Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 49 The Ice Queen is on Earth

Chapter 49 The Ice Queen is on Earth (End)
However, things are not what he thought.

As soon as Morgana finished reading, he heard the roar of a beast, a red-skinned demon with a height of three meters and wings. There are many argali-like horns on the entire back.When it fell from the sky, the whole ground trembled and a lot of dust was thrown up.

Since the old man was an ordinary person who was blown to the ground, the other three were not ordinary people. They just waved the dust before they were wiped out, and then looked at the unsealed demon.

The red devil looked at Morgana, who was not afraid at all, with an unkind expression.

"Could you stop yelling so loudly when you come out, you know how to frighten your queen?"

Morgana looked up with her hips on her hips, and said with a displeased expression on her face, looking at the demon Big Bolun.

"Who is calling me?"

Big Boron whispered with its beast-like throat.

"I, ahem, you... so-so. But, you can just recognize me as the king now, Queen, remember."

Morgana put her hand to her mouth and coughed slightly, and then began to carefully look at Da Bo Lun in front of her.

"Hahahahaha, Queen."

Big Bolun laughed as if he had heard something very funny, and then he pronounced the word 'Queen' with emphasis.


Morgana looked at it with her waist in her hands, and was very upset when she heard what it just said.

"Queen, this country boy may not know you!" the devil brother comforted.

Big Bolun looked at the two people who were talking, and frowned. Feeling insulted, he flew up and spit out a thick fireball at the people below.

Seeing the fireball that was about to fall, except for the ordinary human old man who was a little panicked, everyone else was very calm.

Seeing this, Morgana raised her hand to hold the fireball, a black vortex appeared in the air, and the fireball disappeared into the black vortex.

"Damn it, hostility comes as soon as you open your mouth!"

After speaking, Morgana raised her hand again, took out a devil's claw from the arsenal, and pinched Big Boron like a small shrimp.

"I am Morgana, the highest demon king in the known universe. From now on, you are under my control. Artest is your immediate boss, understand?"

Morgana directly invaded the dark space breath of Big Boron.

"Yes, Your Honorable Queen."


Morgana directly let go of the devil's claws that held it, and Big Boron fell from the air to the ground and said.

"But what?"

"I want to eat people." Big Bolun looked at the old man beside Morgana.

The old man backed away in fright.

"Che, hillbilly, have a star-studded dinner with the queen."

Morgana looked at the old man, then turned to look at Da Bolun and said.

"Don't eat people? How can it be called a big devil."

The uncle said aggrievedly.

"Who told you that demons must eat people? Oh, by the way, you are from 1000 years ago, right? The grandchildren of the earth stabbed you with spears 1000 years ago, of course you can eat a few. Stand by. It’s the pre-nuclear era, you fly into the sky casually, there are hundreds of tm satellites shining on you, with your small body Y, your earth tomahawk can blow you into foam, crap, it’s too tender .”

Morgana wandered back and forth, nagging about Big Boron.

"Go home with the queen first, the outpost of the gluttonous army has entered the solar system, queen, I have to plan ahead."

Morgana bowed her head and thought for a while, then led all the demons home.

 The first part of my novel may be copied from the original, if you don’t like it, please don’t read it.

(End of this chapter)

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