Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 40 Detailed introduction on combat power and divine body

Chapter 40 Detailed introduction on combat power and divine body
Combat power: quasi-first super fighter, the first generation

Quasi-two, second

quasi-three, third

quasi-four, fourth

Fifth Generation (Demigod)

Lower God, Middle God, Higher God, God King, Main God, Supreme God (God King, Main God, Supreme God each stage has three phases), Creator God (Creator God)
God body: first generation god body to fifth generation god body

Body: Man of Steel (immune to ordinary bullets and missiles), Invincible Body (immune to conventional military armor-piercing bullets), Immortal Body (with powerful recovery and healing abilities, and cannot be killed: even if the god body is destroyed by killing the gods, It can repair itself in the blink of an eye), sacred body (basically immune to nuclear weapons, even if it is blown up by a supernova, the body will be blown into particles, and will be fused in the gathering and separation)
Kesha: Early stage of the main god, divine body, late stage of the fourth generation of divine body
Angel Yan: The lower god (the middle god after activating the secondary creature engine), the holy body (promoted when he and Hexi participated in the test)

Angel Burning Heart: The third generation of angel warriors (unknown after opening the sub-biological engine and opening the gene lock with Xin Zhao)

other angels unknown
Karl: the main god (unknown), phantom body, pseudo-fifth-generation god body

Snow: unknown

A certain Ganna: God King (being chased and beaten by Kaisha all the year round, which made her unable to advance to the main god), the fourth generation of the early stage of body
Grandpa Hua: Late God King (Because he has no skills, his personality is too lazy and lewd, which prevents him from advancing to the main god), the third generation of God Physique late stage (the reason is the same as above)

Ato: middle god (half god at the moment of resurrection, middle god after slaughtering the whole Frazer)

Black Wind: Unknown

Thornton: The fourth generation of super warriors (you can reach the next god if you are full), the ultimate animal body, the middle stage of the second generation of gods
Big Burren: Unknown
Monkey King: The fourth generation of super fighters, the ultimate animal body, the second generation of the early stage of the divine body
Mo Yu: late stage of the fourth generation of super fighters (can be promoted), invincible body (can be increased), middle stage of the third generation of divine body (can be promoted)
Lena: The middle stage of the fourth generation of super fighters, the early stage of the second generation of gods
Rose: Quasi-Second Generation Super Soldier (Battle of Tianhe: Third Generation)
Ge Xiaolun: Quasi-second-generation super soldier (quasi-third generation during the Tianhe Battle), invincible

Liu Chuang: quasi-third-generation super soldier (fourth generation during the Tianhe Battle), a top-notch man of steel

Qilin: The No. [-] Super Soldier (the third generation during the Battle of Tianhe), Man of Steel

Xin Zhao: Quasi-first-generation super fighters (the second generation at the Battle of Tianhe),

Rui Mengmeng: The No. [-] Super Soldier (The Battle of Tianhe will be the third generation)

Cheng Yaowen: A quasi-second generation super soldier (Battle of Tianhe: The third generation)
 Some are known by the author himself, while others are made up by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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