Chapter 41

Four hours later, this magic crystal could no longer support Ling Ye's greedy absorption, and turned into powder with a bang, which was no longer useful.

Ling Ye looked at this magic crystal with tears in his eyes. He might be the only one who used up a low-grade magic crystal in one day.

After all, the accumulation of magic power is very slow, but like Ling Ye, it consumes and then replenishes it. The consumption is the biggest. Although Ling Ye is a little distressed, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the magic power reserve in his body has increased a lot, and it is more suitable for the operation of meditation. This is an unexpected surprise.

And in these four hours, with his hard work, the recovered materials can be worthy of the goal of reaching four catties, but if he gives himself such a big task next time, Ling Ye will definitely not be able to complete it, after all, now his The pockets are cleaner than even.

"So-so, you've completed the task!" Mordhaler checked and said blankly.

Ling Ye was a little dissatisfied with Medhaler's reaction, because he had used up all the magic crystals in order to do these things, and now his hands were so sore that he didn't do anything at all. They were all trembling.

Because this job is not only a test for the reserve of magic power, but also a great challenge for the physical fitness. Ling Ye's physical fitness is considered to be the best among people in the same realm. light.

"This is your reward for today!" Mordhaler threw a magic crystal similar to the one before to Ling Ye.

Ling Ye held the spirit crystal with trembling hands, and looked at Mordhale excitedly, "Didn't it mean that there is no material reward?"

Medhalle said domineeringly, "What does Ni Fan know, the blacksmith of our Heavenly Training ability is a prodigal toy made with money... If there are no material rewards, how can we refine Demon Eater?" Weapons? Just let them go to the battlefield with bare hands!"

"Teacher, what you said touched my heart!!" Ling Ye's eyes were moist. If he didn't have this magic crystal today, he would definitely be so distressed that he couldn't sleep at night. The smoke cleared.

"It's just a piece of low-grade magic crystal, so touched, it's useless!" Modhaler looked at Ling Ye with contempt, "Next time, you continue to do this kind of task, if you can't continue, give I'm going to fuck off!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Ling Ye saluted. To be honest, this kind of work is a bit tiring, but it is still very helpful to him. The most important thing is that the consumed magic crystals can be compensated. He Le Why not?

"Alright, let's go back! Although you are now a Tier [-] God's Favored Person, you still need to sleep for more than five hours." Mordhaler's tone was softer.

Ling Ye rubbed his hands together, and said a little twitchingly, "Teacher, did you forget something?"

Mordhalle blew his beard and stared, "Why? You want other rewards, young man, greed is the weakness of human nature, so I will be very disappointed in you..."

Ling Ye quickly waved his hand, "No, I just wanted to say that you haven't invited me to eat today's supper!"

Mordhalle: "..."

The night after twelve o'clock is the busiest time for the barbecue stall business.

The students of Tianya City, Wushu School, all men and women gathered on the square tables. After all, this is Tianya City, a university school, and all the ingredients are the freshest and healthiest, so you can feel at ease and eat freely. Of course, for those who love beauty For girls, they seldom visit here, after all, they have to keep in shape.

It was already late at night in my heart, but the barbecue stand was still very lively, but most of the Tianya City of this school were students, and some family members of the gods who had obtained residence permits.

After all, boys of this age are full of energy, and the college is very indulgent towards students, as long as they don't violate the school rules, they can do whatever they want.

Mordhaler took Ling Ye to find an empty table and sat down, shouting: "Boss, order."

The boss is a bearded man with a vicious look, but he has a very patient temper. He came over with the menu, and after seeing the appearance of Ling Ye next to Modhalle, his expression was a bit astonished. He has been setting up a stall in the night market for many years. The excellent eloquence he had practiced suddenly failed, as if he had suddenly lost his language ability.

"Old Mo, this is yours?" The boss seemed to be very familiar with Mudhaler, and winked at Mudhaler for a while, as if to say: Old boy, you finally got the hang of it.

Mordhaler let out a laugh, "What are you thinking? This is my apprentice, help me temporarily."

"Oh, you actually accept apprentices?" The boss was a little surprised, but at the same time he was a little envious of Medhalle. Having such a beautiful mixed-race girl apprentice is simply the dream of all men!
And since the person who can let Mordhaler be accepted as an apprentice, it is naturally the sky training ability. To be honest, this sky training ability is the most profitable one among all the abilities. Ling Ye is beautiful and With this ability, he must be a man of the day in Tianya Xuefu City in the future.

Ling Ye picked up the menu on the table and began to look through it, and then quickly ordered: "Ten skewers of beef, ten skewers of mutton, four skewers of corn, two skewers of enoki mushrooms... Oh, let's have another grilled fish, and a cup of Draft beer, thank you!"

"Girl, you are alone... I'm afraid you won't be able to eat so much." The boss reminded him kindly.

"I'm exhausted today, don't look at me like this, I'm a big eater!" Ling Ye smiled slightly, "And the teacher treats guests today, so I have to give the teacher some face!"

Ling Ye also didn't explain what he called him. After all, he wasn't an acquaintance, so he didn't bother to explain, and sometimes women have some privileges, and gradually he became somewhat immune.

After Ling Ye finished ordering, he handed the menu to Mudhaler, who didn't even look at it, and said to the boss, "Same as usual!"

"I'll go get ready now." The boss smiled and trotted away.

"You are so impolite!" Mordhaler said expressionlessly.

Ling Ye said with a smile, "I think you'll like this kind of straightforward type."

"That's right, compared to many people, you are more sympathetic to me!" Mo Dehale raised his forehead, "But seeing you like this, you used to come here often?"

Ling Ye said with a smile, "I still prefer such a place, free and not so restrictive!"

Modhalle stared at Ling Ye, his eyes full of scrutiny, until the barbecue was served, he finally asked inadvertently, "Ling Ye, do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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