Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 32 The Second Mission

Chapter 32 The First Mission

at a later time
Lena increased the training intensity, and everyone trained actively.

Obviously, he understood his own strength gap during the confrontation.

Except for the captain Lena and the vice captain Mo Yu who don't have to run, the others are 5 meters per day, Rui Mengmeng is 7 meters per day, and poor Xin Zhao is 10 meters per day.

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang have to practice their fighting ability after running every day.

Qiangwei also practiced her space calculation and wormhole jumping very hard after running.

Qilin practiced close combat and shooting at a distance of [-] meters, moving the target, and shooting headshots.

One day
After training, everyone came to the cafeteria for lunch.

Ge Xiaolun took the lunch and quickly thanked the canteen master, "Thank you!"

Liu Chuang pointed at another cafeteria gentleman on the side, pointing at a certain meat dish, "Master, um, um, let's get some more meat, I'm exhausted from training today, thank you, I'll treat you to a drink some other day!"

Everyone was wearing black training uniforms specially made by the Super Seminary.Tight!It highlights the sexy figures of the girls, as well as Mo Yu's explosive figure.

eat here
Xin Zhao saw Ge Xiaolun coming with lunch, and quickly called out, "Xiao Lun, this way."

Ge Xiaolun first glanced at Qiangwei, then turned to look at Xin Zhao, and then sat next to Mo Yu, opposite to Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao complained, "Hey, Lord Xin, I'm [-] meters a day! It's almost like a lightning letter."

Cheng Yaowen on Mo Yu's right said with a smile, "Actually, everyone is pretty good."

Mo Yu looked at Xin Zhao's face, and teased, "Xin Zhao, look at how enlightened Yaowen is, and then look at yourself? Tsk tsk tsk."

"Yes yes yes! Brother Yu is right!" Xin Zhao echoed while eating, his tone full of perfunctory.

at this time
Liu Chuang sat next to Xin Zhao with lunch, looked at the talking and laughing boys and asked, "Hey! Which girl do you think is the most handsome?"

Liu Chuang's voice was not too loud, and it just reached the ears of everyone present.

When it came to this topic, the girls who were chatting also slowed down and stopped chatting.Obviously caring about this topic, or caring about someone's words.

Xin Zhao immediately took the lead and said, "I think everyone is a goddess, but it's weird. Do you think that the Kamigawa gene also affects the appearance? Look at how they all look."

Yes, Xin Zhao is a talent, after all these compliments, he didn't offend anyone.

Mo Yu also took the opportunity to tease the boys: "Yes, the Kamigawa gene must affect the appearance. The girls are so beautiful, but the boys are different haha!"

Faced with Mo Yu's ridicule, the girls covered their mouths and laughed lightly, and the other boys were also embarrassed, but what Mo Yu said was right, except for Mo Yu, the others really didn't look very good.

If Ge Xiaolun is good-looking, then he is. His brain is not very good, so it is no different from a mentally retarded person. You don't need to care about his appearance at all, okay.

Xin Zhao quickly said, "Brother Yu, save us some face, I don't have a girlfriend yet? What's more, Master Xin, my ancestor Zhao Yun, is there anything!"

Liu Chuang smoothed things over in embarrassment, and said, "I think, Qiangwei is the most energetic, Pan Liang'er Tiao Shun'er. But Sister Na has the best figure."

Xin Zhao was eating, and when he heard Liu Chuang's words, he nodded quickly, and said "Mmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!"

Liu Chuang is also a talent, awesome.

Leina also enjoyed listening to Liu Chuang's flattery, she cast approving glances at Liu Chuang, and nodded her head affirmatively.

Liu Chuang looked at Mo Yu again and asked, "Brother Yu, what do you think?"

As soon as the words fell, all the boys looked at Mo Yu, and all the girls also looked at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu swallowed the food he was eating, and replied, "I think so? My girlfriend is the most beautiful!"


Mo Yu has a girlfriend!

Take it!

All the boys and girls were very surprised. Xin Zhao asked curiously with a gossip face, "Brother Yu is ok, I already have a girlfriend, I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to disclose it."

All the girls looked at Mo Yu, each with their own interests.

Mo Yu smiled and said, "So, isn't this not enough?"

I have to say, Mo Yu is a great talent, what does he mean?It means that his girlfriend is the most beautiful, but he doesn't have a girlfriend, so he doesn't know who his future girlfriend is?Maybe every girl present here could become his girlfriend. He said his girlfriend was the most beautiful, and he praised all the girls present without any accident. Do you think he is a talent or not.

Xin Zhao was embarrassed and bowed his head to eat in embarrassment.

On the girls' side, after hearing that Mo Yu didn't have a girlfriend, some girls were also very happy.

Liu Chuang asked Ge Xiaolun again, "Xiaolun, what about you, which one do you like?"

Ge Xiaolun turned his gaze back, lowered his head and muttered, "Ah, me? I am. I get beaten every day!"

"What are you talking about, I ask you which girl is the most correct!" Xin Zhao corrected with a smile.

'drop!drop!drop!beep! '

A phone ringing interrupted everyone's conversation.

Lena took out the phone, got up very seriously and put it next to her ear, "Chief!"

Everyone's eyes were on Lena, with serious expressions on their faces.

On the other end of the phone, "Leina, the situation is getting serious, we need to assemble the army immediately and set off immediately!"


Reina nodded solemnly.

Liu Chuang touched Zhao Xin's shoulder and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Xin Zhao turned his head and replied, "I don't know?"

"Leave immediately to Liangshan," the phone continued.

Reina nodded, "Understood!"

"It's not too late, act now!"


Ge Xiaolun asked in bewilderment, "What happened?"

After finishing speaking, Reina hung up the phone, walked to the center and turned around and said, "We have received the first mission!"

 Yan is coming again, happy

(End of this chapter)

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