Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 26 Confrontation

Chapter 26 Confrontation (2)
In the forest, several figures are slowly advancing.

Qiangwei put one hand next to her ear, "Qilin, if you see the target, report the location in time."

Qilin on the branch not far away "understands"

Qiangwei continued, "Yaowen, protect Qilin."


"Others full speed ahead!"

the other side

Mo Yu sat on the tree and waited for some people
'Release the task, requiring the master to defeat the company of heroes participating in the confrontation.Completion rewards Power of Annihilation.Failure will confiscate the power of killing gods! '

"The power of annihilation?" Mo Yu was a little confused.

What the hell is the power of annihilation?What is the use?What can I do?Standard quality 3 even.

Mo Yu scratched his head, "Xiao Chao, what the hell is the power of annihilation? Can it kill gods?"

Xiaochao said, "Master, this is"

not finished
Mo Yu suddenly looked in a certain direction, and interrupted, "No need, I'll finish my business first."

After all, he stood up from the branch and looked into the distance, which was the direction of the Xiongbing Company.

The corner of Mo Yu's mouth rose slightly, and he said, "It's time for me to perform."

Xiongbinglian is here

Ge Xiaolun looked around vigilantly, and at the same time glanced at Qiangwei's direction.

Qiangwei had already noticed a gaze, and she knew who it was without guessing.

Normally, Ge Xiaolun likes to stare at her, but he didn't expect to be like a pig brother on the battlefield, so he couldn't help being upset.

Turning his head to stare at Ge Xiaolun, he shouted loudly, "Ge Xiaolun, it's an actual battle now, is your absent-minded appearance trying to drag down our entire team?"

Ge Xiaolun didn't expect Qiangwei to reprimand him suddenly, he was very confused, "Huh?"

Qiangwei covered her face with one hand, "How could I have a teammate like you! Forget it, everyone else pay attention."

Only then did Ge Xiaolun come to his senses, and just about to explain to Qiangwei, he suddenly found ripples in front of him, which suddenly appeared when he reached the wormhole.

Ge Xiaolun thought it was Qiangwei who was coming, so he immediately ran over to meet him.

But the figure that appeared in the wormhole was not Qiangwei, but their vice-team Mo Yu.

Ge Xiaolun turned pale with shock.

I saw a spinning energy ball condensed in Mo Yu's hand, rushing towards Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun hastily raised the black sword and blocked it in the middle.

The energy ball collided with the black sword, and the surrounding aura began to change.

Qiangwei noticed it immediately, and quickly asked Ge Xiaolun, "Ge Xiaolun, is there something wrong with you? Why is your aura so strong? Has the target appeared?"

Ge Xiaolun, who was trying to block the injury, reported with difficulty, "Qiangwei, Qiangwei, please notify everyone to come over, Brother Yu is here with me."

Before Ge Xiaolun finished speaking, the spinning energy ball in Mo Yu's hand exploded.


The loud sound startled the scattered team members.

Xin Zhao asked Liu Chuang, "What happened?"

Liu Chuang looked at the direction of the explosion, turned his head and replied, "How do you know, but that is the direction of Xiao Lun and Qiangwei, so they met Brother Yu, right?"

Xin Zhao suggested, "Then let's go help!"


After finishing speaking, the two rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

Qiangwei roughly knew that it was Ge Xiaolun who had met Mo Yu, so she immediately notified the whole team, "Everyone gather, the target is on Ge Xiaolun's side, gather quickly."


combat here
Ge Xiaolun was blown away by Mo Yu and stopped after knocking down a tree.

Qiangwei watched Ge Xiaolun lying unconscious on the ground not far away, "Is Ge Xiaolun there? Wake up, hello!"

At this time, Leina's voice came from next to her ear, "Ge Xiaolun has lost his combat ability, eliminated!"

The others also received the message that Ge Xiaolun was eliminated.

"No way, Xiao Lun, the toughest among us, just kneels like this?" Xin Zhao is the fastest person in the whole team except Mo Yu, and he is also the second person to reach the destination after Qiangwei. After Ge Xiaolun "lyed the corpse", he secretly felt bad.

Mo Yu had already noticed the arrival of Qiangwei and Xin Zhao, and turned his eyes away, carefully looking at Qiangwei on the tree and Xin Zhao behind the tree.

With a slight smile, a wormhole appeared behind him, and Mo Yu retreated and disappeared.

Qiangwei was contacting other teammates, while Xin Zhao poked his head out to observe, and found that Mo Yu was gone, and couldn't help but feel cold behind him.

Turning around, I found nothing, and contacted Qiangwei, "Qiangwei, brother Yu is gone, be careful!"

Qiangwei was startled, "What, disappeared?"

Xin Zhao nodded, "Yeah, it disappeared all of a sudden?"

It was only then that Qiangwei remembered that Aunt Lianfeng had told her last time that Mo Yu had the third-generation micro-wormhole transportation technology.Maybe like myself, I can use the wormhole displacement to immediately notify everyone, "Be careful, Mo Yu has micro-wormhole transportation technology, be careful not to be destroyed one by one by him, and you will immediately gather together two by two."

Liu Chuang opened his eyes wide in surprise, "What? Brother Yu can use wormholes?"

Xin Zhao also couldn't believe it, "Why didn't we know when it happened?"

Qiangwei explained, "I just remembered it just now, you guys hurry up and gather at the place where Ge Xiaolun was eliminated!"

"Okay." Liu Chuang nodded and moved forward at full speed.

Qiangwei then contacted Cheng Yaowen and the others, "Yaowen, Mengmeng, Qilin, how far are you guys, come here quickly, be careful of being attacked!"

Cheng Yaowen led Qilin and Rui Mengmeng, and asked Qiangwei, "Qiangwei, Qilin and I, Mengmeng have arrived at our destination."

At the same time, Xin Zhao also discovered Chen Yaowen and others, "Yaowen, don't show your face."

(End of this chapter)

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