Chapter 75

Ding Ronghao quickly returned to the Wishing Inn with the tea set. After all, his villa was next to him. As soon as he entered the Wishing Inn, Fang Qun just finished this happy deal with Ye Ling. When he saw Fang Qun The pair of dreamlike butterfly wings behind the group couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Old Fang, behind you..." Ding Ronghao couldn't help asking, to be honest, even he wanted a pair of wings like this, it's so cool after all.

"A deal with the boss!" Fang Qun smiled and turned around, "Isn't it cool!"

Ding Ronghao smiled awkwardly. If he guessed right, Fang Qun bought this pair of butterfly wings with his life, and Fang Qun would probably think it was a good deal.

Ye Ling glanced at the tea set in Ding Ronghao's hand, and said, "Let's start..."

For her, time is lifespan. After all, in the future, she will be a boss who will earn hundreds of years of life every minute. Time cannot be delayed, and although the double doll is helping her to go to school, the double doll does not have many functions. Dealing with some ordinary things, once you come out for too long, you will reveal your secrets.

Ding Ronghao set up the tea set and asked, "Boss, how much do you understand about tea ceremony?"

Ye Ling shrugged, "I don't really understand it!"

On Ding Ronghao's forehead, it seemed that Ye Ling was a real newcomer, so the burden on him was a lot heavier. Thinking of his grandson's situation, Ding Ronghao immediately explained, "The tea ceremony is the way to appreciate the beauty of tea."

"The tea ceremony is also regarded as a life art of cooking and drinking tea, a life etiquette using tea as a medium, and a way of life that uses tea to cultivate one's self."

"It is a very beneficial ritual of harmony and beauty through making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, enhancing friendship, cultivating morality, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues. Drinking tea can calm the mind, calm the mind, and help Cultivate sentiment, remove distracting thoughts..."

Ding Ronghao is worthy of being a tea ceremony master, he explained the tea ceremony in great detail, and Ye Ling also began to immerse himself in the study of tea ceremony.

Ye Ling's body doesn't need sleep and doesn't get tired, so his learning efficiency is very high. As for Fang Qun, he left early, presumably to communicate with Zi Huandie.

As for the three-headed hellhound, it fell asleep beautifully beside Ye Ling. Perhaps for a pet, being able to sleep beside its owner is the happiest...

The God of Calamity went back to his room early. After all, the Mingyuan Inn hadn't opened yet, so he happily returned to his room with his two sets of work clothes when he had nothing to do.

The tea ceremony cannot be learned overnight, but Yeling is different. Her learning speed and efficiency really made Ding Ronghao look confused and shocked. After all, gods only exist in legends for them, and the rumors did say that God's learning ability is very powerful, but he always scoffs at it, but today he has been completely convinced.

In just half an hour, Ye Ling got almost all the true biography of Ding Ronghao's tea ceremony. After all, Ye Ling asked him to quickly explain the past, and Ye Ling can basically succeed every time. Even if there are shortcomings, just remind him , can be corrected immediately, and draw inferences from one instance, even surpassing the original version of Ding Ronghao.

The state of Xueba in this way is so beautiful that Ye Ling is a little reluctant to change back to Ling Ye's body, because it is like changing from the fastest computer in the world to a small bully game console.

This made Ding Ronghao feel sour. He has worked so hard to study the tea ceremony for so many years, but he was mastered in half an hour, and even surpassed him.

"Would you like to come and have a sip of tea together?!" Ye Ling stared at the God of Calamity and the Hell Three-Headed Dog and asked. She couldn't wait to show off her achievements.

The hell three-headed dog looked cold, "Wang, which dog have you seen drinking tea? But can you help me go to the earth and bring me a few packs of dog food, speaking of which I have never tasted Where's the dog food! I want chocolate flavor!"

Night Spirit: "..."

The majestic guard dog at the gate of hell actually eats dog food. This style of painting looks weird, but now the hell three-headed dog has become such a stupid and cute look. It seems that the style of painting has long since collapsed. !

"I... can I really do it?" On the contrary, the God of Calamity was flattered.

Ye Ling tilted his head and smiled slightly at the God of Calamity, "Of course! After all, we are all a family now..."

"You should try it together!" Ye Ling smiled slightly at Ding Ronghao.

In the lobby of the Wishing Inn, Ye Ling took out a new set of tea sets. In fact, there were everything in the Wishing Inn, even dog food, which made Ye Ling wonder if the former Hades had wanted to The hell three-headed dog ate dog food.

This tea set is also extraordinary. Although Ye Ling doesn't know what kind of material it is made of, but since it can be kept in the Mingyuan Inn, it must be extraordinary.

Ye Ling, who was wearing a palace skirt, lightly raised her wrist, washed tea, cleaned the cup, and brewed it. The movements were skillful and graceful, and the process was carried out in an orderly manner. Finally, Ye Ling held a smooth porcelain pot and poured water into the cup, with calm movements , with a graceful posture, it seems that it has been done a hundred times and a thousand times.

Like a beautiful woman in jade, with slender jade hands, and an exquisite purple sand pot, this scene is not only reassuring, pleasing to the eye, but also beautiful.

Although I haven't drunk tea yet, just smelling the tea and watching Yeling's tea art performance is a beautiful enjoyment.

After the tea was brewed, Ye Ling used tea tweezers to send the teacup to the God of Calamity and Ding Ronghao, made a gesture of please, and said: Please! "

The God of Calamity carefully picked up the teacup, but instead of drinking it, he smelled it, his eyes of despair like an abyss lit up slightly, and praised: "You can know that this is good tea when you smell it."

Ye Ling looked proud. After all, this is the best compliment to the tea maker, so he couldn't wait to urge the God of Calamity to take a sip. The God of Calamity just took a sip of tea, and his eyes lit up. The scent lingers on the tip of the nose.

"The entrance is soft, the aftertaste is sweet, the same tea, the same water, the technique is obviously the same as mine, but why the taste of the tea is different? Sure enough, what my master said is right, the craft of making tea is the same as that of making tea. People have a lot to do with each other!" Ding Ronghao did not hesitate to praise himself, and his praise was not duplicity, but he was truly impressed by Ye Ling.

"The art of tea is extensive and profound, and I'm just scratching the surface. If you praise me so much, then I'll be proud and complacent, and I'll stop moving forward. And holding a pot of tea, sitting and laughing at each other, this kind of life seems to be good!" Ye Ling Smiling and refilling a glass for the two of them.

"I believe that others are stagnant, but I don't believe that you are stagnant, boss. I still have some good tea leaves. If you don't mind, you can go to my place to choose, even if you take them all, it's okay." Ding Ronghao smiled Said, and at the same time took a sip, with a look of aftertaste and enjoyment.

Although those tea leaves are his treasures, and many of them are priceless, but as long as Ye Ling accepts them, he owes him a favor. God's favor is very precious.

"No, I don't like taking other people's things for nothing!" Ye Ling shook her head, she naturally knew what Ding Ronghao was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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