on Earth.

"Yes, after all, Brother Yu is the most reliable comrade-in-arms among us!"

Ge Xiaolun also smiled awkwardly, he knew Mo Yu's strength, but how could he make such a mistake.

"Since we can't contact him, this matter can only be postponed. The first thing to solve now is to solve the energy problem of the 'Xinghai'!"

Lianfeng also knew that Ge Xiaolun might not be able to contact Mo Yu for a while, although every soldier in their Xiongbing Company had a built-in code.

But if no one opens it, it is still impossible to contact me.

The key is to solve the energy problem of the 'Xinghai' first.

Although the Mount Mangdang is made of dark alloy and is extremely strong, it is only suitable for manned operations, and cannot exert its full strength.

However, the 'Xinghai' operated as a single battleship, completely relying on the cooperation between the pilot and the fleet members.

Inside is also installed the earth's most powerful weapon 'plasma nuclear flash'.

The power is huge, the energy from one shot can dim the sun for half an hour.

It's nothing compared to the one-hour dimness of the Mangdang Mountain when it was recharging.

But that was just a blow from the strongest weapon of the 'Xinghai', which shows how powerful it is, and its speed is estimated to be 20.00% of the speed of light.

It only takes six years to reach Proxima Centauri from the earth, which is not the fastest speed using wormholes.

In other words, it can be said that the 'Xinghai' has used the best resources on the entire earth, that's why they attach so much importance to the test flight and first launch of the 'Xinghai'.

"I can't do anything about it. Our nuclear fusion technology is completely unable to provide the navigation of the 'Xinghai', and relying solely on my 'Spirit' to calculate the non-energy consumption, it is unlikely to succeed by relying on ideas alone. After all, this is not an obstacle that can be achieved in a year or two!"

As the owner of 'Xiongxin', Ge Xiaolun naturally needs his help and guidance in the development of 'Xinghai', and he knows the energy problems of 'Xinghai' better than anyone else.

That's because Lena hasn't returned to Lieyang Star yet, so they naturally don't have to worry about energy issues.

"Of course I know this. I came to you to say that you can rely on your 'Aspiration' to calculate and define nuclear energy instead of the 'Xinghai' itself, so maybe the 'Xinghai' can be lifted into the sky!"

Lianfeng put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Ge Xiaolun more solemnly. Compared with the angels, the technology of the earth is still relatively lacking.

If there is the support of clone nuclear fusion technology on Tianren [-], it is not difficult to launch the 'Xinghai' into space.

But since Lianfeng had a bad fight with the angels, she rarely disturbed the angels.

"This method is not necessarily accurate, but there is no other method so I can only try!"

Ge Xiaolun slowly stood up and looked at the blue sky covered in glass. For the sake of human development, he also decided to try.

"Don't worry, Qiankun and De Nuo No. [-] will do their best to help you calculate!"

Lianfeng also got up and assured Ge Xiaolun.

Large-scale computing energy consumes a long time and brainpower. Although Ge Xiaolun's computing frame rate is relatively high, it is still difficult to support such large-scale consumption.

Of course, with the support of 'Qian Kun' and De Nuo No. [-], the success rate will naturally be greatly improved.

After all, both are supercomputers.

"Then you prepare. I'll go down first and let them prepare controllable nuclear energy. It will take about a few days!"


Lianfeng nodded, then turned around and left the room, took a helicopter to leave the spaceship, and flew to the depths of Liangshan.

The research and development of the 'Xinghai' must be highly confidential, and the location of the research and development must also be highly confidential.

After all, it is the only way to let humans go out of the solar system. Once the test flight is successful, all the values ​​will meet expectations.

Then they will develop spaceships on a large scale, and the speed of light will gradually increase.


(End of this chapter)

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