Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 30 Are you sure it's not a game?

Chapter 30 Are you sure it's not a game?
back to dormitory room
Mo Yu hurriedly explained to Xiaochao, "Xiaochao, I could have completely defeated the Xiongbing Company, but that Lena insisted on coming out to talk about a tie, so I only defeated 2, so it's all Leina's fault!"

"I know, so the power of annihilation is also given to you?"

Mo Yu looked puzzled, "Then why didn't I see it?"

"The power of annihilation is the strongest form of the power of killing gods, so it's normal for the master to not notice it for a while!"

Mo Yu asked, "Then Xiaochao, can you tell me about the function and function of the power of annihilation!"

Xiaochao suddenly asked, "Has the master ever played games?"

Mo Yu was at a loss at first, but he also replied, "I've played it, what's the matter?"

Xiaochao asked again, "What type of game is that?"

"Glory of the King! MOBA mobile game, what's wrong?"

Xiaochao asked again, "What is the highest damage in the glory of the king?"

Mo Yu looked bewildered, "Is it real crit damage?"

"That's it."


Mo Yu asked, "What do gods and demons mean?"

Xiaochao continued to explain, "The normal highest crit damage is equivalent to the power of killing gods, but what about the power of annihilation? And the power of killing gods is red, and the power of annihilation is white!"

Mo Yu suddenly realized, "Xiao Chao, what do you mean?"

"That's right, the power of annihilation is the highest true critical damage!"

"Damn it, Si Guoyi, you're amazing, awesome, cheating!" Mo Yu praised with excitement on his face.

"That's right, don't you look at who I am?" Xiao Chao's tone was full of pride.

"Although the power of annihilation sounds powerful, are you sure you didn't copy it from the game, or is this the game?" Mo Yu was also very suspicious of Xiao Chao, feeling as if he had been fooled by Xiao Chao.

"Of course not, I just made a metaphor to describe the power of this annihilation power." Xiao Chao firmly explained.

"Oh, that's fine!" Mo Yu nodded, and readily accepted the concept, but then thought that his weapons were all at the level of killing gods, so he asked again, "Raise the power of killing gods of my weapons to the level of annihilation?" Go ahead, treat it as an upgrade!"

"Understood, start to ascend.
The Sword of Judgment is being upgraded.
Super Saint Silver Wing is being upgraded.
upgrade complete"

personal panel
Name: Mo Yu
Genes: Holy Angel, Star of Light
Attributes: fire, thunder

Core engine: God of War engine, super core (core frame calculation: 22 frames)
Combat Power: The Fourth Generation Super Soldier

Body: invincible body
Ability: As fast as the speed of light, stellar energy drive, star energy drive, time and space calculation, spiral ball
Body hardness: the third generation of divine body

Armory: Blade of Judgment (Annihilation Weapon), Super Saint Silver Wing (Annihilation Weapon)
Armor: Super Alloy Armor

Affiliated civilization: Chinese civilization
Build Civilization: None

 Xiaochao: This is really not a game!
(End of this chapter)

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