Hades is a girl

Chapter 376 Traces

Chapter 376 Traces
In two days, countless tragedies occurred in Tianya City, the school of the class. After all, in this game that all classes participated in, some classes did identify the killer or killed the killer by mistake, but most of the classes still lived in the fear of the killer. middle.

During this period of time, Ye Ling and others also returned to the class, but there were very few people in the class, and Ji Haori also obtained a lot of information, eliminating those who identified the wrong ones one by one, and those who had passed away , The killer is about to surface.

Ji Haori handed the list compiled during this period to Yeling. This is the list of classmates who have not been excluded. This time, in this game, the high-level members of the class are almost dead. With Yeling and Ji Haori's two major combat powers, of course there are people who are not afraid of death and identify Yeling and Ji Haori as killers, but they are greeted by death.

After three days of brutal experience, only half of the class was left, that is, 25 people. Excluding some people who had been eliminated, there were almost 16 suspects, although compared with the number at the beginning, it was already very impressive. , But based on this point, it is still far away to catch the murderer.

"It's so troublesome. It's even more difficult to find the murderer with this blind method!" Ye Ling looked at the list and said very distressed. At present, there is no way to know the killer's killing methods. According to the news from Ouyang Mietian and Ji Yayue, the killers of each class have different killing methods, some need a hair of the victim to cast a curse, some need to touch the body to a special point, and some You can stealthily assassinate your classmates...

Just when Ye Ling was worried about the killer's killing methods of their class, a figure suddenly rushed over, and this figure was a girl in the class. At this moment, her eyes were dull, but her body quickly ran towards Ye Ling.

"What's the matter? Lan Qing?" Ye Ling looked at the girl and said, but suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Now all the students in the class already know the name Ye Ling. This girl named Bai Qing is an inconspicuous member of the girls, like the kind of unknown girls in all classes, but she keeps her eyes on her. Everyone was skeptical, and Ye Ling was still paying attention to Lan Qing's every move.

However, when Lan Qing heard Ye Ling's words, she acted as if she had never heard of them. She didn't even look at Ye Ling. She ignored Ye Ling's words and rushed towards the distance. But she climbed over the guardrail in a few strokes.

"What's wrong with you, Lan Qing?" Ji Haori was also stunned by her actions, and subconsciously wanted to grab her shoulders, but Lan Qing's strength was unusually strong, and she broke free all of a sudden.

"Stop her quickly!" Ye Ling also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, while rushing to grab Lan Qing.

But it was already too late. Lan Qing frantically climbed up the guardrail. Her strength was uncommonly terrifying. In just a few seconds, she jumped directly from the roof of the building. Then, accompanied by the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, a The young life is gone like this.

"What's going on here? Why did she jump off the building for no reason?" Many people in the class saw this scene, their faces were full of panic, and even Ye Ling felt unbelievable, watching this scene condescendingly , long silence.

"Back to the classroom!" Ye Ling suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, and then rushed into the classroom.

"Do you know who Lan Qing was in contact with at the last moment before she became normal?" Ye Ling turned over Lan Qing's seat, and saw that there were still water stains in the drawer, and a gloomy man was faintly visible on it. Characters: Die!

"I found it!" Ye Ling's beautiful eyes lit up, and at the same time, she stretched out her hand to dip some, put it in front of Qiong's nose and sniffed it, and found that it was just ordinary water, colorless and tasteless, and the hot weather, which caused the The water stain evaporated quickly, and no one paid attention to the drawer of the deceased, so no one noticed this trace for a long time.

However, regarding this discovery, Ye Ling was silent. She didn't know whether she should tell this information. Once she said it, the killer would definitely be vigilant. If she didn't kill people at that time and kept lurking, then Ye Ling would even know about the murder. The method is also useless at all.

Soon Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and the last trace of this font was imprinted in his eyes, and he already had a rough plan.

"Everyone, the killer has been hiding among us all the time. I don't know if you have any clues about the killer's killing methods. Maybe someone has some clues, but it's inconvenient to say because the killer is mixed in, so I have a way, that is, everyone Everyone sits in their seats, everyone who hasn't been charged yet, take out a note and write down how you think the killer kills people, whether you want it or not, write a note, and I Responsible for the collection, it will be announced anonymously at that time, so everyone can brainstorm!" Ye Ling stood on the podium where Teacher Yuan Zhi was standing, and said with a serious face.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and now they are dead horses as living horse doctors, and now no one in the class can resist Yeling, and everyone can't bear to refuse beautiful girls, all those who have not been identified Everyone sat down obediently and began to write.

"Well, do I want to write too?!" Mo Xinwen pointed at himself innocently and asked with a wry smile.

"After all, you are also one of the members who has not been identified. Although you are covered by me, as an example, you can't run away, so just write and play!" Ye Ling smiled, showing a helpless expression at the same time.

Mo Xinwen looked at Ye Ling, and finally shrugged his shoulders helplessly. After all, Ye Ling had said so, so he could only sit obediently in his seat and began to write.

Ye Ling condescendingly looked down at the people who buried their heads in writing the killing techniques, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were watching every move in the class.

Everyone has different expressions, some are writing furiously, some are scratching their heads, and some are confused and unable to write. To be honest, Ye Ling is still a little nervous, lest something unexpected happen. In fact, for the killer Ye Ling There is already a key object of suspicion, but Ye Ling has never had any evidence. The most important thing is that Ye Ling is a little speechless about this key object of suspicion...

Soon everyone had already written their answers, and after folding them, Ye Ling collected them one by one, while he and Ji Haori tore up the notes on the podium, and all the papers had been spread out. Open, Ye Ling glanced lightly, and finally his eyes stayed on one of the papers, recalling the owner of this note, Ye Ling's mind buzzed, and his little face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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