Chapter 33
Just when she inhaled the phytoncine overflowing from the back mountain in one gulp, she suddenly realized another thing.

As the other person helped to open the window, his body was closely attached to the masculine body behind him, especially his buttocks were touching the gradually changing male parts.

Just when her vigilance came to her mind and she was about to avoid the too close contact behind her, she didn't expect that the other party backed away one step earlier than herself.

"Be careful, you almost made yourself fall." Xiang Xin let go of her hand and kept a big step away from her.

Since that day, she has been avoiding seeing each other, saying Duan Duan, acting as if he is not particularly important to her.

In the past, he was the one who turned around and left in a cool way, but since seeing her, his ability to control his feelings has become less and less inconceivably.

He began to miss her every day, wanted to see her, wanted to listen to her, and hoped that she would give him another warm look...

How could it be him?
Nian Nian's heart tightened, and he quickly took two steps back, forcing a large distance between him and him, which made his eyebrows stand erect and his face showed displeasure.

"I thought Mr. Wang would come to confirm the details with me." She turned her eyes away, her eyes wandering around, but she just didn't want to look at him.

How did he come here?Why not leave such trivial matters to the assistant?
Wang Hao is currently living in the luxury suite below his presidential suite. Since the day they broke up, if she wants to inform him, she will convey it through Wang Hao to avoid direct contact.

She suddenly remembered the last time they were alone in the meeting room of her brother's company and almost fired a gun. She was coquettish in his room that night before, and the flame of uneasiness jumped into her heart, and she opened her mouth and swallowed her calmness in one bite.

Xiang Xin stared straight at her, her lips tightened.

How dare she mention Wang Hao?

Thanks to her "detour" to inform him of many things these days, he subconsciously became jealous of Wang Hao, staring at Wang Hao for two nights at work without sleep.

"I'm happy to come, okay?" He narrowed his eyes coldly, with a look of displeasure.

"You are a distinguished guest of the hotel, of course you can." Memorial deliberately showed his most annoying professional smile.

"I'm a distinguished guest of your hotel, why don't you know it?" Xiang Xin approached her step by step with a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

She was a little afraid of his suppressed anger expression at this moment, and couldn't help holding her breath. He took a step towards her, and she took a step back until her back was against the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

He grabbed her white chin with one palm and exerted a little force, forcing her to look up at him.

"If I'm really the honored guest in your mouth, why don't you even answer me for a phone call? You still want him to tell me through Wang Hao!" Does she know how hurtful this deliberate indifference is? !Or, did she just want to hurt him like this on purpose?

Memorial biting her lower lip, trying to turn her head and break free from his control.

But he won't let it go!

Immediately, she was as angry as he was, and since she couldn't break free from his control, she simply raised her chin, stared at him with angry eyes and said, "President Xiang is very busy, I don't want to disturb you, Mr. The work and rest time is relatively clear, and it would be perfect for him to tell you."

"Listen, what a reasonable excuse." Xiang Xin sneered coldly, feeling the blood all over her body rushing to the top of her head, the hand that was not pinching her chin was tightly clenched into a fist, and secretly took a deep breath.

Memorial Nian opened his eyes and saw his sarcastic expression, his heart twitched suddenly.

"Don't forget, compared to intimacy, Wang Hao is far less than one ten-millionth of you. You should know my schedule and all my habits the most, right? After all, you have slept in my bed and become my guest of honor. "His sharp sarcasm pierced the softest part of her heart. "Oh, my restaurant is one of those places where we hugged and I'll never forget when I buried you..."

As he spoke more and more coldly, she felt dizzy for a while.

How could he mention this in such a sarcastic tone?Was he trying to embarrass her on purpose?

"Mr. Xiang, please respect yourself." She was trembling with anger, her hands hanging by her side clenched into fists, staring at him, gritting her teeth and whispering.

"I've become Mr. Xiang again now?" Xiang Xin's eyes were cold, hiding the pain. "Didn't you call me Brother Xin before?"

"Mr. Xiang, we are already strangers. Please forget everything from the past. From now on, we are just the relationship between the guests and the hotel staff." She emphasized strongly.

He twisted his lips, suddenly smiled bitterly, his expression suddenly became extremely empty and full of deep loss.

Forget everything from the past?

If you really fall in love with someone, who can say forget it?

"Don't thank me for such a small thing, I don't like being so polite between us."

"Don't make a wish for me anymore, but make a wish for yourself."

What she had said to him before suddenly flashed through his mind, his serious gaze fell on her indifferent little face, and the dull pain in his chest began to become clear again.

She cares about her brother, but he also has the principle of work, why can she break up with him so quickly?Why can she take back all the warmth she gave so quickly?
She said that she was ranked after work by him, so what about her?
Didn't she rank him behind her brother's company, and once she sentenced him to death, she didn't even give him a chance to appeal!
If someone else dared to treat him like this, with his personality, he would definitely repay him twice, but now he only feels heartache, depression, and sadness.

"Mr. Xiang, may I ask what refreshments need to be prepared, or should the pastry chef of the hotel take care of it?" Jiu Nian barely maintained his indifferent mask, deliberately calling him Mr. Feng every time he spoke, but she also saw the expression in his eyes. A fleeting emotion.

If it weren't for the memory of being ruthlessly rejected by him when she begged him that day, she might have mistakenly thought that whenever she called him Mr. Xiang, the dark light that flashed across his eyes was not anger, but It is heartache.

Xiang Xin gritted her teeth, listening to her saying Mr. Xiang on the left and Mr. Xiang on the right, her heart was broken into pieces by her polite and deliberately distant address...

"I don't care about hot tea, as long as it's good tea, as for dessert..." He let go of her chin and looked straight at her with focused and burning eyes.

She was locked tightly by his fiery eyes, her body was inexplicably unable to move, and even her breathing became extremely difficult, as if she was about to suffocate.

Her feelings for them were definitely not as cold as she showed. He saw attachment and a little pain in her eyes.

Memorial took a deep breath and tried to calm down the turbulent emotions in his heart before he answered calmly, "Okay, I understand. Does Mr. Xiang have any other orders? If not, I have other work. leave first..."

The female intuition is warning her, asking her to escape from the space where only the two of them are alone.

Although the general manager told her to stay in the conference room until the end of the meeting, she really couldn't continue to face him, and he made her very nervous.

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Xiang Xin suddenly walked to the conference table, and with a flick of his left hand, he immediately held a stack of documents firmly in his palm.

"Five copies of these materials need to be printed." He handed the documents to her, with an indifferent expression that made it impossible to guess his mood at the moment.

"Okay, got it." She reached for it naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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