Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 28 The end of the confrontation

Chapter 28 The end of the confrontation
don't show your head"

Cheng Yaowen and others also noticed Zhao Xin and nodded solemnly.

"Is Liu Chuang here?" Qiangwei asked.

"Here, what's your order, Miss Qiangwei?" Liu Chuang looked around vigilantly.

"You go out to attract him!" Qiangwei arranged.

Liu Chuang was unmoved.

"Why me?" Very puzzled.

"Besides Ge Xiaolun, you are the toughest." Qiangwei frowned.

Qiangwei's meaning is obvious, now that Ge Xiaolun is the first to be eliminated due to his death, now it's you who is hard, you can only go up, there is no other way.

"Ah? Okay!" Liu Chuang nodded in embarrassment.

Qiangwei comforted, "It's okay, where is Qilin?" Then she ordered Qilin, "Qilin, take care to protect Liu Chuang!"

Qilin watched the surroundings with a sniper rifle, heard Qiangwei's arrangement, and started to shoot for Liu Chuang.

Qiangwei continued to arrange "Yaowen is responsible for protecting Qilin's safety! OK?"

Cheng Yaowen nodded solemnly, "Sure!"

"Xin Zhao and Mengmeng are responsible for restricting Mo Yu's actions, understand?"



Qiangwei nodded in satisfaction, but she was still a little nervous. After all, this was her first time commanding a battle, and she was under greater pressure than the others. If she commanded improperly, all staff might be eliminated and sacrificed.


With an order, Liu Chuang started to run, and the others were alert.

Liu Chuang shouted as he ran, "This is it! This is it!"

The black armor on Mo Yu's body on the tree has turned on the stealth mode, and the dark data is hidden, and no one can see it at all.

The corner of Mo Yu's mouth raised slightly, "Not bad, I learned to cooperate! But it's not enough!"

The body flashes.
Qiangwei suddenly shouted, "Liu Chuang, your direction at 3 o'clock has an energy response"


In the shadow of Mo Yu, he punched Liu Chuang on the lower abdomen. Liu Chuang knelt on the ground clutching his stomach, and Mo Yu then stood and scanned the hidden people around him.

Qiangwei hurriedly asked, "Is Liu Chuang okay?"

Liu Chuang clutched his stomach, his face was pained, "It's okay, Brother Yu's attack was too harsh!"

Qiangwei and others ordered "Xin Zhao, Mengmeng, come on!"

"En!" Rui Mengmeng nodded.

"Lord Xin, who am I afraid of!" After shouting Xin Zhao, he rushed up, followed by Rui Mengmeng.

Xin Zhao stabbed Mo Yu with a spear in his hand.

Mo Yu turned left and dodged, and kicked Xin Zhao in the face when Zhao Xin and Mo Yu were parallel.

Rui Mengmeng came behind Mo Yu, raised her knife and slashed.

Mo Yu leaned back, Rui Mengmeng's arm hit Mo Yu's shoulder, but did not hit him.

Rui Mengmeng showed surprise and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Mo Yu elbowed back and kicked Rui Mengmeng away.

"Ruimeng is eliminated!" Leina reminded.

Looking at the two eliminated, Lena couldn't help but have some objections. Super fighters are not so easy to injure or knock out, which can only show that Mo Yu has hidden tricks!
"Yaowen restrains Mo Yu, Qilin snipe!" Qiangwei arranges to go through the wormhole and throw darts at Mo Yu.

A cold light flashed in Mo Yu's eyes, and for a moment, he dodged behind Qiangwei, and raised his hand to strike fatally.

Qiangwei also reacted quickly, calculating a wormhole in front of her in time, but she hesitated and flew into the wormhole regardless of being hit!

Mo Yu was about to chase and eliminate Qiangwei, but found that his legs had been wrapped by stones.Turning around, he saw Cheng Yaowen concentrating on controlling the stone.

And Qilin aimed at Mo Yu not far from Cheng Yaowen, and pulled the trigger.


A bullet quickly hit Mo Yu's chest, and Mo Yu was knocked down to the ground by the huge impact, and the stone under his feet was also broken.

The figure of Mo Yu who fell on the ground disappeared again, or the speed was too fast to cause the apparent disappearance.

The next moment appeared in front of Cheng Yaowen, raising his fist and preparing to strike.

Everyone's heart tightened.

There is no way, Lena can only come out to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, let's treat it as a tie!"

Hearing this, Mo Yu smiled, and slowly lowered his raised hand. Seeing everyone's frightened eyes, he couldn't help being a little amused, "What's wrong with you?"

Qiangwei got angry, and shouted angrily, "What's the matter? We are your comrades in arms, why are you hitting so hard!"

Mo Yu took it for granted, and replied seriously, "Actual combat is equivalent to going to the battlefield. Will your enemies show mercy to your subordinates? I was already the lightest just now, and I only used less than 4% of my strength!"

Qiangwei couldn't speak because of Mo Yu's first few sentences, but she was speechless when she heard Mo Yu's boast in the second half.

Lena came over at this time, looked at Qiangwei and the others and nodded slightly, then turned to Mo Yu and asked, "Hey! Mo Yu, why can you easily take down the super fighter. En?"

Mo Yu raised his head proudly, following Lena's example, "Because I am a god!"

Qiangwei covered her mouth and snickered, and Qilin also covered her mouth and smiled softly, but Leina felt that Mo Yu looked like a fool, so she looked at him with a caring expression.

Mo Yu was obviously a little angry when he was seen, "Hello? Lena, what does that expression mean?"

Reina covered her mouth and coughed, "Ahem! Leaving aside this, how did you knock them out?"

Mo Yu slowly explained to Stone sitting beside him, "Because I hypnotized them mentally."

Reina shook her head, and asked again puzzled, "This is impossible, because every super soldier who has not become a god is not mentally strong, but if you want to control a super soldier with mental power, you need enough time, or have a powerful force to control a super soldier." Mental power." As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Mo Yu who was humming leisurely on the rock on the other side.

"That's enough, all the eliminated people are asleep. Zhao Xin and Liu Chuang go to carry Ge Xiaolun, Qiangwei and Qilin go to carry Mengmeng, and then go back by plane."

Leina looked at Mo Yu, "Okay, let's go back." After speaking, she left thoughtfully.

 My envoy's manuscripts are about to be sent out, and now I'm in a panic.

  So it can only be updated every 3 or 4 days
  I hope you can understand,

(End of this chapter)

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