Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 51 Ge Xiaolun's Wings

Chapter 51 Ge Xiaolun's Wings
Missing Persons!Come back strong!
My exam is over!
Chapter [-] is here today! ! !


In the Juxia meeting room.

"The advance team of Taotie has arrived in the solar system, and it will enter the earth's atmosphere in less than two days. They don't know the existence of the Xiongbing Company yet." Lena sat on a chair and said seriously to Dukao who was opposite.

"Then what will they do next?" Li Yunfei, commander-in-chief of the South China Sea Fleet next to Ducao, asked anxiously.

"That's not sure? But there must be a problem with our combat power. A guardian angel named Yan told me about the power of the galaxy before. For the rest, I hope Qiangwei can help."

Saying that, Reina turned her head to look at Qiangwei next to her, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Me? How can I help?"

Hearing Reina's words, Qiangwei was a little puzzled.

"I don't know how you treat Xiao Lun? But, you'd better understand this matter!" Reina said.

Seeing that Qiangwei lowered her head and did not reply, Leina waved her left hand and turned on the big screen.

"The power of the galaxy, at the bottom of the super gene, is mixed with the angel gene of 3 years ago, and its biggest advantage is that he can also open a pair of wings like Mo Yu, so as to become an air combat unit." Lena looked at The big screen explained.

"Facing the gluttonous army, Ge Xiaolun has wings and becomes an air combat unit, but he doesn't have Mo Yuqiang, so what's the use?" Qiangwei asked back.

"It's useless!" Reina said casually.

"That's better than nothing." Dukao responded strongly from the side.

"Although the wings are easy to open, you only need to invoke a sacred code, but there is a problem in making him fly. And the angel told me a way, when the time comes. Are you willing to try?" Lena asked Qiangwei.

"What way?" Qiangwei looked at Leina and asked.

Reina hooked her fingers at Qiangwei, Qiangwei stretched out her ears, and Reina said something in Qiangwei's ear.

Ducao and Li Yunfei looked at the two of them whispering like little girls, and couldn't help smiling at each other.

After listening to Reina's whisper, Qiangwei thought for a while, then turned to look at Reina, and asked, "Why don't you try it?"

"I can too!"

Reina flaunted her gestures at Qiangwei, and even winked at Qiangwei.

"Hey! Come on, leave the task to me!"

Somehow Qiangwei took over the task again.

"Qiangwei, don't underestimate Xiaolun's super gene. There are bigger things in his body, but what about our current ability? We can't detect it." Ducao taught Qiangwei.

"I think his greatest ability is to be cute." Qiangwei sarcastically disapproving.

On the splint of the Juxia, Reina invoked the sacred code to open Ge Xiaolun's wings.

Ge Xiaolun was on the splint, flapping the black wings behind him constantly, taking off and landing, taking off and landing, and tried back and forth countless times, but no matter what he couldn't fly.

"Can this really fly?" Ge Xiaolun, who had failed many attempts, began to doubt whether he could really fly.

I tried again, but in the end, I just jumped higher. Qiangwei, who was helping Ge Xiaolun to train, was very helpless.

"Do you really want to fight aliens?" Ge Xiaolun stopped and asked Qiangwei.

"I don't know! Jump a little higher and use your shoulders harder." Qiangwei said very simply, but Ge Xiaolun was exhausted.

"We have never fought, let alone flew. Look at the Juxia, let the Juxia fight. Our black armor, with swords, guns and sticks, doesn't seem to have much fighting power?" Ge Xiaolun stopped jumping, Said a little unconfidently.

"Don't use your incompetence to judge the combat effectiveness of the Xiongbing Company." Qiangwei sarcastically said.

"That's right. Think about Brother Monkey, Brother Yu, and Leina. They are all gods. That's right, I don't seem to have much fighting power. I can't fly even if I'm given wings. It feels like chicken wings!" Ge Xiaolun began to give up on himself. .

"Whoever said that you can fly if you have wings? Are these cute cosplay wings belonged to COS Brother Yu? They couldn't be playing tricks on us, right?" Said.

"Uh, try harder. If you can't fly, you're really useless." Qiangwei suddenly turned around a little embarrassed and said, probably because she thought of the method Leina told her.

"I can't help it! I'll just get beaten." Ge Xiaolun told Qiangwei what he thought.

"Then are you afraid?" Qiangwei stopped and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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