Chapter 89
Liang Yiming fell into deep thought, because Ye Ling's words hit the point, yes!Don't people spend countless hours in this life pursuing their dreams?Now that there is such a great opportunity in front of me, why do I still insist on that so-called principle?
Ye Ling didn't interrupt Liang Yiming's meditation, now she could see that Liang Yiming had been shaken, and even Ye Ling admired her eloquence, as expected, she was born to inherit the wish.

I don't know when she started, but she has unknowingly assumed the role of Ye Ling, and even felt that it was a good choice for her to enter the underworld, adding so many interesting things to her ordinary life.

"But Liu Shanshan won't let it go, can that big man protect Jiang Yu?!" Liang Yiming asked worriedly.

"Mingyuan's product must be a high-quality product!" Ye Ling said confidently, "Although I haven't tested the ghost bone, it is still very simple to make it invulnerable!"

In fact, she is already planning to take a ghost bone to the school Tianya City, after all, her male body is still too weak.

Liang Yiming looked at Jiang Yu in the distance and was slightly dazed. If that was the case, the relationship between Jiang Yu and him would become more and more distant.

"Where are you going?" Liang Yiming looked at Ye Ling who stood up and asked quickly.

Yeling looked into the distance, the breeze blew by, the corners of the black dress were lifted by the breeze, rippling, matched with her beautiful face, she looked like a nine-day fairy, people only dare to look at it from a distance, even if it is close After a little bit, I felt that I was blaspheming her.

"Jiang Yu has already controlled Yin Guigu well. Even if Liu Coral finds someone to take revenge, it's okay. Jiang Yu is safe. In this case, I can complete this after-sales investigation with peace of mind. Don't look at me like this, I still Very busy!" Ye Ling looked back and smiled at Liang Yiming.

Liang Yiming was unconsciously fascinated by Ye Ling's smile, and only then did he know the meaning of Bai Meisheng's smile.

Ye Ling didn't care about Liang Yiming's expression, and finally asked seriously, "You only have one chance, you really don't want to make a wish?"

Liang Yiming's face was tangled, and Ye Ling was not disappointed seeing this. After all, her guests did not lack a Liang Yiming. As long as she opened the wish, guests from all over the world would enter it, and make a wish in half the lifespan. People will say no.

Ye Ling glanced at Liang Yiming, and gently pushed his small hand towards the empty space in front of him, and the door of the wishing appeared in front of him.

"I...I will trade with you!" Seeing this scene, Liang Yiming knew that if he missed this opportunity, he would really lose this opportunity.

Ye Ling burst into laughter in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, with the appearance of an extraterrestrial expert pretending to be profound.

"What is your wish?" Ye Ling asked calmly, expressionless.

"I... want to improve my physique!" Liang Yiming clenched his fists and looked at Ye Ling stubbornly.

Ye Ling stared at Liang Yiming with star-like eyes. When Jiang Yu made a wish to her, she also showed the same expression. To be honest, she couldn't understand the meaning of this stubbornness.

"It's not safe to improve your physique. Everyone's physique is different. There is a high probability of death. Even if you don't die, you will still feel the pain of being divided into pieces!" Ye Ling's lovely brows frowned, "How about Like Jiang Yu, you should also choose a Yingui bone, you should have seen how powerful the Yingui bone is!"

After all, if the customer died, then she would definitely have to leave a shadow, so she objected so strongly.

"Rather than relying on external sources, one's own strength is the real strength!" Liang Yiming shook his head. After all, boys are different from girls. Girls like this kind of props, but most boys hope that their own bodies will become stronger. After all, external forces are external forces after all. , can not give him a sense of security.

"Okay then...but if you die in an accident, the store will not be responsible!" Ye Ling sighed helplessly. Draw out a Lifetime Tarot Card...

After reaching a deal with Liang Yiming and giving Liang Yiming the physique of a vampire, although Liang Yiming survived tenaciously, he is still in the initial stage of success, so he is very weak.

However, this is a peaceful age after all, so there is nothing wrong with it, and with these three deals alone, Ye Ling has earned more than 100 years of life.

And during this period, the 'late night bus' that King Jue Yu and the others were rushing into had been completely completed, and one person died during the period, and the dead person Ye Ling was quite unexpected, because it was the very polite Dong Xu.

She always thought that it would be Dong Xu's subordinate Yang Jianan who would die for the first time, but she did not expect that it was the master who died. This life is over.

The other three survived tenaciously, and the survival rate this time is quite high, so Ye Ling evaluated the difficulty of "Late Night Bus" to B level, which is considered medium.

After all, there are now two groups of explorers who have played this scenario. The first batch was all wiped out, and the second batch had a survival rate of 75%. That's why it was classified as medium. This evaluation is about the same.

And because Dong Xuduo's failure led to his death in this world, his life span was also accepted by Ye Ling.And this is still a huge sum of money. Yeling's account has more than 500 years, plus the previous balance, now it has a lifespan of 950 years, which is very close to 1000 years. This is simply an extra What a huge gain!
And Ye Ling also found a huge business opportunity from it. From now on, it seems that he will go outside more often. At that time, whoever plots against him will be directly locked in the Book of Drunken Dreams. This source of income can make more money than opening a wish.

It's just that making a wish and satisfying those people's wishes is quite fulfilling and interesting. Naturally, this main business cannot be given up.

As for the three surviving Jueyu Kings, they were placed by Ye Ling in the illusory world of the Book of Drunken Dreams, where any of their needs can be met, after all, they are illusory. It's not too difficult inside.

Of course, this wonderful experience is only for this period of time. When Ye Ling's new script is conceived, they will become the first batch of experimenters, and it is still unknown whether they can survive.

Once she dies, Yeling is still very happy, because at that time, a large amount of lifespan will be credited, and she can't think too much lifespan!
(End of this chapter)

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