Hades is a girl

Chapter 340 Blindness

Chapter 340 Blindness
"Let's go, go to 506!" Ling Ye narrowed his eyes, endured the sharp pain from his eyes, and took Ji Yayue's hand and rushed downstairs.

Although I don't know what's going on in this game, but since I can run out, there must be a way to crack it, but Ling Ye is not a person who is observant, so he can only rely on Meng Yitong to break the game violently. Although it is unfair to others, but this is It is Ling Ye's advantage.

Ling Ye should also have seen that this game should be the same as the late-night bus recorded in the book of drunken dreams. There is definitely a breakthrough point, but now Ling Ye has no time to crack it.

The two rushed down the stairs along the way, Ling Ye kicked open the door of 506 without saying a word, his eyes shone with a golden pink light, Meng Yitong was ready to go, but there were no ghosts in front of him, but a The dormitory was extremely clean and filled with the atmosphere of little girls. It was spotless and even exuded an elegant fragrance.

Ling Ye was stunned for a moment, thinking that opening the door would usher in a nightmare, but he didn't expect such a situation, this gap made Ling Ye stunned for a moment.

"Above!" Ji Yayue screamed suddenly, and pushed Ling Ye away, Ling Ye couldn't help but staggered, almost fell to the ground, turned around and saw a bunch of black blood-stained hair surrounded He grabbed Ji Yayue's tender neck and hung Ji Yayue up. At this moment, there was a female ghost in a blood-red school uniform lying on the ceiling like a spider.

The face of this female ghost is extremely terrifying, one eyeball is missing, leaving a deep blood hole, from which sticky blood is continuously flowing out, the face is full of madness and ferocity, and the face is blood-stained , the timid person will definitely be scared to faint.

"Uh..." Ji Yayue struggled to break free, but now Ji Yayue was just an ordinary person, unable to break free at all, Ji Yayue could only feel a sense of suffocation, and her vision began to gradually blur.

"Damn it!" Ling Ye yelled loudly, Meng Yi Tong opened directly, and the female ghost let out a terrified howl, but she was not wiped out in an instant, but dragged Ji Yayue to the outside at a very fast speed. He ran away.

Seeing this, Ling Ye's eyes were about to burst, and he just wanted to chase them out, but a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his eyes, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He had already begun to overload, so he could only withdraw Meng Yi Tong temporarily, but it was only a delay for such a period of time. After Ling Ye chased him out, he could no longer see Ji Yayue's figure. No matter how he shouted, the only response was an echo.

Ling Ye was very anxious, but he calmed down temporarily and began to search in the room. His intuition told him that there were important clues here.

Sure enough, Ling Ye saw a palm-sized bear doll on a bed, and around the neck of this bear doll was a ruby ​​necklace.

Ling Ye was overjoyed. There was no doubt that this was the prop Ji Yayue used to complete the task. Ling Ye reached out and grabbed the little bear doll, trying to grab the necklace from the little bear doll, but a scene that caught people off guard appeared. Seeing that the little bear doll jumped up and down his arm and onto his shoulder.

Ling Ye was startled, feeling the softness coming from his neck, and wanted to reach out and grab this little bear doll, after all, such a weird thing that moves in this place has to be guarded against!

But Ling Ye couldn't catch this little guy all the time, because it was too flexible, but soon Ling Ye could only stop, because he didn't feel any malice from this little bear doll.

Seeing that Ling Ye had stopped, the little bear doll showed a humanized joy in his hey eyes. He slowly stretched out his hand in one direction. Ling Ye thought about this scene, looked at the little bear doll and said softly. Asked, "You mean Yayue is there?"

I don’t know why Ling Ye was able to know the meaning of the little bear doll, but seeing the little bear doll nodded, Ling Ye didn’t think much about it, and rushed in the direction it pointed, now he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor .

Ji Yayue's current situation is all his fault. If Ji Yayue hadn't stepped back at that critical moment, I'm afraid what Ji Yayue's current situation is now is her own.

Under the guidance of Xiao Xiong, Ling Ye quickly ran downstairs. During this period, he inevitably encountered ghosts hitting the wall several times, but they were all wiped out by Ling Ye's Meng Yitong. He ran all the way to the door of Room 202 on the second floor. Ye's eyes were already blurred, his eyes were bloodshot, he could only squint, unable to open them wide, and felt like a fire burning every moment, excruciatingly painful.

Ling Ye's face had also been stained with blood and tears, coupled with his anxious expression at this moment, he was alive like a ghost.

With enough strength, Ling Ye kicked the door directly, but this time Ling Ye failed, the tried and tested brute force was unable to kick it open, Ling Ye continued to try a few times, but still had no results, helplessly Xia Lingye used Meng Yitong again, and the golden pink vertical pupil appeared. Under Meng Yitong's line of sight, a thick layer of black mist appeared on the whole door, following Meng Yitong's sight gathered In the past, the black mist melted like snow meeting boiling blood.

Finally this time the door was knocked open by Ling Ye, but at this moment Ling Ye's eyes appeared infinite double images, this is Meng Yitong's use of overload, originally this Meng Yitong was not Ling Ye's power, plus The limitation of this piece of space has greatly increased this limitation, and it took Ling Ye a lot of perseverance to use such power regardless of whether he could still open his eyes.

At this moment, Ji Yayue was already hanging in the air, her body was convulsing, and the long-haired female ghost was lying on the top of the wall.

"Damn it!" Ling Ye still wanted to use Meng Yitong to destroy this female ghost, but a force just emanated from the space inside his body, and Ling Ye's eyes went black, and there was no light in his eyes anymore.

Ling Ye's whole body fell into an ice cellar, is he blind? !Ling Ye knew very well that blindness in such a situation would be absolutely fatal.

However, the power of Meng Yitong still radiated out just now, the divine power brought by Meng Yitong to the soul made the female ghost hanging on the ceiling feel the fear from the depths of her soul, and she couldn't help but let go of Ji Yayue's long hair. .

With a plop, without the entanglement of the female ghost, Ji Yayue fell powerlessly to the ground, and couldn't help coughing violently while touching her neck. At that moment, she really saw the kingdom of heaven waving towards her.

Ji Yayue raised her head just in time to see Ling Ye's eyes were closed with two lines of blood and tears pouring out continuously, and she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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