Hades is a girl

Chapter 386 Entry

Chapter 386 Entering (Happy May Day!)
Yeling, the capital city of Helian, did not dare to use the Wishing Inn to enter, so as not to alarm the supreme god inside. After all, Yeling's identity is too sensitive. Once it is noticed, it is not a little trouble.

After all, Helian Capital City is one of the best imperial capitals in Yutian Continent, and it is heavily guarded. Everyone who enters Helian Capital City will go through extremely strict checks to prevent people from the Galaxy Continent from mixing in.

"Stop!" Soon it was Ling Ye's turn in the long line, and at this moment Ling Ye's hands and feet were locked by slave locks, and he was thought to be an old man in his hands, with a decadent expression on his face.

And this old man is obviously the old man who was captured by Ye Ling in Hangzhou City before, and he is also one of the users of the Bone King Ghost. In order to mix in it, he had to act as a slave once. As for the old man's rebellion, Ling Ye was naturally early Be prepared, a restriction has been planted in the old man's body. If it is not right, he will explode and die, and his soul will be wiped out. Moreover, this restriction is extremely hidden. After all, it was arranged with the help of Weiyu Shentong, unless it is an expert in this field Check carefully, otherwise it will not be detected.

"It's me!" Mu Hun glanced at the old man with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Oh, so it's Master Muhun. I heard that you have captured Hangzhou City. Why..." The guards quickly recognized Muhun. Just need to brush the face is enough.

Mu Hun said, "I caught a low-level god who can refine weapons in Hangzhou City, and I plan to auction him off!"

As Mu Hun said, he pulled the chain in his hand, causing Ling Ye behind him to stagger. The guard looked at Ling Ye in surprise when he heard this. Although a craftsman is not uncommon, a craftsman who has been promoted to the realm of a god is extremely rare. Rare, it can be said that Ling Ye is really going to be auctioned, then it will definitely be looted by countless forces, because with Ling Ye, it can be said that he has many artifacts.

Ling Ye lowered his head and didn't say a word, looking extremely downcast, the guards didn't check much, and let Muhun and Ling Ye enter the capital of Helian.

Facing the scene where Mu Hun was pulling Ling Ye, the people inside were no strangers to it. Because of the frequent wars, it is not uncommon for prisoners of war to become slaves, and the slave trade is not uncommon in the capital of Helian.

After arriving at a hidden place, the slave lock in Ling Ye's hand fell with the sound, sweeping away the decadence on his face, he looked around like a curious baby, and Mu Hun's previous cold and arrogant expression disappeared, Instead, she looked at Ling Ye flatteringly.

Because of Ye Ling's great display of power before, and the fact that the previous blood light did not spy on Ye Ling's body, he mistakenly thought that Ling Ye was Ye Ling, who also possessed that kind of power.

Moreover, Mu Hun also has a certain understanding of the power distribution of the Galaxy Continent, and also knows that there is a king of the dead in the Galaxy Continent. Although he never appeared in the battle of the gods, he is still suspected by the people of the Yutian Continent. Is the Supreme God among them real? !

Coupled with the various things about the Bone King Ghost before, he also had some guesses about Ye Ling's identity. Although he was not sure, he couldn't afford to offend such a person, let alone being banned, and his life and death depended on the other party. In a single thought, there is no trace of resistance at all.

"You move freely first, I will call you if I have something to do!" Ling Ye looked at Mu Hun indifferently. Originally, Ling Ye didn't need to keep Mu Hun, a vicious invader, Mu Hun did want to kill him, but It is necessary to make the best use of things before killing them. In Paradise of Despair, Ling Ye has achieved this very well.

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he mixed into the crowd. After all, he didn't come here for fun, but had important things to do.

There will be a grand auction in Helian Capital almost every other month, among which slaves are the most famous commodity. Since the fusion of the two worlds, they have been sought after by everyone in Yutian Continent. Pushed from behind by a mysterious strong man, the background is extremely thick.

The name of Helian Capital City is not only well known in Yutian Continent, but also has a high reputation in the Galaxy Continent.

Rumor has it that there is the support of Ziqiong Realm behind it, and the master of Ziqiong Realm is Ziqiong Tianshen, one of the five supreme gods of Yutian Continent!
According to the previous information of Shepherd Dog, Ling Ye came to an unfamiliar urban area about one or two hundred kilometers west of Helian Capital City, and entered a large and antique building complex.

After going through three full checkpoints, Ling Ye went deep into a grand hall. The hall was pitch black and no fingers could be seen. After waiting for a long time, the wall in front suddenly opened, and a young girl came out and bowed slightly to him: " Your honored guest has been waiting for a long time, please follow me."

Ling Ye followed the girl into the secret door, but as soon as he stepped out of the door, he suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. Ling Ye could clearly sense that his body was falling rapidly in the darkness, which made Ling Ye shudder. Startled, he reflexively wanted to run out of a pile of treasures to protect himself, but as soon as he made this movement, his feet felt down-to-earth, obviously he had already landed, and then a mysterious light flashed, and A secret door opened in front of him.

"Honored guest, please." The maid made a charming gesture of invitation to Ling Ye.

Ye Ling turned a blind eye to this, as if he didn't have the embarrassment of being startled just now, he paced and walked in slowly.

After walking in, one realizes that this is a large stone room. Although there are several lamps, the light is obviously made extremely dim on purpose. At a glance, there are hundreds of tables and chairs neatly arranged in the stone room. Around the tables and chairs, It was almost full of people.

For Ling Ye's arrival, they all reacted very lightly, at most they just glanced at it casually. Although it was a completely unfamiliar face, no one kept their eyes on it, because the people who came here would basically hide their identities, and even more so. Part of it will come easily.

Although most of them have been kept extremely confidential, but this auction has a great background, it is naturally impossible to let others in at will, so the identity of each of them must be clear in the information of the chamber of commerce.

As for Ling Ye, although he didn't ask the bottom line, it is enough to know that he came here because of herding the soul.

There was silence in the stone room. Ling Ye glanced at it, and many people were hidden in the darkness. He couldn't feel how many people were there, but Ling Ye guessed that there were at least thousands of people here, and almost everyone here They all carry a heavy arrogance or nobility on their bodies, obviously they are all figures with extremely important positions in all parts of the Yutian Continent, and none of them are mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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