Uncle Guan, please enlighten me

Chapter 18 So, she was thinking about Jiang Nanchen from the beginning to the end?

Chapter 18 So, she was thinking about Jiang Nanchen from the beginning to the end?
Next, she praised Jiang Nanchen for half an hour,
Finally she said, "Jiang Nanchen meets all your criteria for choosing a mate."

Su Qingning was stunned, and looked up at her mother, "I don't even know my criteria for choosing a mate, how do you know?"

Su Tong came in and said, "Mormum, the know daughter. I said Ning Ning, even your father and I can see it. You are so virtuous. Every time you see Nanchen, the eyes grow on him. You look shy. I really hate that I have to know you."

Su Qingning: "!!!"

Have it!

When you like someone, you can hide it in your heart, but not your eyes; or you can hide it in your memory, but you can’t hide it in your encounter;

"Isn't this a sign of liking? When you see him, your hormones rise, your face turns red and your heart beats faster."

Su Qingning felt like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. If she could do it all over again, she would not have stepped into this room.

"Yes, yes, I like him. Yes, yes, I like him."

After being persuaded by her parents for half an hour, Su Qingning was kicked out of the door by her parents.

Dejected, he planned to go to his room, but found Jiang Nanchen leaning beside him.

She was startled, and he had already come to hold her hand, "It's time to sleep."

Su Qingning was startled when she heard the word sleep, "Sleep... what are you going to sleep for? Wake up!"

Jiang Nanchen smiled and scratched her nose, "Okay, let's close the door and say hello."

He pulled her through the door.

Su Qingning wanted to shake off his hand, but she had no choice but to be caught.

The door is closed.

Su Qingning raised her phone, "I still have to play with my phone for a while, so don't disturb me."

Jiang Nanchen nodded, "At most half an hour more."

Su Qingning checked the time, it was only 09:30.

"One hour."

Jiang Nanchen frowned, "No."

He is strong.

He is also fierce.

He frowned, and she immediately compromised, "Okay."

She opened WeChat, intending to chat.

When a message popped up in the group chat, Su Qingning discovered that they swiped the screen yesterday because Jiang Nanchen had returned to China.

Tang Yihang asked her, "Brother Nanchen has returned to China, you have to take good care of Brother Nanchen."

Su Qingning: "I am 21 years old, he is ten years older than me, who will take care of whom?"

When Lin Lefeng saw Su Qingning appeared, he suddenly asked her, "Hey, Little Lemon, do you need someone to get married in a fake way? Consider me. I won't take advantage of you. I promise that after the fake marriage, I will wait for your parents to get married." Get out and get a divorce."

Su Qingning's eyes lit up.

Jiang Nanchen also saw the news and frowned.

Will she be moved?
After all, Lin Lefeng is a good friend of several people, and he really wants to help.

But Jiang Nanchen thought he was different, he really wanted her.

From the very beginning, he never had the idea of ​​divorcing her. In his world, marriage is a big deal, and he is absolutely no joke.

Not only did he want to get married, but he also wanted to have sex with her.

Compared with Lin Lefeng, he is really different.

Su Qingning is also thinking about this question at the moment.

Why is there such a big difference between Jiang Nanchen and Lin Lefeng who are also good friends?
But... as a man, why would she choose Jiang Nanchen instead of Lin Lefeng.

Is it because Lin Lefeng is abroad, and Jiang Nanchen happened to return to China?

No, it is not.

In fact, Su Qingning knew it herself.

After my mother's suggestion.

She seemed to really have unreasonable thoughts about Jiang Nanchen.

She clearly knew that Lin Lefeng was willing to help, and she also clearly knew what kind of person Jiang Nanchen was.

But she still chose Jiang Nanchen, doesn't that prove that she has expectations for Jiang Nanchen?
So, from the beginning to the end, she was actually thinking about Jiang Nanchen?

(End of this chapter)

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