Hades is a girl

Chapter 187 Killing the Wolf

Chapter 187 Killing the Wolf
"You... seem to be introspective?" Bi Luo didn't chase Ling Ye out of the car, halfway through the car, Bi Luo stared at Ling Ye with interest and asked.

"Well, I think my method is wrong... I shouldn't have kicked him away in public, I should have remembered the appearance of that pervert first, and then sap him behind my back." Ling Ye explained with a serious face.

The corner of Bi Luo's mouth raised slightly, "Your brain circuit is quite interesting, why don't you ask us where we will take you?"

"Anyway, you can't sell me, maybe you can't beat me!" Ling Ye lay down on the seat carelessly.

Bi Luo glanced at Ling Ye, and said in a playful tone, "You don't have a piece of equipment now, even Pan Hailong, I'm afraid you can't fight now!"

Bi Luo has seen the battle between Ling Ye and Pan Hailong. Ling Ye can use ice and thunder, no doubt it should be due to the demon-devouring weapon. Without these external forces, Ling Ye is just a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

Hearing what Bi Luo said, Ling Ye excitedly said, "Put me down quickly, let me get the equipment before I go!"

However, Bi Luo ignored him, and drove away in the little beetle, looking at Bi Luo with a sad face, he felt that Bi Luo was going to murder him.

However, so many people saw me being taken away by them. If something happened to me, they must be the first suspects, so I could feel at ease, so I asked, "How did you survive when you became the Ten Saints? You are seniors." , give me some experience!"

Bi Luo thought for a while, "Actually, I'm also in trouble now, so I seldom appear in public places. After a little bit of mystery, there will be fewer people who don't know what's interesting, but it can't be completely eliminated. !"

"By the way, where are you taking me?" Ling Ye asked suddenly.

blue sky:"……"

Did you just remember this now?And she asked before, she felt that she couldn't keep up with Ling Ye's brain circuit today, so she stopped talking.

Ling Ye found a few topics, but Bi Luo looked indifferent, giving people a feeling that they were clearly close in front of them, but there was a natural moat in between. This kind of temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away is quite Conforms to Bi Luo's.

Bi Luo's speed was very slow, but Shen Lan Yu followed their speed, but seemed to be more than ten meters ahead, and maintained this speed, which was extremely tacit.

"The meeting of the ten saints has been advanced!" Just when the Beetle was very quiet, Bi Luo suddenly broke the silence.

Ling Ye pouted, "Don't tell me that you are going to take me to this meeting right now!!!"

Bi Luo didn't speak, but this was also the default attitude.

Ling Ye took out his mobile phone and inquired about the photos and conditions of the seats of the Ten Sacred Seats. He was not prepared, it was too sudden, so he could only hold his feet temporarily.

Bi Luo and the others stopped in a small, remote park. Because of the remote location, few students usually come to this place. I believe that there are not many students who know this place in Tianya City, the school.

The three of them walked on a stone path. On both sides of the stone path were planted large sycamore trees. The leaves of the sycamore trees fell, and a thick blanket was laid on the ground, giving people a soothing feeling.

I don't know where there is a burst of fragrance, it is the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus.

October osmanthus is fragrant, and it is late autumn at this time.

Shen Lanyu put her hands in her pockets, and her steps were heavy but casual, explaining: "This time, Bi Luo, do you have an explanation?"

Bi Luo shook his head lightly, Shen Lan Yu looked at Ling Ye with a wry smile, "I just said that it would be nice to have you with me, I explained it to you on the way, and I have to sit with Da Bingshan, right? Choked enough?!"

Biluo didn't respond to Shen Lanyu's words, she moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked towards the front without slowing down, giving Shen Lanyu time to explain.

"This time the ten saints are not all present, and four people are absent, namely the first seat, the third seat, the fourth seat and... Pan Hailong in the ninth seat!" Shen Lanyu explained, "The pattern of the ten saints It's a bit complicated, divided into three factions, namely Qisha, Pojun, and Tanlang, commonly known as: Shapolang. Legend has it that once these three stars gather in the world, they will change hands!"

Ling Ye raised his forehead, "It sounds very compelling, you two belong to the same school, right?"

Shen Lanyu nodded, "Yes, these three camps are officially recognized. Biluo and I belong to the Pojun camp, and we are in the same camp as the second and fourth seats. Our role is to manage the five camps. Order and discipline at the Grand Academy!"

"The first seat, the fifth seat, and the ninth seat are the seven evil spirits, who manage everything in Tian Ren Pagoda!"

"The third seat and the seventh seat belong to Greedy Wolf. They are in charge of the student resource trade and commodity prices of the school Tianya City. They set the prices. In fact, they have grasped the lifeblood of the economy!"

Deep Blue Feather spoke in great detail, and Ling Ye understood the situation of the Ten Saints, and said weakly, "Can I just do nothing? I'm usually very busy!"

Bi Luo took a deep look at Ling Ye, but Shen Lan Yu smiled, "Let me tell you this, any camp you join will have great benefits, for example, let's break the army! It's equivalent to the top five. The school's disciplinary committee, once a student turns something up and violates the rules, you can arrest it yourself, and arrange some large-scale activities in the school. You can learn a lot of management experience from it. After graduation, you will go to the Zongmen, which is very popular. .”

"The Qisha can freely assign the missions of the Tianren Tower. Once there are missions that are very rich, they can receive them as soon as possible. In order to receive good missions, many people will buy the members of the Qisha in advance. It can be said that You don’t have to do anything, you have a lot of resources and connections!”

"As for Greedy Wolf, the same is true. After all, resource trade controls the lifeblood of the economy. You can adjust the price in it and you can get huge benefits. So you don't plan to join?" Deep Blue Moon looked at Ling Ye with a smile.

Ling Ye squeezed his chin when he heard this, and thought about it. These conditions are indeed very attractive. He really lacks a lot of experience, and the Ten Sages are a good platform. If he doesn't do anything, it would be a waste of the Ten Sages. This title is gone.

"Don't rush to make a decision. In fact, none of the three gangs want you to join! After all, if you join one, everyone's interests will be reduced a lot!" Shen Lanyu teased without reservation.

Ling Ye: "..."

He understood that the purpose of his coming here today was to upset some people.

"By the way, if our camps are different in the future, will it become a hostile relationship?" Ling Ye suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

Deep Blue Feather shook his head, "No, the classifications of the three factions are different, and there are few intersections at ordinary times, so the relationship will be much more dull, but there is no big conflict, so no matter which faction you join, it doesn't matter to us Influence."

(End of this chapter)

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