Hades is a girl

Chapter 29 Part-time job

Chapter 29 Part-time job
Ling Ye was also not very dishonest, so he squeezed Ye Wenwen's weak and boneless hands, and said with a smile: "Senior Ye, your hands are very tender and smooth! And the bones in your hands are good, and the tips of your ten fingers have enough food. She must be a rich woman in the future."

"Hey, although I haven't had much contact with you, it's not like your style to be so glib?" Ye Wenwen suddenly turned her head and asked, "Where did you come from such a set of rhetoric?"

"Hey, sister Ye, did you study psychology?" Ling Ye asked in surprise.

"I've seen a lot of people of all kinds, and I can guess one or two!" Ye Wenwen giggled, very proud.

"Senior Ye, do you have a boyfriend?" Ling Ye asked suddenly, remembering what Mo Xinwen told him.

"In comparison, you are a good person, but you and I are impossible. I don't like boys who are younger than me. I like the kind of strong ones, and I won't look for assistants!" Ye Wenwen gave Ling Ye a white look, He refused without mercy.

Ling Ye rubbed his nose, um... It seems that Mo Xinwen can't match any of the conditions?Should I tell him the cruel news?

But he was issued a good person card inexplicably, Ling Ye felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't even think about it yet!

Originally, Ling Ye wanted to explain, but when he thought that he said he was asking for others, he felt the same as the 300 taels of silver here, and maybe he would leave a cowardly impression on Ye Wenwen, so the gain outweighed the loss.

The whole journey was silent and embarrassing, but fortunately, I finally reached the principal's office. The principal's office is very luxurious. Just this silver gate, which is nearly two meters high and three meters wide, is dotted with some precious stones. I'm not good at it, so I don't know if it's true or not, but the possibility of authenticity is higher. After all, this is the Academy of the Gods, so it's impossible to be shabby, and this is enough to show the extraordinary style of Huaxuan Academy.

Boom boom boom!
Ye Wenwen knocked on the door and said softly, "Principal Ni, I brought Ling Ye!"

"Go down! The door is unlocked, just let him in directly!" Ni Fan's voice came from inside.

"You go in! Mr. Principal... it's easy to get along with!" Ye Wenwen hesitated and said.

Sister, what you said made me panic!

Ling Ye groaned inwardly, but it was a blessing or a disaster, and a disaster could not be avoided. No matter what, he had to face it. Thinking of this, Ling Ye took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The room is about [-] square meters. The decoration is very simple, but the space layout is very good. It looks very clean and tidy, making people very comfortable.

"Ling Ye... There is indeed no problem with your information. I have also sent someone to check it. As a half-human, half-angel existence, do you stand on the side of angels or humans?" Looking out of the window at the sky full of stars, he looked like an expert in the world.

"You can see that there is a ghost!" Ling Ye slandered in his heart. After all, this is the life file that the god of death forged for him. If it is found out, the god of death may cry and faint in the toilet.

Ling Ye said without hesitation, "I was born on Earth, so I don't have a sense of belonging to the Angel Race. My main position is human beings, but I will not harm the Angel Race for the sake of humans, unless the other party offends me first!"

"I really don't hesitate. To be honest, many school managers have a lot of opinions on you. After all, your blood is not pure. Originally, with your potential, you can directly become my direct disciple, and you can enjoy Huaxuan Academy's teachers at will. Strength, I will tutor you alone, but now..." Ni Fan hesitated.

"I can understand this. After all, if it were me, I would do the same!" Ling Ye shrugged. In fact, he still quite hates the so-called special treatment. It is more comfortable to live an ordinary life without pressure or halo. .

Ni Fan turned around, and the moonlight outside the window fell through the viewing window, covering her body with a layer of silver neon clothes, coupled with her capable temperament, it made people feel awe.

"You... don't you blame us?" Ni Fan was a little surprised. After all, students of Ling Ye's age are not so mature. Originally, she always thought that Ling Ye would make a big noise, but she didn't expect it to be so peaceful.

"Although it's true that I'm a little bit unwilling, I'm quite easy-going. Even if I don't have these benefits, gold will always shine. And to be honest, I hate going out with a big halo and being pointed at by others!"

clap clap clap!
"Okay! Ling Ye, you are very satisfying to me, but I have won a small benefit for you, that is, let you go to the equipment department of our school and become the assistant of the chief blacksmith of our Huaxuan Academy: Medhalle! "Ni Fan clapped his hands and laughed.

"Have you got the money?" Ling Ye's heart skipped a beat.

"Not only is there no money, but there is also no material reward!" Ni Fan laughed, and asked curiously, "Are you short of money?!"

"Well~ I'm unreliable... My parents only give me [-] a month for living expenses, life is not easy!" Ling Ye was extremely sad when he said this, for a man named himself only had [-] a month Living expenses, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

In fact, she can trade with guests in her wish, just like Pan Hailong, but for some reason, once she becomes Yeling, she really doesn't care about money at all, which is very strange.

"Uh... let your master treat you to dinner from Monday to Wednesday!" Ni Fan was in a cold sweat, one thousand a month is really a little bit less!

But fortunately, the consumption here is cheaper than that of the third-tier cities outside, and this thousand is fine, but you can't patronize some places.

Ling Ye was a little annoyed, "Hey, there are only two meals for helping others, so what kind of small welfare is this?!"

He felt that he was being tricked. Isn't this just helping people to work for free?He didn't want to spend his good college years in a part-time job, and it was such a bad part-time job.

"Master Mordhaler is a blacksmith who is enough to rank among the top [-] blacksmiths in our human race, and to become a blacksmith is only qualified by the gods who have the ability to forge in the sky. You will get his personal teaching there, And some extra materials can be given to you for free practice. By the way, most of the materials have to be imported from alien planets, and the price is very expensive! And the ability of Tiandu is also the most expensive. A high-level blacksmith will spend at least tens of thousands of materials a month to practice." Ni Fan winked at Ling Ye with a rare playfulness.

"What the hell, why don't I want such good benefits?" Ling Ye said hastily, there are still 1 reluctances like before.

Ni Fan: "..."

This guy changes his face really quickly... Well, this is a bit of a point, after all, thick-skinned people live more chicly.

"But what time do you go there? You don't have to go every day, do you?!" Ling Ye asked, after all, he wants to enjoy college life again. If he has to go every day, then he will have classes with high school Is it the same?
"Four hours every Monday and Friday night from 8:12 to [-]:[-]! Today is Sunday, and tomorrow night I will ask Ye Wenwen to pick you up to report at the arsenal!" Ni Fan sat on the office chair and began to operate on the computer.

"Oh, that's okay!" Ling Ye nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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