Hades is a girl

Chapter 53 The Gap of 1 Vote

Chapter 53
Because these girls prefer spicy food, we went to a Sichuan spicy restaurant near the school.

After entering the box, Ling Ye chose the corner seat, Gu Qiong sat directly opposite Ling Ye, and Mo Xinwen ran to sit beside her cheekily, He Jiajia chose to sit next to Shao Yinan, the two of them This one seemed to be very topical, Ling Ye listened to it and found that they were all discussing sports issues.

When it comes to sports, Ling Ye thinks of the figure on the tennis court in the morning. If it weren't for the girl's spoiled chat, it would have been a perfect morning.

And this time Mo Xinwen obviously has a new hunting target, that is Gu Qiong. At this moment, Mo Xinwen can be said to have exhausted all his life's knowledge, trying hard to make Gu Qiong laugh. As for the other two girls, it is obvious that Some couldn't let go, and they were as taciturn as Xu Haidong.

Fortunately, there were four guys like Mo Xinwen chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere didn't seem too awkward.

"Ling Ye, I remember that your windbreaker is an exclusive work uniform that only blacksmiths can have. I heard that if someone who is not a blacksmith wears this clothes, if he is caught, his credits will be deducted!" One of them was named Lu Ming. The girl stared timidly at Ling Ye and couldn't help reminding.

Ling Ye smiled and said, "It's okay, this dress has just been officially certified."

"Can I... ask about your abilities?" Lu Ming asked curiously when she saw the confident Ling Ye.

"Ling Ye has dual abilities of Tianyu and Tianduan. It seems that Ling Ye was recommended by the principal to go to the equipment department. It's not surprising to have this dress!" Xu Haidong said shyly.

Hearing this sentence, Gu Qiong and He Jiajia's two daughters were all surprised. You must know that there is no divine favored person with dual abilities in their class. They thought that dual abilities were just legends, but they didn't expect that there was such a person in front of them. Live example.

"Long'er, what have you been looking at?" He Jiajia asked, looking at the girl with the most silent eyes.

"The freshmen of our five colleges have come out!" the girl named Long'er said softly.

Hearing this sentence, Mo Xinwen became interested, quickly dug out the collection, logged into the forum, and murmured, "I should be the school grass of our Huaxuan College!"

Ling Ye couldn't help but think of the two members of the news agency that he met when he first came to school. At the beginning, these two guys even asked him to run for the school belle. Ling Ye still felt a little pity. If he were to run for the school grass, it seemed that he might succeed.

But Ling Ye didn't care about these vain names. After all, the title of Pluto alone already overwhelmed him. If he knew that there were two troubles of Zeus and Eternal Monarch, he would die of anxiety.

Out of curiosity, Ling Ye also logged into this forum, and found that voting for the election of the school beauty and school grass must be voted by aliens. It is very popular, but it is a pity that Ling Ye has not had time to cast his precious vote.

Ling Ye first looked at the school belle rankings, Gu Qiong was the one with the most votes.

"Congratulations!" Ling Ye congratulated Gu Qiong.

"Thank you!" Gu Qiong seemed very happy about winning the award, her pretty face flushed a little.

Shao Yinan laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that we could have dinner with Xiaohua, it's an honor!"

When everyone was congratulating Gu Qiong, Mo Xinwen suddenly cursed angrily, "Damn, the school grassroots is not me, this is definitely a secret operation!"

Hearing this sentence, Ling Ye quickly checked the school rankings, and found that the top three, Mo Xinwen, did indeed have a share, and they were ranked second, just one vote away from No.1. Desperate fact.

Ling Ye looked at the No.1 winner and found that it was a man named Wang Jian. Looking at the photo, Wang Jian is a sunny boy. He and Mo Xinwen belong to two types of handsome guys. To describe it, but this Wang Jian feels like a big brother next door, very kind.

If Ling Ye were to vote, Ling Ye would also vote for Wang Jian. I don’t know why, it’s mainly the first impression...

"Tsk tsk, one vote, I remember that Wang Jian is from class two!" Shao Yinan rubbed his chin.

Xu Haidong nodded, "Yes, he is the life committee member of our class, but I don't like him."

"Well... I also voted for Wang Jian..." He Jiajia smiled wryly, "We didn't know each other at that time, otherwise I would definitely vote for you!"

"Me too..." Both Long'er and Lu Ming said in embarrassment.

Mo Xinwen suddenly felt so heartbroken, could it be that he was really not as good as the little boy in the photo?Or is it that this kind of athletic and handsome boy is popular these days, and now he is considering whether he should transform.

"Gu Qiong, what about you?" Mo Xinwen looked at Gu Qiong expectantly.

Gu Qiong blushed, "I didn't vote..."

"No way! I'm really dissatisfied, I'm not as handsome as him!" Mo Xinwen was still very dissatisfied, lying on the table with a look of lovelessness. To be honest, this result really hit him.

Ling Ye looked at the lists of other schools and found that Lan Shuo actually ran for the freshman school belle of Dongdi College, but Lan Shuo did have this qualification. He remembered that Lan Shuo had a nightmare ability. is a good choice
"Pfft!" When Ling Ye turned to the list of Beidi College, he almost spit out his drink, because the information on it was so explosive.

Seeing Ling Ye's big reaction, Gu Qiong leaned over curiously, and when she saw the photo inside, she couldn't help exclaiming, "It's so cute!"

The other three girls also leaned over one after another when they heard that, and they all sighed like Gu Qiong. After all, Xiao Kongkong is really cute, even men can't help but pinch his round face, and the girls are just like Gu Qiong. Not to mention, cute is cute, but what the hell is it to be a school grass!

Many people may not believe it, but the person inside is the little monk Xiao Kongkong.

"What's going on in this world, it's either the gentleman or the little boy, doesn't this make real men like us have no way out?" Shao Yinan let out a sad cry.

"But it's a spoof!" Ling Ye couldn't help laughing, making a young monk a school grass, and he didn't know what kind of expressions and moods the boys of Beidi College had at the moment.

However, I haven't met Lan Shuo and others since I came to the school, Tianya City, so I have to find a time to get together, otherwise it would be a pity that the relationship is unfamiliar. It's a pity that I didn't leave the contact information at the beginning, which is a bit troublesome Yes, but there are only so many people here, and sooner or later there will be a chance to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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