Super Seminary's Myriad Stars

Chapter 86 Evil God Hua Ye!

Chapter 86 Evil God Hua Ye!

Mo Yu saw that Yun Yi had wounds everywhere, so he asked:
"Is your injury okay?"

"It's okay. Cough cough is cough cough cough."

Yun Yi spoke a bit intermittently, coughing non-stop.

"Cold? I didn't bring hot water either."

Mo Yu was a little anxious. Obedient girls should drink hot water if they have a cold and fever, but he didn't bring it.

"Have it!"

Mo Yu slapped his head and had a flash of inspiration.I have a superchip, I can do it myself.

〖Starting the super core.
Start parsing.
Parsing complete
Decomposition target
Redefine the goal.
Defined as a 100 degree water molecule
Definition complete〗

And suddenly there was a bowl of hot water in his hand, 100 degrees hot water, Mo Yu knew that Angel was not afraid of being scalded, so he was not too worried that Yun Yi would be burned.

"Come on, have a drink of hot water first."

Mo Yu handed the hot water to Yun Yi who was sitting on the ground, and said.

Yun also took it slowly, what she needed at the moment was not hot water, but energy, but she was too embarrassed to refuse his kindness, so she had to take it.

She looked at the hot water in her hand, although she was very curious about why there was hot water in Mo Yu's dark space, she didn't say anything, she put her mouth in front of the bowl and started to drink water.

"cough cough"

Due to her lack of energy and the fact that the wound on her body has not healed, Yun also coughed from the heat.

But Mo Yu didn't know, he thought it was because Yun Yi drank too fast and choked himself, so he dissuaded him: "Drink slowly, if it's not enough, there's still more, no one will fight with you."


Yun Yi suddenly felt that Mo Yu was so stupid, there was something wrong with his eyes, and he couldn't tell that he was being burned?

But I can't say it directly, I can only be tactful.

"Hot water is useless for me, now I need energy to recover."

Yun also said that what she needs most urgently now is energy.

"Oh, you didn't say it earlier, I have a lot of energy."


If I wasn't afraid that you would hurt my self-esteem, I would have said it a long time ago.

Mo Yu put his hand on Yun Yi's with a smile, and the palm of his hand slowly glowed with blue light.

Yun Yi was taken aback by Mo Yu's sudden action, her cheeks instantly turned into a big apple of Mt. He lowered his head and buried his entire face in his breastplate.

As time passed slowly, the wounds on Yun Yi's body gradually healed, the wings behind him began to flap, and the whole person began to slowly lift into the air.

Under the action of energy, the angelic silver cer armor glowed white and began to repair itself.

Mo Yu knew that Yun Yi was recovering at the moment, and waited patiently beside her.

A few minutes later, Yun Yi exuded white and white light and slowly landed in front of Mo Yu, and her face was very excited.

Because under Mo Yu's energy, Yun Yi not only repaired her own body and silver armor, but also had a lot of extra energy, and her angel gene system suggested that Yun Yi use the extra energy to upgrade her divine body.

Yun also readily accepted.

This is not her successful promotion to become a god.

"Thank you, male god."

Yun also landed slowly, successfully raising Mo Yu's position in his heart.

Because she knew that Mo Yu was the male god Queen Kaisha had found for Yan, and Kaisha had high expectations and evaluations of Mo Yu, so calling him a male god was not an exaggeration at all.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, it's easy, it's easy."

Mo Yu instantly felt flattered.

I don't know why I feel a little proud of being called a male god by a cute girl who is hundreds or even thousands of years older than me.

"Then where are you going to go next?"

Mo Yu wanted to know the whereabouts of such an angelic girl. If she dropped by, she might be able to escort her for a while, although she has become a god and does not need to be protected.

But this is only out of men's desire to protect women, and there are no other dirty ideas.

"I'm going to North Star to meet Sister Leng."

Yun also did not avoid suspicion, and told Mo Yu her next direction.

"Well, I happen to be going to the North Star too, so come with me."

When Mo Yu heard that Yun Yi was also going to North Star, he warmly invited him.


Sister Yun Yi also accepted Mo Yu's proposal, after all, I heard that the Holy Star God of War is a very powerful God of War.

Not only is he very powerful, but he is also very smart. It's good to learn something by his side, and you can ask him for anything you don't understand.

I can grow up quickly and become an excellent fighter beside Queen Yan, fighting evil and defending justice even better.

"Let's go, you and I go to Zhengzhou to rest for a while, and we will set off for the North Star tomorrow morning!"

Mo Yu glanced at the sky and found that it was already night, thinking that Wu Yi and the others were still waiting for him in Zhengzhou.

"it is good."

Yun also nodded. It is indeed not early now. Although the angel does not need to sleep, she has just been promoted to the divine body, and she is not fully familiar with it.

Seeing that Yun Yi agreed, Mo Yu immediately spread his wings and flew to Zhengzhou.

Seeing this, Yun also bent her legs, stretched her wings and shook her body vigorously, her body rushed out of the ground with inertia, and followed Mo Yu closely.

A spaceship appeared on the outskirts of the Milky Way, and the spaceship was slowly heading towards the earth.

The Glutton Fleet staying on the outskirts of the Chiwu star system immediately discovered a strange information point, and immediately started to investigate.

It was immediately determined that it was a spaceship, but they had never seen the appearance of the spaceship, and they did not know which civilization it was, so they sent questions to the unknown spaceship through the spaceship.

In the unknown spaceship, there are all kinds of male slags sitting in it. One of the male angels who looks like a boss is holding another male angel on the left and right, and looks full of affection.

"King! Taotie asked who we are, do we need to destroy them?"

A male angel piloting a spaceship stood up and walked to the head male angel who was playing with a group of male angels, lowered his head slightly, and said in a respectful tone.

"Who are we? Hahahaha"

The leading male angel immediately showed an incomparably presumptuous laugh, which sounded so cheap that people couldn't help but want to beat him up, but for the time being, no one could beat him.

"We are the kings of the universe!"

The male angel in the head raised his hands from the shoulders of the two male angels embracing him, his tone filled with arrogance and prejudice.

Since the death of the Holy Kaisa, the angel Ruoning found him and told him the message.

And when he heard that Kesha was cold, he immediately made a regrettable look. He liked Kesha and Kesha's sister.

Ruoning said that justice and order will be destroyed and replaced after Kaisha's fall.

In Ruoning's heart, Kaisha is still the best candidate for the king of angels, but she just can't understand Kaisha's style, so she chooses to leave the city of angels.

With the fall of the holy Kaisa, justice and order will collapse, and the city of angels will also decline.

Ruoning is not optimistic about the new queen, Angel Yan.

Now the only way to bring the City of Angels back to its peak is his Heavenly Palace Order, bringing the entire City of Angels back to the age of male gods.

So Ruoning asked him to go back to the city of angels and let all the angels obey his heavenly order.

And this old man, the wretched male scum, is the ancient evil god, Hua Ye, the lord of the Heavenly Palace.

Everyone on the Internet jokingly called him Grandpa Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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