Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 22 Morgana Arrives

Chapter 22 Morgana Arrives


The two picked up their weapons and looked at each other, killing intent burst out in their eyes, a big battle was imminent.



A sword and an ax collided and sparked.

Liu Chuang's eyes suddenly went dark, and in the dark plane, Liu Chuang watched Ge Xiaolun being magnified infinitely, and his eyes were still shining.


Liu Chuang flew Ge Xiaolun out and fell to the ground.

"Oh my god! I'm scared to death, my palms are sweating." After speaking, he shouted at Ge Xiaolun, "Who are you scaring?"

Ge Xiaolun also had lingering fears on the ground, "Whoever scares who, I rely on it!"

Liu Chuang continued, "You can't beat me, so you're just playing tricks there."

Lena on the side looked at the battle just now, and nodded, "En Liu Chuang's power is indeed great."

After the two returned to the team.

Liu Chuang kept talking about what happened just now, "Oh my god, it was pitch black in front of my eyes, and Ge Xiaolun was like a ghost, with bright eyes, that guy scared me and couldn't beat me. Just play tricks there."

Reina couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, okay, how about giving you a day off tomorrow? How do you want to play?"

Rui Mengmeng said, "I want to go home and see grandma."

"Yes. Be careful on the road!" Lena patted Rui Mengmeng's shoulder, turned her head and continued with the boys, "Where are you boys?"

Ge Xiaolun said, "We're going to have a rub together."

Xin Zhao hurriedly asked, "Does the goddess want to be together?"

"No, Goddess, I want to go shopping in Juxia City? Do you have one together?" Lena turned her head to look at the remaining girls.

"Okay! I just want to buy some clothes." Qilin nodded.

Leina looked at Qiangwei again, "Qiangwei, what about you? Do you want to go shopping together?"

Qiangwei also nodded, "Yes! I also want to buy some sports clothes."

Leina turned her head to look at Mo Yu again, and asked with a smile, "Mo Yu? Look, Goddess, I have very little funds and my salary hasn't been paid yet. Can you help me?"

Mo Yu opened the dark matter space, took out a bank card, and threw it to Lena, "The password is six sixes."

Lena took it, and patted Mo Yu on the shoulder generously, "Yes, you have a good understanding! I will force you to be my goddess' younger brother!"

"Ha ha!"

Dividing line.
A woman in sexy black clothes, heavy makeup, and a pair of bat-like wings slowly descended from the sky above Huangcun.It was Morgana.

A large number of villagers watched.

"Wow! Her figure is so sexy!"

"She won't be a big star!"

"Hey! Look, she is looking at us!"

Morgana scanned the surrounding villagers, and finally locked her eyes on a young man with a hoe.

Walking towards the young man step by step, Morgana obviously had a strong aura, scaring away the other people around the young man. Morgana put a hand on the young man's shoulder, "Ahem, Atuo, long time no see!"

The boy was very scared and at a loss, "My name is not A Tuo, but Yu Baosheng."

Morgana smiled indifferently, and blew a sigh of relief at the boy.

"Smells so good! Uh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Then he started screaming, and the one who participated was Heiqimiman, wrapping the boy around his body.

Soon, the black air dissipated, and a 3-meter-high demon appeared, "Queen, we have lost again!"

"It's okay, come back next time, the important thing is, you have to live"

At this moment
A policeman pointed a pistol at them, "No, don't move, don't move!"

Morgana turned to look at the policeman and asked, "Is that for attack? Similar to soldier ants?"

Then read the information from the earth, "Oh, I'm sorry. In the pre-nuclear era, I have a certain understanding of the universe and civilization. Hmph!" He raised his hand and grabbed the policeman, strangled his neck in the air and raised it, and the same black air filled the air. , after the black air dissipated, a relatively primitive demon appeared.

The primitive demon roared.

The surrounding crowd screamed in terror, and the crowd began to riot.

Morgana continued, "I'm here to purify you, hahaha, I won't talk about the truth, just feel it yourself." Looking at the primitive demon, "feel the power in your body, control the power of nature, control the sky The power of hahaha yes, get up, desire for sex. Look there is a beautiful girl over there, let her join your body, go"

The demon licked his lips and looked at the pretty girl in the crowd.Fly directly and quickly, grab the girl, and fly to the sky.

Morgana walked among the rioting crowd, "You are all intelligent creatures. When you see me, you will immediately understand that your irresistible war will break out on the earth. Follow me, and your life span can exceed 1000 years, and you can fly , You can throw Tuo Tuo, there is no lower limit. Hahahaha, you only need to be in awe of one person. That is me, your king! Do you know?"

Morgana looked at the bewildered people around her, "Uh, what about the village chief? Where is the village chief? Come on, come on."

(End of this chapter)

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