One Piece's Enhanced Fruit

Chapter 15 17. Defeating into a Stone Statue

Chapter 15 17. Defeating into a Stone Statue
17. Defeated into a stone statue
"Huh, it's really hard to deal with!" Kerlock said softly after avoiding it.

After all, this sweet fruit is really dreadful.This fruit is only useless to those who cannot see Hancock's beauty and Hancock's charm.

But apparently Korok is not one of these characters.

"No one can resist the charm of being a concubine!" At the same time, Hancock raised his face proudly and said, not at all embarrassing and noble like Kerlock.

"Sweet sweet wind..."

Although it was the same move, it was known from the moment Ke Luke stagnated that this move was unusual.

This is exactly Hancock's trick of using the domineering color.

Although Ke Luoke is not afraid of the domineering look, it still takes some time to resist the domineering look.

It was just a fraction of a second like that, and Korok lost the opportunity, so that Korok could only narrowly dodge the blow.

Seeing that Korok rolled around on the ground and dodged his own attack, Hancock rushed in front of Korok using his knowledge and arrogance.

"Aromatic feet..." Hancock directly used the ability of sweet fruit, mixed with domineering arrogance.

"Huh..." Ke Luke took a deep breath, and ejected with one hand.

Korok, who took a few steps back, looked at Hancock with a proud face, without saying a word, he punched Hancock with his armed domineering color.


Where there is an attack, there is defense. Kerlock and Hancock exchanged more than a dozen moves in a few seconds, but neither of them could do anything to the other.

The two retreated separately, and Ke Luoke used his armed domineering to attack again.


"How can you bully my concubine?" Hancock looked at Kerlock with a pitiful look.

Immediately, Korok's mind jumped, and he wanted to give up resisting, but fortunately, Korok used the reinforcement in an emergency, and his brain was awake.

But it was too late after all, and Hancock greeted him with a domineering fist and kick.


He had no choice but to resist as hard as he could, protecting his vitals.

Just like that, Kerlock retreated under Hancock's constant attack.

Slowly...Korok is getting farther and farther away from the center of the island.

"Master Snake..." I saw the members of Daughter Island chasing Hancock.

Korok was able to defend at first, but as each move passed, Korok suffered more and more attacks.

From time to time, I saw Hancock kicking Korok with his legs.


With the last kick, Hancock kicked Ke Luke on the shoulder. Ke Luke had already received a lot of kicks, but this move was mixed with majestic domineering arrogance, and Ke Luke was kicked out.

Korok didn't notice that he was holding the wound with one hand and propped up on the ground with the other. He had already reached the edge of the island, half a step behind was the sea.

"Cough, cough..."

Ke Luoke held on, and the attack was mixed with domineering look. Rao Ke Luoke also vomited a mouthful of blood after he strengthened his internal organs.

However, seeing Ke Luke's embarrassed appearance, a heart-shaped attack flew over.

This is exactly Hancock who pursued the victory, a "sweet and sweet" attack.

As soon as Ke Luok reacted, he leaned forward, and the attack came in front of him, and it was too late to react, just like that...

Right in the middle of Ke Luke, Ke Luke turned into a stone statue in Ke Luke's somewhat desperate expression.

At this time, the members of Girl Island also arrived.

"No one in this world can resist the temptation of being a concubine!" Kerlock said coldly.

"Master Snake..." The members of Daughter Island looked adoring.

Hancock turned to leave, but at this moment, Curlock's body that was leaning forward became unstable and fell backwards.


The adult-sized statue fell into the water, making a big splash, but that was it, and the members of Daughter Island looked at Hancock adoringly without caring.

And Hancock didn't care much, turned around and left.

At this moment, Ke Luke, oh... no, the stone statue of Ke Luke is slowly sinking against the resistance of the water.

One meter... two meters... 100 meters...

The sinking depth is increasing.


 Just finished writing, everyone will watch first.

(End of this chapter)

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