Hades is a girl

Chapter 278 There Are More Opponents

Chapter 278 There Are More Opponents

"Why are you here too?!" Ling Ye looked at Ji Yayue speechlessly. This was more fulfilling the responsibility of a little tail than Li Danlu, but he didn't dislike Ji Yayue's behavior. I know why, but I still have a little expectation in my heart.

"Can't you?!" Ji Yayue's pretty face was full of disappointment, and there seemed to be a broken moon in her beautiful eyes, which was heartbreaking.

Seeing Ji Yayue's expression, Ling Ye couldn't help feeling pain in his heart, and finally sighed, "It's not that I won't let you follow, it's just that the smell in the equipment department is not good, and you are an outsider after all. You have to go through the formalities to enter the equipment department, so it will take a while..."

"It's okay..." The disappointment on Ji Yayue's face immediately disappeared, with a smiling expression, where is the previous disappointment?
Seeing Ji Yayue like this, Ling Ye couldn't help but burst out laughing. Sure enough, this was the weird Ji Yayue he knew.

I thought it would take a lot of time for Ji Yayue to enter the equipment department, but Ling Ye underestimated Ji Yayue, and didn't know what Ji Yayue did. She got permission to enter the equipment department in less than 5 minutes. , and even the person in charge of the equipment department was respectful, which made Ling Ye speechless. It seemed that he really underestimated the power behind Ji Yayue.

Ji Yayue bouncingly followed behind Ling Ye. After entering the equipment department, a special smell of magic ore came oncoming. These ores all have magic power. But there is no harm, but it has the effect of improving the magic power.

However, outsiders can't bear this smell, just like entering a place sprayed with disinfectant. I think it took Ling Ye a lot of time to get used to this smell. Now Ling Ye smells it and not only does not feel any discomfort. , but there is a feeling of peace of mind.

However, although Ling Ye got used to it, Ji Yayue wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, apparently unable to accept this smell for the time being.

"Let's go if you can't take it anymore. If you follow me like this, your parents will know about me!" Ling Ye persuaded.

Ji Yayue crossed her arms and said with a smirk, "So what if you know? Are you afraid that they will eat you... No, if they know that I was abducted by you, they might really eat you..."

Ling Ye: "..."

Miss, I wanted to keep a low profile, but you are pushing me into the pit of fire!
"Haha, I'm just joking with you, I'll seal them up!" Ji Yayue took out a purple pill from her bosom and put it in her mouth. Immediately, she felt that the air around her became fresher .

Seeing Ji Yayue's expression, Ling Ye knew that Ji Yayue was fine, so she had no choice but to walk towards Modhalle's room intelligently.

"Oh, my dear apprentice, I have already drawn up a study plan for you, oh, God, I don't want to waste a minute, I want to teach you all my knowledge!" Mordhaler's hair was shaggy, Holding a roll of materials in his hand, he hugged Ling Ye excitedly.

However, Modhaler soon saw Ji Yayue behind Ling Ye, saw Ji Yayue's face was strange, and tried to find out if he knew such a person in his memory.

After all, outsiders cannot enter here. The people who can enter here are either teachers, or some people who are qualified to enter here through application, and such people are even rarer.

Ji Yayue also felt that Mordhaler was looking at her, and judging by Ling Ye's attitude, this should be Ling Ye's mentor, and a good relationship must be established.

Thinking of this, Ji Yayue smiled gently at Medhalle, waved her small hands and introduced herself, "Hello, teacher, I am Ling Ye's friend, this visit is a bit presumptuous, but I really want to see Take a look at Ling Ye's daily life, can I watch from the sidelines? I will definitely not disturb you!"

For this polite and beautiful girl, Moudhaler threw away Ling Ye and walked up to Ji Yayue, looking her up and down with a solemn face, Ji Yayue felt uncomfortable being looked at, Seeing Modhala's dignified expression, Ji Yayue's heart pounded, thinking that there was something she didn't do well, which aroused Modhalla's disgust.

However, the uneasiness in Ji Yayue's heart completely dissipated the next moment, and the next moment Modhalle patted Ji Yayue's shoulder excitedly, "Oh, today is really a beautiful day. It would be very difficult to find a girlfriend like Ye, I thought I would never see my disciples and grandchildren in this life, God is kind! The old lady is kind!"

Ling Ye: "..."

Ling Ye was very speechless, if it wasn't for the fact that this old man was his teacher, he had to go up and beat him up, this sentence seemed to make him nobody want him, you must know that you are liked by the Supreme God - although the other party is male……

Ji Yayue was also stunned for a long time, and soon those big smart eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent shape, and asked obediently, "Teacher, why do you think so? I think Ling Ye is very handsome! It should be no The kind that lacks women!"

Medhalle smiled wryly when he heard this, "Hey, this guy looks really good, but he is a man after all, so he is a little too pretty. Some time ago, someone seemed to have done a statistics, and in Tianya City, the school, Ling Ye Two-thirds of those who are interested are boys, I'm really afraid that Ling Ye will be bent as a teacher..."

"Ahem, my sexual orientation has always been normal!" Ling Ye couldn't help but said, "And teacher, do you know who the person who made this statistics is? I want to talk to him about life..."

Modhaler glared at Ling Ye, as if blaming Ling Ye for being incomprehensible, while Ji Yayue giggled and said, "Ling Ye, I didn't expect you to be so popular with boys..."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yayue murmured in a voice only she could hear, "It seems that my opponent even has boys..."

If Ling Ye heard her words, Ling Ye would definitely want to find a way to get in.

Ling Ye looked at the two people who were chatting, with a speechless expression on his face. He would call himself over if he had a good communication, but he ended up chatting with others, leaving himself, the chief disciple, aside. How could anyone do this, Master of?
In desperation, Ling Ye could only continue to forge demon-eating weapons by himself, but Ling Ye didn't complain in his heart, but rather enjoyed the atmosphere, Moudhaler and Ji Yayue chatted, while he was working, let Ling Ye After experiencing a taste of home, he really wanted time to stop at this moment.

And what Ling Ye didn't know was that his feelings for Ji Yayue had also begun to change...

(End of this chapter)

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