One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 10 10 Lieutenant General Weasel

Chapter 10 10 Lieutenant General Weasel
10. Lieutenant General Weasel
After dismissing those CP9 outer personnel, Kerlock went to find someone.

A person related to Korok's later plans.

That is Lieutenant General Weasel, one of the five lieutenant generals of Tumoling.

After several days of drinking in the restaurant in Marineford, Krok finally saw the weasel lieutenant general, with a figure-eight beard, very extraordinary.

Lieutenant General Weasel, who had just entered, asked for a bottle of wine.

At this time, Korok didn't say a word, just sat and drank quietly, but he kept paying attention to Lieutenant General Weasel.

After a while, Lieutenant General Weasel staggered out of the restaurant after eating and drinking.

Seeing this scene, Ke Luke also followed, without hiding, and followed up openly.Because Ke Luok understood that Lieutenant Weasel might have discovered him a long time ago, but he just wanted to lure him away because he was afraid of fighting and hurting the ordinary people here.

So, the two kept walking in tandem.

While thinking about it, Korok suddenly stopped, because Lieutenant General Weasel was looking at him seriously in front of him.

He raised his head and looked at this place. This is a seaside reef, and there is no one around.

"It's really a good place!" Curlock exclaimed.

But Lieutenant General Weasel obviously wasn't in such a good mood, so he asked, "Who are you?"

"Hahahaha, me, the bounty hunter Ke Luke, also cp9 Ke Luke, are you satisfied with this answer?" Ke Luke looked at Lieutenant General Weasel and said.

"Well, then what do you want from me?"

"It's easy to say, just ask you to do me a favor." After finishing speaking, Korok glanced at Lieutenant General Weasel again, and asked, "How is it?"

"Hahahaha, if you want me to help, it depends on whether you have the ability?"

"Well, it's really an unsolvable question."



I saw that after the two collided once, each of them was ready for battle.


"Where's Lieutenant General Weasel? Here we come! Where's the pirate?"

"Pirate obediently and let's catch it!"

"Lieutenant General Weasel..."

I saw hundreds of sea soldiers rushing to the place where Korok and Lieutenant Admiral Weasel were fighting.


"This man is so strong that he can fight Lieutenant General Weasel evenly."

"Everyone, don't go there, don't be hurt by the aftermath of the battle."

"What a powerful man."

"Look, Lieutenant General Weasel knocked him into the water."

"Hey, where is the person? Why is it missing?"

Really, Korok was hit into the sea water by a blow, so he hid in the water, trying to take the opportunity to attack.

"Lieutenant General Weasel is careful, he is behind you."

Needless to say, Lieutenant General Weasel also knew.

Boom... The aftermath of a battle directly knocked down many sailors who were close.

"Lieutenant General Weasel and that man are really strong!"

"Yes, it's really strong!"

Bang~ bang...

after an hour……

"Look, Lieutenant General Weasel is about to decide the outcome with that man."

Strengthen... Strengthen... Ke Luke kept shouting in his heart. At this time, Lieutenant General Weasel was not feeling well, and he was in a mess.

ah... boom...

"Where is Lieutenant General Weasel?"

"That man was defeated in the end, how could he defeat our Lieutenant Weasel?" All the sailors said in unison when they saw Kerlock being thrown into the sea again.

"...Lieutenant General Weasel..."

When the dust cleared up, Lieutenant General Weasel was lying on the ground, as if exhausted.

Immediately, those sailors rushed up.

"Cough..., it's really powerful." Lieutenant General Weasel said.

"Hahahaha, is it?" Ke Luke came out of the sea.

During the last collision, Korok strengthened his internal organs in time, so that what Korok actually suffered was only trauma.

But after all, it was really inferior to Lieutenant General Weasel. After using the strengthening fruit desperately, Kerlock's internal organs were not hurt.But Lieutenant General Weasel was just exhausted and had some skin trauma.

"Hahahaha, cp9 is really powerful."

"The famous Lieutenant General Weasel is not bad either."

After the two finished talking, they laughed loudly again, "Hahahaha..."

"Go, after fighting for so long, I'm hungry too, let's eat!"

"it is good!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The actions of Korok and Lieutenant General Weasel stunned these sailors.But I was still a little happy in my heart, after all, their lieutenant general weasel was fine.

…Ha ha ha ha……

Two figures climbed shoulders and walked on the way to the restaurant.


 This is the first time I use the profile to describe the fighting scene, there are some shortcomings, please forgive me.

  In addition, I am sorry for the fourth update yesterday, Eclipse Moon.

  Today's third update, making up for yesterday's fourth update.

  Come on, Kerlock, come on everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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