Hades is a girl

Chapter 189 Adding 7 Shas

Chapter 189 Joining the Seven Demons (Part [-])
"We are very busy, and Shen Lanyu should have told you on the way, so let's make a long story short, which side do you want to join?" Jieer stared at Ling Ye and began to return to the theme.

Ling Ye smiled and said, "I'm just a freshman. I have never been in contact with the black market or the order of the school Tianya City, so I don't have any intentions."

Ethan heard Ling Ye's implication, and said with great interest, "Then you mean that you want to join Qisha?!"

"Senior has sharp eyes, that's what I mean!" Ling Ye said with a smile. After all, he had come into contact with Tian Ren Pagoda, which was more related to him, and the most important thing was that he could disgust Pan Hailong.

As for the black market, Ling Ye is not short of money, and the management is only a privilege among the students, and he does not need it. In the future, his roommates and friends will always accept tasks, so he joins Qisha and manages the black market. The Tianren Tower is the most cost-effective.

"You're really interesting. Could it be that you don't know that Pan Hailong is also one of the seven evil spirits?" Ethan, who had been silent until now, couldn't help laughing.

"I know, he can't beat me anyway!" Ling Ye shrugged, with a nonchalant expression.

"Tsk tsk, hold grudges so much?!" Deep Blue Feather was dumbfounded.

Ling Ye shrugged, "Actually, I'm easy to get along with, but I just hold grudges in a certain way!"

Ding Mengling curled her lips, "Here comes another business grabber, we Qisha can be said to be the most numerous of them all now!"

It was only then that Ling Ye remembered that Ding Mengling was also a member of Qisha.

"The seven evil spirits are the seven evil spirits, you can go to the Tianren Tower and explain it!" Jieer, as the top ten saints here, naturally has a strong right to speak.

The party this time ended soon. Among the people here, except Shen Lanyu and Ding Mengling who like to be lively, the rest of the people are all like strangers, so they can't continue chatting. This time the party It also broke up.

After returning, Ding Mengling took Ling Ye to Tianren Tower. After all, Ding Mengling is also a member of Qisha. As a newcomer, it is naturally the best for her to bring her. She took Ling Ye to ride on the VIP exclusive ladder of Tianren Tower. , all the way to the very top.

Everyone who was busy in Tianren Tower also looked at Ling Ye. Those who knew had meaningful expressions, while those who didn't know were muttering about Ling Ye's legend and the purpose of coming here. After all, it wasn't Everyone knows about killing wolves.

Led by the waiter girl, Ling Ye came all the way to the top floor of Tianren Tower. The decoration on the top floor is very solemn, resplendent and full of taste. From the first step into this place, a solemn mood was born .

"Why are you here?!" Just as Ling Ye was looking around, a familiar cold voice came.

Ling Ye turned his head, saw the speaker, and grinned, "Why do you think I'm here? Don't forget that I can be the tenth...eighth...seat!"

Ling Ye's last three words were very heavy, and Pan Hailong's forehead twitched when he heard it, because the eighth seat was originally his.

Now he still doesn't know the purpose of Ling Ye's coming here, he frowned and asked, "You...you actually chose to join Qisha!"

"Of course, the office environment is good. It looks like I'll come here more often!" Ling Ye sat down on the soft and messy sofa with a big smile, and smiled at Pan Hailong.

When Pan Hailong glared at Ling Ye, Ding Mengling walked over with a stack of documents in her hand, sat opposite Ling Ye, and threw the documents in front of Ling Ye.

"This is your contract to join Qisha, there are three terminations of this contract, first: you graduated, second: you were kicked out of the ranks of the ten saints, third: you violated the core interests of the school Tianya City! Ding Mengling said, "The boss is not here today, so this time I will do it for me!"

The boss that Ding Mengling mentioned was naturally the one in the first seat of the Ten Saints. This one is very mysterious, and it is rare to find news about him on the forum.

Ling Ye glanced at the past, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he signed his name. From today onwards, he is a member of Qisha, even if he resigns, it is useless.

Ding Mengling's attitude is better than Pan Hailong's. It's an established fact that Ling Ye joined Qisha, and they will work together in the future, so it's better to have a good relationship. Don't please, at least don't be so rigid. Thinking about the future of Ling Ye and Pan Hailong wanted to work together, and Ding Mengling felt very exciting.

All missions can only be issued with the consent of the Qisha members. Ling Ye also looked at some of the missions that just arrived, and directly picked out a few good ones, took pictures and sent one to his dormitory and friends. Go over and ask them if they want any.

After all, fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields. Although Ling Ye can solve these tasks by himself, but recently Ling Ye has a lot of things to do, so he can only let others.

Time flies, and two months passed without incident. During this time, Ling Ye was studying in the equipment department, Tianren Tower, and classrooms, and finally mastered the second-level Tianyu, and I am also familiar with the business of Tianren Tower, and the forging technology of my old bank has also been greatly improved.

Angels are supposed to heal in the name of healing. Although Ling Ye's healing level is not enough to instantly recover from serious injuries, it can stabilize the injuries. Some minor injuries will be resolved within a minute.

For Ling Ye, every day is different. Ling Ye is so serious about becoming a member of the Ten Saints, let alone being his roommate. During this time, the three of Mo Xinwen also practiced desperately , has become a cultivating maniac.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that their progress is also huge. Mo Xinwen also used a neon potion to directly advance to the second level by mistake, which made Ling Ye envious. After all, even he It took three times to succeed.

Ling Ye was also challenged by many people during the period, and even Pan Hailong challenged Ling Ye several times, as if he wanted to get back his seat, but Ling Ye kept the eighth seat with a record of complete victories After a long time, Ling Ye's position has been completely stabilized, and there are no uninterested people to challenge Ling Ye. After all, the cost of challenging Ling Ye once is too great.

The first semester is coming to an end, and the day before the summer vacation, Ling Ye received the news that the ten saints had gathered urgently. This was the first time Lingye had encountered such a thing since he took office. He was very concerned and immediately left Forging half of the work in his hands, Mo Dehaler jumped to his feet when he saw it. He could have succeeded, but he was scrapped halfway. He is simply a prodigal...

(End of this chapter)

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