One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 12 14. Knowledge-colored domineering

Chapter 12 14. Knowledge-colored domineering

14 Knowledge-colored domineering

That day, Korok didn't go out, but rested after eating a full meal of leopard meat at night.

And the leopard meat, needless to say, was the big leopard that was punched to death by Ke Luke.

the next day...early morning

Everything on Luskaina Island is awake, birds are flying in the air, and animals are running on the ground, which is full of life.


"It is said that a long time ago, there used to be a country here, but human beings failed to survive the competition. There is cruel nature here, and it is a dangerous place."

This is the rhetoric that Raleigh described Luskaina in One Piece, and it simply stated the danger of Luskaina.


"The so-called domineering is a kind of power hidden in all human beings....Aura, aura, deterrence, these are innate to everyone, but most people don't realize it, or they can't exert it even if they want to. Come out and spend your life hastily... Believe in it, this is a kind of strength."

"Arrogance can be roughly divided into two types, which make people feel the power of the opponent's breath more strongly. This is knowledge-based arrogance. By increasing this strength, you can perceive the position and number of enemies that are not in sight, and even what the opponent will do in the next moment. Action. The next step is armed domineering,'s like wearing an invisible armor,...when the armor is hard enough, it can be transformed into attack power."

"...This is the power to deter the opponent, the domineering aura, cannot be strengthened through exercise, it depends entirely on the user's own aura."

Korok sat cross-legged in front of the tree in the center of the island, and what Rayleigh said to Luffy echoed in his head.

Because he didn't get Rayleigh's teaching like Luffy, Korok had to find out how to cultivate domineering from Rayleigh's words.

But fortunately, what Raleigh said was quite clear.

The so-called domineering is a kind of power hidden deep in the human body, and the practice of domineering is to stimulate this power.

But understanding is one thing, how to cultivate is another. Considering some factors, Kerlock finally felt that he should first cultivate knowledge and arrogance.

Because at this time, what Korok needs most is knowledge and arrogance.With knowledge and arrogance, Korok can perceive the situation here and increase his chances of surviving, so he won't really become a pile of bones.

In addition, Korok still knows some methods of cultivating knowledge and arrogance.

Knowledge-color domineering is nothing more than perceiving things that are not in sight.And to practice knowledge and domineering is to practice the ability to perceive things that are not in sight.

So Korok intends to practice the arrogance of knowledge with his eyes blindfolded, so as to increase his ability to perceive things that are not in sight.

At the beginning, Korok didn't rush to cover his eyes with a cloth, but closed his eyes tightly.

After all, Ke Luke's strength is limited, so he used a cloth to cover his eyes. If he was in danger and had no time to tear the cloth away, he would have to become a meal for the giant beasts on the island.


A few days later, a young man with closed eyes kept dodging left and right to avoid the attack of a giant beast.

It seemed that this young man was still struggling.


A year later, he was still the same young man, but the difference was that his eyes were covered with an opaque cloth.And this figure moved from time to time, easily dodging the attack of a giant crocodile.

This young man was Ke Luke who had been practicing for a year.

Now that Korok's knowledgeable domineering has made some achievements, at least it is no problem to perceive and avoid the attack of this giant crocodile.

Speaking of this giant crocodile, what else should Korok thank him for?Because during this year, Korok spent most of his time practicing with it.

From being difficult to dodge at the beginning to now being easy to dodge, Korok has made great progress.

And this giant crocodile seems to be used to practicing with Ke Luke after a year. As for when Ke Luke approached it later, it acted cooperatively before Ke Luke used force to force it to do it.

Looking at the giant crocodile that Ke Luoke forced to practice for a long time, Ke Luoke said: "It's time to find another more powerful giant crocodile."

"... Giant crocodile, see you again..." Ke Luke said silently in his heart.

"Thank you for practicing with me this year." Korok didn't care what the giant crocodile was thinking, but just thanked the giant crocodile for making such great progress through his knowledge and arrogance.

As soon as the words fell, the giant crocodile fled away like flying, without even looking back.


Korok couldn't help but smile.


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(End of this chapter)

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