Hades is a girl

Chapter 293 Human Traffickers

Chapter 293 Human Traffickers

The glamorous city has attracted countless people, but in this glamorous city, there are still many dark corners. At this moment, Ye Ling and Ji Yayue are walking in a place that is not too prosperous, but it is In a very peaceful town, this is a small town in the west. Compared with the south and the north, it is an era different. There are old houses in the 80s everywhere.

However, the air and environment here are naturally unmatched by big cities, and it is a good place to retire. At this time, the two girls were walking on the street, attracting the attention and onlookers of countless people. people take pictures.

One of the girls looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was only wearing a simple white dress, a pair of red leather shoes, and a long leather shawl. She didn't wear any decorations on her body, but everyone who saw her felt that she was innocent. Gorgeous and noble, forget the vulgarity when you see it.

The girl standing beside her was even more amazing, with porcelain-like skin, silk-like hair, slender calves, and angel-like face, no matter men or women, there was an urge to hold her in their arms and love them.

"The towns on Earth are quite interesting!" Ji Yayue looked around like a little girl who had just entered the city, and Ye Ling almost lost her.

After all, there are unique cultural buildings in every place. There are no such buildings on Venus. I am afraid that everyone will be excited when they see something for the first time...

When they reached the entrance of a Hong Kong-style fish ball shop, Ji Yayue stopped again.

"Hungry?" Ye Ling asked.

"I'm not hungry." Ji Yayue shook her head, she was already a Tier [-] God's Favored Person, as long as there were no accidents, she would never feel hungry. Speaking of which, it was the so-called Bigu in Xianxia novels.

"Is that greedy?" Ye Ling's golden eyes were full of smiles.

Ji Yayue blushed, "But...but I don't have any currency on earth, and these people are ordinary people, if you give them what I have on me, they will think I'm a liar!"

Ye Ling covered his mouth and let out a chuckle, flipped his hand over, and Ye Ling took out the mobile phone that Ling Ye was using, and walked to the door of the store.

"Hello, give us two servings of fish balls!" Ye Ling walked to the door of the store and called obediently.

The clerk is a man in his 20s wearing glasses. He looks like he just came out of college, and his face is a little green. In fact, before Ye Ling entered the store, he had been secretly looking at these two beautiful women. The girl, especially when she saw Yeling coming into the shop, the clerk's face turned red, and she hurriedly ordered two servings of fish balls for Yeling.

The clerk packed a huge portion of fish balls for the Yelings, which was twice as much as the others...

"Hey, where is the QR code scanning?" After getting two fish balls, Ye Ling searched all over the front desk, but couldn't find a breakthrough in scanning the QR code.

The clerk hurriedly said, "Scanning the code is not popular here yet. In our town, there are very few people with the function of scanning the code, so most of them use cash!"

Ye Ling looked down at the two servings of fish balls in his hand, with a look of embarrassment. I am afraid that not many people bring cash these days. After all, a mobile phone is enough. Now it proves that you still need to bring some money when you go outside.

There may be cash in the wish, but it is not easy to get it now.

Seemingly aware of Yeling's embarrassment, the clerk hurriedly said, "You are one of our 43 customers today. According to our store's rules, this one is free!"

Ye Ling couldn't help but chuckled when he heard that, the clerk was stunned by the bleak smile of Bai Hua, Ye Ling didn't expect that he could also have such benefits!

43 customers are free, which is naturally impossible, but the other party gives themselves a step down, which is probably the so-called welfare of beauties!
Ye Ling is not an antique either, thanks to the clerk's kindness, the two girls each held a bowl of fish balls in their hands, and they stood at the door of a relatively clean restaurant, Ye Ling chewed the hot fish balls and asked: " Do you still want to eat?"

The reason why Ye Ling said this is because he saw Ye Ling

Just as Ji Yayue was about to agree, the van suddenly stopped in front of them, and soon a strong man got out of the car and stretched out his hand to grab Ji Yayue's wrist, dragging Ji Yayue towards the van.

"Who are you? Are you sick!" Ji Yayue shouted in displeasure when someone disturbed her, and at the same time, she vigorously shook off the hand that was holding her by the big man.

The big man staggered when he was thrown, he was a little surprised, this woman's hands are too strong, right? !
At this time, many people also gathered around, and the big man didn't think much about it. While trying to reach out to grab Ji Yayue, he also stretched out his hand to grab Ye Ling, and said to the people passing by with a smile while walking: "This It's my daughter-in-law and my daughter, they quarreled and turned their faces, making everyone laugh! Daughter-in-law, daughter, come back with me, I swear that I will never drink again, and I will treat you well!"

Ye Ling and Ji Yayue leaned slightly to one side, avoiding the big man's hands, Ye Ling suddenly said: "I know, you are human traffickers!"

This method is exactly the same as the one on TV. I thought this kind of thing was far away from me, but I didn't expect to encounter it in my lifetime, and the target was me!

This made Ye Ling feel a little funny, these people were really unlucky to meet him, but Ye Ling chose this place because he knew that human traffickers were rampant in this area, and originally wanted to wipe out the lives of those traffickers, and do something It's a good thing, I didn't expect to encounter it not long after I guessed here, this is no longer rampant to describe.

And this guy actually dared to abduct and sell Pluto, this is not something that can be perfunctory with a bear's heart and leopard guts.

"Daughter-in-law, stop making trouble, go home with me..." A few men got off the van, including the man before, there were about three of them, trying to catch Ye Ling and Ji Yayue Sai while talking Get into the van.

If it is an ordinary person, once caught inside, the situation that is about to be encountered can be seen and acted upon.

There were a lot of onlookers around, but no one wanted to get angry, which shows how rampant this is, they dared to rob civilian women in broad daylight, and they didn't know how many women were brutally murdered by them.

Ye Ling has also heard that once these women are caught, most of them will be sold to remote villages. The villagers there lack legal significance in this regard, and there are usually more than ten or twenty families, and even the village officials will cover them together. Often when the higher-ups send people down to check, they hide these daughters-in-law and fight guerrillas.

Several times, family members of abducted women went to the rescue with the police, but they couldn’t be rescued at all. The whole village stopped the police cars, and what’s more, they even lay down in front of the cars, making your cars unable to drive. We do our best. Insufficient!
(End of this chapter)

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